The Dream

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Drums, drums were the only thing she could hear, them bang loud sounding like the call of the hunt, but who was the hunters and who is the hunted? The young woman ran inside the temple with columns covered in jungle vines, torches were the only source of light in the temple the woman saw strange symbols on the walls images of apes, humans, fire, and bleeding hearts, at the end of the temple were 3 godlike beings in the middle of the walls. The altar under it was decorated in golden flowers on top of human skulls were sitting at the bottom of the altar, on top of it 3 statues of prehistoric Apes that had existed a thousand years ago.

One ape was described in tribal painting, carrying a spear in one hand and a shield in the other, his face showed of grim and sadness, the apes called him Caesar the ape of war or the uniter of the strong,

the second was a female ape with long locks of hair she was adorned in flowers and beads carrying a pitcher in one hand and an apple in the other, her face showed of kindness and serene the apes called her daughter of peace, commonly once known as Lake the daughter of Eve.

the last ape was male he wore a robe covering him from head to toe, he carried a large scroll with two hands, his face showed of Intellect and pride they called him Semos the ape of astrology and knowledge.

The images burned into the young woman's brain like a hot poker on skin, she paused her breath and swallowed, sweat was forming on her forehead, her throat felt like a rope was tightening up inside her, she heard the drums outside get louder with each beat it made it was as if someone was behind her getting closer with every step they took, her heartbeat in her chest it made it difficult for her to breath regulary, she heard the sound of footsteps getting more closer, the young woman dared not turn thus hearing the sound of metallic footsteps it felt familiar but not how the young woman remembers outside the temple she heard cries and screams of the men, women and children being slaughtered, she heard swords and spears clash together and fire burning louder and brighter the woman looked around out of instinct but didn't see anyone enter the temple she only saw bodies lining up on dirt ground, the humans were clashing with apes the war was more violent than it was before.

The young woman turned away from the grisly scene she knew she had no place to hide all she can do is pray for a sign of help, the yong woman knelt down in front of the altar and prayed for forgiveness and help to each of the statues.

"Forgive me of my tresspassing Caesar but I need your guidance give me a sign, a message I need your help Please Lake watch over me and protect me from deaths cold hands, Semos please show me my path through this darkness what is my destiny?" the young woman quietly spoke and took one last gaze from the altar and rose up taking one more breath but stopped as she looked towards her shouldee seeing a hairy paw on her shoulder, her face showed of fear and surprise, her breathing became faltered and stopped, She felt a sniff on her shoulder than to her neck.

The young woman cried softly and felt the hairy fingers rest from her shoulder to her neck they were rough and cold covered in blood, the young woman turned her head slightly to see the dark figure, his shiny black gaze flashed across her face the young woman tried to scream but was silenced by his hand, the dark ape grabbed her face and brought it close to his the young women saw the dark apes gaze his face was covered in scars, his teeth were jagged and sharp, his fur was dark brown close to black he had bits of white due from age his two pale greens eyes pierced against her hazel ones, his face intimidated her, she knew he could kill her, but the young woman knew who he is the chimpanzee general, the dark chimp's shiny dark gaze was at her he snarled and shoved her down on the stony floor, it knocked the wind out of her chest the young woman tried to breath in but nothing came out only the feeling of choking.

The dark chimp sheathed his sword and brought it close to her chest the chimp was ready to plunged the blade into her heart his mouth formed into a sadistic smile feeling the need to kill her, the woman kicked him and tried to push him off but failed, the young woman sobbed, tears stained her face. The chimp knelt his face down to her ear shushing quietly and spoke "you are young and were ready to bloom little flower" he said gentle soothing like honey, he brought his hairy paw to her stomach "but now" his voice sounded dark and hoarsed and harsh he paused and looked directly into the young woman's eyes before standing up and pressed his metal boot on her stomach and raised his blade up "NOW YOU MUST BE SILENCED!!!" he howled, the young woman screamed in fear and felt the blade pierced her heart, her scream became silent.

what did you guys think let me know if you guys liked it Critiscm and compliments are welcome.

(what did you guys think let me know if you guys liked it Critiscm and compliments are welcome)😉

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