"Fuck you, I'm leaving"

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You waited and waited until he got home, playing Paramore on your phone. You inserted the ear buds in your ear and stared at the door. The only sound you could hear was the music. You were upset at Calum. More than upset, fuming. You saw a tall figure walk through the door. Not drunk, not buzzed, not stoned, he was okay. You scoffed walking back to your bedroom. He made you all worried for nothing. You took off your ear buds. You heard him shuffle in mumbling profanities more so directed at you. "I come home, no "Hi," no "I love you," and no kiss." He was upset over nothing. He went on just digging at you. "No food on the table, no clothes laid on the bed to change into." By now you had enough. You pulled his pillow over your ears, just giving you peace from Calum's voice. The bed sunk down, meaning Calum has just taken his place. Your pillow was swept right under you. You replaced it with his. He slowly began to take the blanket and his pillow back leaving you on the bed cold and uncomfortable. He wrapped his arm around you, resulting you to scoff and push him off of you. "Bitch." He whispered. You got out of the bed, pulling a blue sweater out of your closet and grey sweat pants. You pulled the sweater over your crop top and the sweat pants over your shorts. "Babe where are you going," Calum whispered, hurt. Now he showed an ounce of love. "Fuck you, I'm leaving," you bluntly stated. His eyes widened in realization as you walked out of the bedroom. He heard the front door slam and he just then realized what he had done.


"Y/N come back to bed, you're being a bitch!" He yelled from the bedroom. You chuckled coldly grabbing your computer case, which held your charger and computer. You grabbed your phone and purse as Michael watched silently from the bedroom his eyes watering as he watched. You put on your snow boots and Michael now knew you were going to leave. The snow fell peacefully out the door not matching the aura inside. He got himself out of the bed and followed you. "You can't leave me here!" He yelled running towards you, tears poking at his eyes.

"mmm-hmm," You hummed as you kept walking, finding essential stuff you needed throwing into your bag.

"I won't let you," he screamed again. He rammed you into the front door as your bags dropped at your sides. He slowly unbuttoned you shirt. "I can fix this," he whispered, but he wasn't just telling you, he was trying to convince himself he could fix it. "I can fix this" he whispered again, tears more evident on his face now.

"Michael let go," You said, pushing him in the chest.

"No, I can fix this," He cried grabbing you shirt and trying to take it off. "Let me fix it Y/N" he sobbed grabbing your arms and trying to kiss you. You moved you head out of the way. "Why can't you let me fix this," He sobbed to you as you began to grab your stuff. You opened the door.

"Fuck you, I'm leaving." You hissed, walking into the snowy night.


"Once you cheat we're over in my book, when you cheat on me with my friend, your dead to me," You yell at Ashton, the sudden sadness replaced with anger.

"I don't even remember it happening, Y/N she could have like drugged me," He yelled.

"Ha, funny lie," You laughed in his face. You grabbed his clothes from his closet and threw them on the ground and kicked them down stairs. "I'm not leaving Y/N!" He screamed.

"Oh yes, you are," You scoffed sounding my confident than you actually are.

"I live here, I'm not leaving," He said standing his ground. You looked around trying to think of something do. Ashton smirked knowing that he got you right where he wants you. "Fuck you, I'm leaving," you stated catching him by surprise.

"You can't," he said running after you as you walked away.

"Yes I can, and you can watch me walk my pretty little ass out the door" you retorted. Tears started to prick his eyes and at this point, he was just saying anything that could make you stay.

"She forced me!" "She kissed me!" "I swear I didn't mean it!" He cried for you. By then you already had most of your stuff together. You ran down the stairs as he was left crying behind you. "Don't leave me," he sobbed. But by then you shut the door.


"I don't need you paying for me Luke," "I have my own money that I make on my own!" you yelled at him.

"No you don't, that's why you are so cheap!" He snapped. His word didn't hurt because you knew it wasn't true. It wasn't that you didn't appreciate what Luke does for you, you do, all he wants to do is help but you want to be independent and when he just pays for everything it makes you feel worthless. You have told Luke these countless times, probably a million and he still does it.
"I'm in college Luke, I don't have money for 70 dollar shoes or 4000 dollar dresses for a party I'm going to go to once," You hissed.

"That's why I'll buy it for you," He clamed down. But he still didn't get it.

"I don't need fancy clothes, and I certainly don't need you to pay for my college tuition!" You shouted trying to get it through his head.

"I have more money than I need, hell I'm dripping with cash Y/N," He said opening his wallet and showing you the money he had. "Why don't you just take it?" He said throwing the hundred dollars at you.

"I'm not a charity case!" You shouted

"You sure as hell feel like it." You have had enough. You grabbed your phone and turned towards him.

"Fuck you, I'm leaving!"

"Where are you going to go?"

"I'm going to find a fuckin dorm to live in cause I sure as hell am not living with you"

This was fun to write, also, thanks for the reads I never thought I'd get this much and I'm so grateful. I'm running out of ideas for preferences already even though there are so much and I would really like you to tell me some. Thanks-DANI

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