Calum Cheats

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You went to a party that your brother had hosted with your, two girlfriends. They rolled up into your driveway, turning down the radio. "Call you tomorrow Y/N," One of them shouts as you get out of the car. 

"Tell Calum I said hello," Your other friend yelled from the BMW making you laugh at these girls. You walked to your front porch and watched how they drove away the loud music still clearly heard. You kicked off your heels before even going inside. You rummaged through your purse looking for your keys. You pulled them out jamming them into the keyhole and pushing your way through the door. You took off your jacket hooking it on the coat rack. You started to cringe, not on demand, not on purpose you just did. By the sounds you heard you knew what was happening. 

"Oh hell no!" You jeered, walking towards the stairs of your house. The moaning got louder as you walked down the hallway. Accidental tears slipped from your eyes. You quickly wipe your eyes and found yourself right in front of your bedroom you shared with Calum. You reached wrapping you hand around the cold doorknob slowly twisting it. At the last second, you didn't want to open it, you didn't want to admit to yourself that this was really happening that he was screwing another girl. You closed your eyes, breathing in once more and pushing the door open. 

You couldn't believe what you saw. Your lips formed a straight line, you looked down shaking your head, you didn't even bother to say anything, you didn't bother them at all. You turned on your heels walking down the hallway, you brought your hands to your face muffling the sobs as they came from your mouth. You pulled your hands away wiping the tears that fell down your face accidentally. You slipped into your white converse. You opened the door, slamming it behind you and walking towards your car. You opened your purse that happened to still be on your arm. As you unlocked your car you couldn't believe what your were hearing. Your world, as you knew it, was crumbling. You started to question yourself asking if it was your fault, why he did it, but deep down you knew you did nothing wrong. You pulled yourself into the car, not bothering to drive but not wanted to go into that house. You brought yourself a piece of paper and pen and composed yourself a note.


You woke up the next morning with a pain in your neck, you groaned grabbing it, already knowing what you were doing in your car. How could you forget? You got out walking into your house. Calum was on the couch looking your way smiling.

"Baby, your home," He cooed, making your heart shatter. He got up enveloping you in a hug and kissing your lips, the worst is that you let it happen. "I'm gonna take a shower you want to come?" He asked you. 

"Nah you go," You cajoled for him to go alone. 

"Okay, but remember you can always join," He smiled. You smiled back at him. He went up the stairs once you saw that he was gone, you pulled out your note re-reading it. 

Dear You, 

In this past year with you, I've learned a lot. About myself, about relationships. I've learned that I'm the type of person who loves with her entire being. When I love or care about someone, I love them.

I'm going to be honest with you because that's what people who care about each other do. It's not fair that I'm holding on and hope things will change, which is perfectly reasonable for me to do, but I can't change a person. I can't change you, and I can't change your situation. I can only change myself and the situations I choose to be a part of. 

 I want nothing more than to believe every single word you say about it being crazy. I deserve to treat myself better. At the VERY LEAST, I deserve honesty from you. You've made it clear I am not to sleep with anyone else or go on dates. You would feel hurt if YOU found out I was sneaking around behind your back. So, why do it to me? 

I know you have feelings for me, otherwise you wouldn't even bother with our relationship, but it worries me that this is the way you treat people you care about. I don't want to be treated like that. What's sicker is there are times when we're together and I think nothing and no one else matters—you have this way of making me feel like I am yours and you're mine. 

I just want you to realize what I'm worth. I invite you into my life, my head, my heart, my family, my bed. That is all very special, and not everyone I meet is entitled to those things. I've given you everything and in return, you're not even really mine. Truth is, I'm trying to make you feel so damn bad cause, well you should. Although this note seems adult like you need to know that my hate for you is seething but the worst thing is, is that I still fuckin love you. A relationship falls apart when dishonesty comes into play, and it has. It is no longer fair to me to allow dishonesty  from you when honesty is expected from me. You are the most important person in my life. But, I only have one life, why spend it with someone who doesn't want me and think I'm enough. 

Whether you leave me or I leave you, I am going to miss you—this will be something I never quite get over. I'm going to feel heartbroken—like a failure, someone who just couldn't make it work despite her best efforts. The most I can do is embrace the heartache and hold onto my pride. I hate being alone, but I am 100% content knowing that I will not give myself to anyone undeserving.

I love you. I've never cared about anyone as much as I do for you. I would do almost anything for you. The memories I get to keep as a result of being with you are some of the best I have. You are a fantastic human being with a light about you that draws people to you—but one thing I cannot do is continue letting you lead me down a path of dishonesty. 

Your name is Calum Hood and your quite famous. I just didn't think the bright lights would get to your head, but it has. I have loved you with every being of passion I have. I can no longer provide that if  you are screwing some other girl. You are my beloved, and I reached my arm out to save you so you could be spared. My arm is now bloody and cut off. My heart is ripped out to show you I love you, but you dismissed the fact that I would save you. You just saved yourself. But yet I can feel you all around me. It's almost as if the air is thickening around you. 

But most of all, I just want you. All of you. And in the end, I can only hope you want me, and only me, too.

You walked over to the kitchen leaving the note on the kitchen table and leaving the house.

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