Daena and Karubi

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Lex trailed the path ahead of her still clutching her side to keep pressuring it so she wouldn't bleed out fast, Lex staggered a bit trying to stand straight, her wound came in waves of pain, she gritted her teeth seething the pain.

Lex steadied herself toward a tree stump for support, a wave of nausea came over her, she clutched her stomach feeling like she got punched in the gut Lex doubled forward vomiting on the wet ground emptying her stomach.

Lex groaned steading herself up staggering through the forest trail.

Lex looked at her surroundings, the forest was a mixed jungle choked with luscious green plants, the trees were so high blocking the sky she couldn't tell if it was still morning yet.

The air smelled wet and very humid like it recently rained, the ground was wet with mud, fallen leaves were everywhere.

"Is there any life on this planet?" she spoke to herself thinking back to the skeleton that almost killed her. "The skeleton was human but something was off about it the skeleton looked like it was murdered judging how its ribs were sprayed out, but who killed it?" she spoke

Lex heard the sound of crunched leaves behind her, she turned her head swiftly to the direction of the noise, she opened her bag and searching rapidly through its contents, she felt a sting in her finger hissing from the pain, she reached inside grabbing out her combat knife she gripped the handle tightly getting ready to fend off who's coming through the bushes, sounds of crunched leaves we're getting louder the bushes were waving wildly something is running and its heading towards right in front of her.

The last of the bushes stopped rustling two humans came out of the bushes one was an older man, he looked to be about 60 years of age, his hair silver grayish and a beard in the same color he had rough lines on his forehead he wore some kind of brownish tunic, his skin was tan, very dark and covered in scars like he dealt with many fights in his lifetime, behind him was a young woman who looked about 3 years older than Lex she had messy shoulder length blonde hair, her face was caked with smudges of dirt, but she looked pretty attractive despite the dirt, she was light tan and wore a similar tunic like the older man but with one strap on, "They Both had the same greenish blue eyes maybe their family" Lex thought but was still shocked, her expressed confusion.

Lex lowered her knife down slowly into her bag.

"Let's hope they know English" Lex thought, before she could speak the blond woman spoke first "Who are you?" she said eyeing Lex suspiciously like she commited a crime.

"She speaks english, that's good enough for me" Lex thought,

she looked at her in shock but answered her question "My name is Lexie but call me Lex, who are you?" The blond woman looked at her suspiciously "why would you-" before the blond woman could say more, the older man interrupted her, "Daena enough! she told us her name, it shows she's not their spy" the older man said to blond woman called Daena, he turned his head toward Lex.

"I'm Karubi, leader of the Ross tribe this is my daughter Daena" he introduced.

Lex nodded and brought out her bloodied hand to shake "nice to meet you both" she said grunting, Karubi looked at her hand and back at her, "your wounded" he stated, Daena looked at Lex's bloodied hand "did they attack you?" she said with a bit of worry in her voice, Lex felt more confuse.

"Who's they? and no I uh fell out of tree tryong to grabbing fruit" she half-lied doubting those two wouldn't know about space technology.

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