Luke Smut P. 1~ Sirens

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I don't understand people who read The Maze Runner and are still mentally fine. 

Inspired by the book Wake. 

At first, you were jealous, then on second thought, you were suspicious. Penn, Lexi, and Thea marched into Summerville with their heads held high. Gorgeous. Dangerous. Fearless. You were carefree, happy, pretty, and falling in love with Luke. Everything was falling right into place this summer. Until Penn, Lexi, and Thea chose you to join their group. They gave you a drink, and you, being naive, drank it. Lexi was the most persistent. They were mean, no matter how hard you tried she couldn't get Lexi's words out of your head. "You're one of us now." It disturbed you.

After that night you woke up, suddenly more beautiful, faster, and stronger than you ever were as a swimmer. They caught everyone's attention, but you caught theirs. Once you realized you could breathe under water, you knew something was up. One by one you noticed boys going missing. First, it was Calum, then Michael, Jack was gone too. You had a suspicion it was them.

Penn, Lexi, and Thea showed up at your beach house. Your parents were on vacation and your sister was out. You walked outside kicking the sand with your feet.

"Don't look so sad you're one of us now," Thea laughed. You looked at them coldly. I will never be on of you, you wanted to say.

"Get out now." You said. Lexi's face slowly turned to a sickening look of hatred. She reached for you sinking her nails into your skin. You pulled away quickly, pushing her away from you.

"We chose you. Be grateful," She hissed. You looked down at your arm. A cut. It started to heal. The cut vanished within seconds, and the pain was gone.

"What have you done. What are you doing to me?" You asked. Penn talked before anyone else could.

"Sirens exist, mermaids don't." Penn gave you a mischevious look. She was trying to insinuate you were a siren. But that was absurd.

"Excuse me?" You asked harshly. Lexi seemed to be the leader, the way she stood in front of all of them. "What is all of this?"

"There was four of us," Lexi jumped in. "Four of us, we were sirens."

"What are you implying?" You spat out. "That I'm a beautiful-man-eating siren?" You stood there a few seconds shocked, it made sense. You looked up to see them smiling tremendously.

"It's a long story how it all started, but, it's a curse." You scoffed at Thea.

"What happened?" You asked.

Thea gave you a smile. This time genuine. "A long time ago there were four girls, all had their specialties, and all attracted the god Poseidon, Agalope, Peisinoe, Thelxiepeia, and Liegea. Poseidon being the god of the ocean was attracted by their swimming and singing. He invited them to be with him. Peisinoe, one the sisters, thought she could marry him. He was falling in love with her after all. So she left with him. She thought she could entice him with her swimming. Persephone was getting ready to wed, the maiden they were supposed to watch over. When all four of them left, they forgot about Persephone. Thea looked at the ground and began to speak again. "That day Persephone was abducted and raped." Penn looked at you slowly, trying to read your expression. "Demeter being the mother of Persephone pleaded to one of the gods to inflict a punishment on the girls. Peisinoe knew her father wouldn't protect them, so she went to Poseidon for protection." Thea paused and looked over at Penn. It was like they recited this and have said it 100 times before.

"But he didn't save them," Penn said quietly. "He didn't even care." Thea sighed and looked back to you.

"He didn't save them. So Demeter made them part fish, she made them immortal. She gave them a voice so hypnotic no man could deny it. She gave them beauty. Being a being a 'beautiful-man-eating siren isn't the worst part." Thea explained with a wry smile. "Every man would fall in love with their voice, a siren's beautiful appearance, but no person would ever get past their voice and beautiful body. They'd never really know them for who they are, never really love them. It would be impossible for them to fall in love and have it returned back."

"So you're Agalope, Peisinoe, and Thelxiepeia." You said.

"I was once Peisinoe and Thea was once Thelxiepeia, but Lexi is the replacement for Liegea because she died," Penn explained.

"I'm a replacement for Agalope's replacement." You sighed. "But how could she replace one of the sisters?"

"If we leave Penn for example. She would die. We all have to be together." Thea said.

"But what if I..." You trailed off. My parents, brother, Luke. You lifted her head, meeting Thea's eyes. "I don't want this."

"Then you will die," Penn said. She shrugged as if she couldn't care less, but her voice was hard and her eyes burned. "If that's what you wish, then so be it."

"Demeter was dumb. She gave us power, not a curse," Lexi laughed. But you didn't see it that way. "Say goodbye, and come meet us. Once we leave, you really are one of use." Couldn't I just stall you thought? Stay here. Nonetheless, you got up and went to see Luke.

You weren't one of them yet, So Luke still loved you and you loved him back.

Almost as if the wind blew them away. The three girls were gone in an instant. So was you humanity. 

Lmfao I'm back peeps. Also blowing kisses to the people who always comment on my stories. 

Love yall. 

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