Michael Imagine: Clubbing

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The two of you were going out for one of his friend's birthday. Being that he was single, he though to have it at a club. He got a private room but the rest of the club was open for the general public. After you guys arrived, you chatted with a variety of people. Some people you knew immediately greeted you.

A few minutes later, you noticed that Michael and you had been split up between conversations. On one side of the room you were talking with the girls you first saw, on the other side, Michael was chatting with some of his friends but would send a glance your way every once in a while. Knowing this fact, when your friend grabbed your hand and stated you were going to the dance floor, you couldn't say, "no."

You strutted out onto the floor with several other girls that came to the party as well. All of you were having fun dancing while your boyfriends watched from the second story where the party was. Jamming out to a variety of popular songs, everyone was getting a little rowdy. The four of you were disappointed that none of your boyfriends decided to join you guys. Hence, you guys decided to tease them a bit. You knew Michael had been watching you all night and would be the first to point out what you were up to. Grinding and dancing more proactively against one another, you look up to see if they finally caught on. You lock eyes with Michael and quickly send him a wink before turning back to the girls you were with and dancing with them.

Not even a song later, you feel someone grip your hips and pull you into them from behind. He moves your hair to the side and says, "And just what do you think you're doing, pulling something like that?" Moving to the beat of the song playing, you simply turn and smirk saying, "It's not my fault none of you guys wanted to join us." He chuckles and says, "Well if I would have known this would have been the result, I would have."

The song changes to one better suited for dancing, Body by Dreezy is playing through the speakers and you pull him down to your level. You say to him, "I'll be sure to make it worth it then." Surrounded by people, your main focus is on him, as his is on you. One hand is on your waist while the other is on your behind. Moving to the beat of the song, you are grinding against one another. Intoxicated by the feeling of your bodies against each other, it heats up to a full on make out session on the dance floor. Sloppy kisses and lingering touches make you thirst for one another even more. Knowing each other well enough, you both move in a way that sends teasing messages. Teasing words are fired back and forth between you both, saying what you'd love to do with one another– even if it were in front of everyone there. All Eyes on You by Meek Mill is playing, his tongue is in your mouth, lips moving against yours, and his hands are grabbing at your clothing.

"Get a room already!" You hear his friend shout at the two of you. You both draw away from one another and laugh his friend's comment. You two were so wrapped up in one another, you both had forgotten where you were. Michael simply grabs your hand and says, "I certainly am not opposed to calling it a night and taking you home for dessert," sending a wink your way. You roll your eyes at his comment and he drags you out of the crowded dance floor. The two of you say goodbye to your friends and leave the club to head back to the hotel you were staying at to continue where you left off.

Note I do not like any the songs that were put into this imagine

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