Home part 1

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The two Siblings raced and laugh down the hallway feeling the exhilarating air of the ship hit their lungs filling them with burts of energy Leo was a head start away from Lex but she was an inch close the two glanced at each other quick and faced the hallway, they turned and saw Leo's door.

Lex made her tactic and performed a front flip to the door while Leo did his tactic and performed a roll, the two siblings were an Inch away from the door ready to be the winner to answer the postcard, sadly the siblings hit the door in front of their faces and hit it on impact, both faces pressed against the door groaning, Leo turned his head to his sister "truce?" he asked, Lex turned her head as well and nodded "Truce."

The door opened automatically and the siblings fell on the floor groaning in pain, the two rose up and Leo made his way to the chair turning on his computer, he turned his head to look over his sister "you wanna watch?" Leo asked his sister before the postcard could play.

Leo knew his sister about her way with people and how she handled the harshness of it and true she said she hated Earth and never wants to come home but she had to for their cousin's wedding and Steve Landon's barbeque but he couldn't swayed Lex nor even force her to do something she hated he still loves her no matter what, after their parents passed, Leo made a promise to take care of her and let her choose her life that's what their parents would've wanted. Lex dusted herself off and turned her head up to meet her brother's gaze "heh well Leo I actually watched it already" Lex confessed, Leo's face showed of surprise 'how?" he asked, Lex simply smiled "there are better ways than hacking and I actually found your password underneath your underwear drawer seriously its embarrassing" she giggled finishing the last part "What did you think?" Leo asked Lex hoping her opinion was alright Lex placed both of her hands on her waist and took a breath "well I will admit Mr. Landon's barbeques sounded better than our cousin Stephanie's wedding but I would go, but if you want know, I'm glad our friends and family miss us and want to see us, it makes me happy you know about how much they cared about us so yeah I'll think about it, but right now I'm gonna head to the bridge, Grace talked about a strange energy" Lex turned her body around to the front door, before she stepped out she glanced back at Leo with a smile and spoke. "Thanks Leo for.. you know for being there for me and also where's my goddamn hoodie!?" she sounded frustrated Leo laughed a bit, before regaining himself "It's near the first delta pod" he explained right after Lex smacked him on the back of the head "you owe me for this" she called out after the sound of her footsteps disappeared through the hallway.

Leo smirked rubbing his head he turned back to face the computer and pressed play to watch the vid.

Lexie found her white and dark grey striped hoodie on the seat of the delta pod and wore it over her tank top, she left the pod open in case she sat on the cold floor, she pressed her back and rested her arms on her knees she felt the pocket of her hoodie a bit heavy, her expression of confusion was all over her face, she reached inside of her pocket to find a small box wrapped in monkey patterns there was a note on the side of it, Lex took the note off and opened it to see what it said "Happy 22 Birthday Lex, I wanted to say it but I figured you would forget it and you said it yourself we both had priorities. I don't know how it affected you but I miss mom and dad too you strived to be better you were one of the top grads don't blame yourself over for what happened to them there was nothing you could do. I love you, you're the only sister I have and you always had a open mind even for these apes here do what you think is right Love your brother".

Lex dropped the card as it hit the floor she took a shaky breath, feeling her tears rise up out of her eyes "one of these days Leo I owe you" she thought in her head laughing a little bit, she looked down at the small box she grabbed it in one hand and tore the wrapping off the box, she reached for the top opening the top to see what was inside inside, the box revealed a chimpanzee toy with a rope necklace with 3 golden hearts she opened the first heart to reaveal her brother and her parent's on one side then the other had a picture of Pericles, the 2nd heart had a picture of Grace and 3rd she opened was empty "maybe it's for whoever I want to put in" Lex thought she pressed her hand against her mouth feeling her overwhelmed emotions rise up, these were the greatest gifts she ever wanted. She couldn't ask for anything better.

The alarm of the ship blared up Lex wiped her tears away and stuffing the monkey toy away in her hoodie she wrapped the necklace around her wrist tight enough so it wouldn't fall off, Lex rose up kicking the box away somewhere between the pods. Lex took a breath making her way down to the bridge.

Suddenly the light's went black and came back on Lex felt the oberon shake a little bit, she felt a panic feeling inside her throat swell up but pushed it down and made her way to the bridge wandering what's happen.

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