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You sat down next to Calum watching the movie he bought a week ago. He opened the beer for you and then opened one for himself. You both laughed at one scene setting down the drink. You both looked at each other beaming broadly. He leaned in giving you a big kiss. "I love you," he whispered.

"Calum! Stop! This is my favorite part!" You clapped excitedly. He turned to the screen and back at you abruptly.

"You watched this?" He asked. You weren't supposed to watch the movie without him. Since he was at the studio all the time you never got the time, you were very impulsive and watched it without him.

"In my defense, I was bored and alone and had to wait a week to watch it, you can't blame me," You told him. He set down his beer forcefully, scaring you. He moved his body so he was in the perfect position to pounce on you.

"You still watched it!" He yelled at you. This was unusual of Calum. You cupped his face in your hands running you thumb over his cheek.

"Cal, babe what's up?" You ask.

"The sky," he said quickly, so it was imperceptible. He took your arms in his hands a pinned you down on the couch.


"You watched the movie that I bought first!" he playfully growled.

"I'm sorry!" You laughed.

"You sure will be when I'm finished with you."


Michael ruined your night. More then ruined, destroyed. But out of that came the best thing that could ever happen, your engagement to Tobi. You were going to Michael's house to ask him to leave you alone and you would do the same. A "peace treaty." as you called it. You rolled up to his house. A smile plastered on your face not from being there, but from getting an amazing fiancé. You opened the unlocked door and walked into the living room. You wore a long light pinkish white dress that flowed beautifully.

"You came," You heard from behind you as you walked into the living room. You looked down seeing his familiar hair.

"You need to stop Michael," You told him sternly. "You're ruining everything for me!" You proclaimed. He stood up suddenly. "I know the breakup hurt you, but I'm with someone else now," you scolded.

"I'm sorry, Y/N. But let's be honest you were never going to really work with him," he admitted. "I need you, more than ever. You're everywhere and I crave your touch and love." He confessed. "Everything everyone told me I had to be, who I was supposed to be, what I needed to be was all lies!" He explained to you. "The only thing that has ever been real and honest and pure was us, it was you and you know that, that's why you came back for me." He smiled towards the end of the sentence. He set down his beer quickly walking over to you and attaching his lips to your neck sucking and attacking it with kisses immensely. You crinkled you nose trying to pull away. He held onto you tightly making sure you couldn't move. You fought against him making sure you could at least breath

"Tobi asked me to marry him," you told him hoping he would get off. He stopped at once slowly moving his head inches away from you face. He looked down with sadness in his eyes.

"You'll never marry anyone else, you're mine," He said forcefully.

"I wanted to be, I wanted it so bad, but I don't want it, not anymore." You told him.

"But your mine!" He screamed, forcefully bringing his arms around your waist and forcing his lips onto yours. You moved your head away from his and looked at him in shock.

'Michael, I said it was over!" You told him.

You pushed away from his grip and ran out the door tears streaming from you eyes.


"Oh Y/N you can wear my dress, everyone had it in my family, you will love it," Ms. Irwin clapped her hands excitedly. You wanted to cry. This was you're and Ashton's wedding and so far it's been him and his mother making all the decisions. You stood upright.

"Ms. Irwin I know you want to see me in your dress but I want to choose my own!" You told her.

"Oh Y/N, this dress has been in my family forever it will look beautiful on you!"

You turned to Ashton.

"Ashton please!" You said "You said I could do the flowers that didn't happen, you said I could choose the location, that didn't happen, and all I really wanted was to pick the dress and that didn't even happen!" You exclaimed in front of Ms. Irwin.

"Y/N calm down," He told you to bring his hand to his temples. You felt tears becoming you. This was your wedding, your moment. You looked over his mother.

"I need a moment," You blurted out. He sighed loudly.

"I'm sorry mum," He said going after you. You walked into the bathroom thinking you closed the door behind you.

"Y/N, I'm sorry," You heard Ashton apologize behind you. "My mom can be controlling, but I'm sure we can push back the date and let you make some changes, you can pick the dress with my your family and mine, I'm sorry for being inconsiderate." He stated. You wiped your eyes and looked at him.

"Thank you," You said happily, running out the bathroom to go talk to his mother.


"Y/N stop being selfish, it's not all about you!" he yelled from the drivers seat after dinner at your favorite restaurant.

"How was I being selfish if I offered to pay?" You asked madly.

"You got all mad at me when I paid like a little brat!" He yelled.

"You want to talk about being a brat," You shouted. "Well let's see Luke, yesterday you got mad at makeup for 'Making your hair look dumb' you got mad at me for not making you a fucking sandwich, you got mad at Ashton for just talking about music with me, and you screamed at everyone when you got the 'small' hotel room when it was one of the biggest hotel suites! Its all about how Luke feels, what Luke wants, what Luke needs, how does Luke look. Not once has it been about your band mates or me. I don't even know why I put up with you! If its because I love you, I'll be damned, my mother never taught me to be so dumb!" He didn't respond, he just kept his eyes on the road; his hands clenched the steering wheel so hard his knuckles turned white. His jaw was clenched but there was so much feeling in his eyes. He drove up to the house you shared and you leaped out the car, opening the house door and jumping in. You began walking up the stairs when you heard a voice.

"Hey!" Luke screamed from behind you. "Get down here!" you heard him scream louder, but all you did was walk up the stairs. That is until you were slammed into the bathroom door.

"You want me to be less selfish, less bratty, let's start now," He whispered into your ear. "It's going to be about you tonight, just you, the way Y/N feels, what Y/N wants, what Y/N likes." He began kissing down your neck. "Would you like that Princess?" You nodded your head quickly. "I thought so." 

Havent posted in a while, but here you go : )

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