Punished yet Sold

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(warning this will have some gore and some torture)

The darkness evaporated from Lexie's eyes like smoke from water, her body felt heavy aching on a cot she was laying in, her wound on her side was dry with a cloth wrapped tightly on the side of her stomach, her vision came clearer to her as her eyes adjust to the area she's currently in, Lex looked down to see her a piece of cloth underneath her dried tank top, she breathed a sigh of relief that she's still wearing her clothes, she looked around seeing as she was in a tent with red colors, the cots next her have other human's with different wounds on themselves there were other cots in front of her had ape soldiers clad in red armor with wounds as well, she raised herself up knowing she herself was in a cot she turned her head to the left to see a chimp near a water bowl washing his hands off of what seemed to be blood he wore a green tunic with green pants and dark brown shoes.

"Can't believe they sent me out here to treat the wounded and the animals I'm an apprentice not a medic" he muttered to himself, Lex slowly rose up from her cot lowering her legs down on the ground, she crouched low making less noise as possible to get away from this tent as possible "Go to the front they said it'll be fine they said" he muttered clearly not in a good mood, Lex would've laugh if this situation were different, she crawled on her stomach as she was merely inches away from the tent opening Lex smiled to herself thinking she was gonna pull this off she heard something metallic drop the dirt ground on instinct she turned her head to the sound to be surprised as the chimp in front of her was surprised himself to see a human crawling away, before he could say a word Lex rose high, sprinting out of the opening "No don't go!" He yelled out Lex ignored him, she came out of the opening sprinting towards the camp Lex halt in wide eye to see what could be a war camp there were other tents in red and a few other tents in dark purple, there were horse station's largest cage pens big enough to fill at least fill 15 people at most Lex stared at the place in disbelief seeing apes Gorillas, Chimpanzees, a few orangutans walking about "this is a goddamn military camp" she spoke "human stop!" Lex turned her head to see the medic chimp after her "the medic chimp looked around for reinforcements, she didn't stick around to find out as she sprinted through the military camp carelessly.

(Meanwhile at the main camp)
The Generals we're in the main tent, a gorilla clad in dark purple armor wearing a helmet with chainmail was trying to pin point where the other human villages are, while the general behind him was combing his hair he was clad in dark armor with gold linens his helmet was laying by his cot, as he is getting ready to hunt more humans. Til all of sudden a human woman ran into the tent with a look of panic on her face "Oh shit!" She yelled acting like a deer in headlights as she slowly backed up from the main opening, Lex thought she had escaped her pursuer's but only to end up in the heart of the army camp with the generals leading it.

General Ursu looked up much to his surprise a human in his tent, General Thade behind him who was busy combing his hair stopped mid way to see a woman, "Captain Arto has told us you were unconscious, now it seems unlikely" Ursu smirked catching Lex with his eyes, "General punish her" Ursu snapped his fingers at Thade "Get Arto while your at it this is his problem as much as yours"
"With pleasure" Thade said crushing the comb into pieces as he made his way over to the young woman with malicious intent, Lex looked between Ursu and Thade in fear and anger "NO!" She yelled punching Thade straight in the jaw.

"You bitch!" Thade growled as he attempted to grab ahold of Lex, she delivered a blow to his knee giving her a chance to escape. "I'll alert Attar and the others about this" Ursu said calmly "Oh and general get the human or I will strip you of your rank do I make myself clear" he growled low at the last statement, "perfect" Thade grunted as he made his way to alert Arto in his tent.

Lex bolted out of the tent and started to run looking for a way out of the camp, she ran the path as many attempt to surround her Apes, Humans, and Monkeys looked bewildered as she ran by, some apes tried to stop her but she proved to quick and evasive for them to catch making the humans cheer for her while the Monkeys who we're considered second class citizens watched everything like entertainment.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2018 ⏰

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