The ship they called Oberon part 2

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Lexie raced down the hallway feeling worried and frustrated she was taking in short breaths through her lungs trying to keep up much as possible.

"How fuckin dare he using the flight program without me he knows I need to train Pericles for situations like these?" Lexie huffed feeling angry about the situation. She turned her head skid to a stop, turning her direction through the hallway, she shoved into one man who's paper's went flying "Move it Hetero!" she yelled while the man went to scramble up his papers.

Lex raced up to the training program and finally found the round size room, and there next to the prototype pod was Leo and there's no doubt in Lex's mind that Pericles was on the prototype. Deep down in Lexie's heart she loved her brother so much he was kind, funny, headstrong, and sometimes an idiot. Leo turn his to face his little sister, she looked angry and in a hurry she maybe 22 but he knew she could kick his ass anytime after all he and her were enlisted from the military he became captain she became lieutenant not bad for her age took them a few years and they earned their ranks. Lex had her arms crossed like a kid that was refused from a cookie.

Leo hold up his hand as a sign of wait.

Lex waited til her eyes went wide as she and Leo heard Pericles went into a panic and started yelling his head off, Lexie ran down to the pod to see Pericles tapping the buttons on the dashboard frantically and banging his control stick.

Leo went in front of the screen when it went black and the hologram disappeared. Leo looked up at the chimp with a disappointed look his "you lose" Leo said pressing the button on the control switch in his hand "again" he sighed and the program ended. Pericles made more quizzical noises and started getting angry. Lexie went up to the pod and started rubbing Pericles on his furred cheek like a mother "hey it's okay Pericles remember to changed your flight sequence" she said gently. The chimp grimaced in puzzlement and bang harder on the unresponsive keyboard. "That's enough Pericles" Leo said in a serious tone.

Pericles ignored the order and continue to take out his frustration on the control board,

"Pericles stop it's ok" Lex said trying to calm the chimp down. "Pericles stop we mean it or no treat!" Leo said. Pericles couldn't have ended his eruptions any faster if Lexie and Leo didn't wave the treat in his face he peered at the siblings anxiously. Leo smiled and grabbed the treat that Lexie offered him for "Pericles how well do we know you" the pair of siblings said simultaneously, Leo popped the treat to Pericles mouth after Lex pulled the visor of the Chimps helmet down. Lex unbuckled Pericles seatbelt and scooped him up in her embrace she opened his helmet's visor up and popped another treat into his mouth she grabbed his helmet and pulled it off and grabbed in one hand and had Pericles in the other "you deserve the treat Pericles" Lexie smiled "Lex you spoil him too much" Leo sighed

Lex rolled her eyes "and there's a reason why I prefer the company of chimps than people", the two siblings walked down the hallway which led to the caution live animals room "Hey Pericles was the big bad Sapien teasing you we all know he's jealous cause your better than him" Lexie cooed Pericles and nuzzled her nose into his like a mother would to their young, Pericles chittered happily and pressed his lips on Lexies cheek for a quick kiss "aww mommy loves you" Lexie cooed. "Ever considered having a boyfriend" Leo said with a hint of sarcasm. Lexie shocked her head "Hell no I rather be single and stay with my chimps than be surrounded by more dicks than a curious teenager" she stated her opinion with so much sarcasm that it could be spreaded on toast. "What about the dude Mark he had a crush on you" Leo questioned. Sure enough the same guy Mark, Leo mentioned was holding papers and was too focused on them he didn't see Lexi put her foot out and Mark yelled in surprised and fell on the floor with his papers scattered.

"Well you if some guys don't get along with my Chimps I show them what I truly feel" Lex said with a hint of sarcasm in it. Leo decided not to escalate it further but instead asked her the iciest of questions "do you want to go back to earth?" Lexie suddenly stopped her tracks a like a deer in headlights. Pericles wimpered softly sounding like he was about to cry.

Lex kissed Pericles on his forehead and shushed him gently she turned her head to Leo's direction, her expression showed she looked like she was about to shit a brick she breathed in and out and finally spoke "Leo we've been over this, the reason why I took this assignment it's because I wanted to leave Earth I wanted to explore the Stars to see other places and I hope, I just hope that there's other life that's faring better than Earth, it's just getting worse I keep hearing things on the news net about forests getting cut down and the Ape population is thinning out and no offense Mom and Dad knew that I wanted to leave Earth and Earth is dying and that's on governments hands not mine so let's just stop ok" Lex stated with pleading eyes, her anger subsided but it still lingered.

As soon as Lex, Pericles, and Leo made their way into the lab Lex saw 2 chimps one was painting and the other was using a xylophone Lex, Pericles and Leo made their way to a table where Lex saw a woman in her late 20s to early 30s wearing a white uniform and her dark brown hair was in a tight ponytail, her name was Grace. Lex knew Grace back at the Academy and they became close friends when they found out but they both had similar goals and shared traits and both shared a love of chimpanzees, Gorillas, and Orangutans. Grace turned her head to see Leo and Lex with Pericles her face showed excitement when Pericles swinged from Lex to her arms "Hey there you are" she cooed happily catching Pericles in her arms, the chimpanzee chittered happily in her arms and turned his face to Leo's expressing his upset.

"Was the homo sapien mean to you again we all know it's just rocket envy" she cooed and whispered into Pericles ear "ouch" Leo thought "burn" Lex thought smiling wide enjoying the conversation. "ever consider an actual boyfriend?" Leo asked Grace.

"You mean do I enjoy being miserable" Grace snorted "no thanks I'll stick with my Chimps" "Amen girl" Lex said sounded relieve she was not the only one.

The 2 girls shared a high five and had a small laugh. "Hey" Leo said getting Pericles attention Leo grinned and held out both of his hands for Pericles to find the treat Pericles chosed Leo's left hand and found an empty Palm, Pericles forehead wrinkled and immediately he indicated Leo's right hand, Leo opened his right hand and it was empty Pericles eyes opened wide, letting out of sound that sounded like a mix of a Screech and a whine, his face showed of frustration and sadness. Grace's face and lips quirked in disapproval, Lex's expression easily read "are you being a smartass". Leo ignored their stares and spoke up "I'm teaching him"

"No your teasing him" Lex spoke with disapproval in her tone. Leo watch Pericles glowering at him the chimp didn't exactly look happy either "he's Gene spliced chromosome enhanced he's a state of the art monkey he can take it" Leo said. Lexi and Grace eyed him dubiously " you know when you frustrate them they can get confused" Grace said giving Pericles the treat he was enjoying, "even violent" Lex added and no sooner as she said that the quadruple looked behind to see Apasia rattling the bars of her cage. "Hey congratulations Pericles" Grace said happily walking near Apasia's cage "you're going to be a daddy" Lex said happily scratching his head Leo glanced at the 2 girls "I thought I saw a smirk on his face" Leo added. Grace peered over at him "actually the female was the aggressive one" she said dryly

"She's just getting older it's understandable". "Hey Leo, Lex you two got a postcard" Steven yelled out getting the siblings attention, the pair looked at each other and smiled anxiously to find out who sent them a postcard.

"Race you" Lex said and she and Leo sprinted. "Don't be mean to guys along the way!" Leo yelled to his sister Lex gasped as if she was accused of a crime "Leo I'm a very nice person. Sometimes" Lex shoved Mark out of her way while he fell on his papers.

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