Home part 2

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Lex made her way to the bridge running through people who were in a slight panic.

She heard the speaker while reaching the main door of the bridge "Captain Leo and Sergeant Lex Davidson please make your way to the bridge immediately,"

"(Sigh) you already said that before dumbass" Lex said to herself and placed her hand on the scanner, the scanner beeped granting her access as the door slid open.

Lex made her to the middle of the meeting to be greeted by the admiral along with her brother.

"Greetings Sergeant" admiral Frank Santos greeted shaking her hand "Admiral" Lex turned her head and gave her brother a nod "Leo".

"What's the situation Admiral?" Leo asked feelin curious. Frank glanced at Leo then Lex with Maria "We found it" he said.

Maria shook her head "It found us." she corrected him, Lex stared at the computer screen, showing the outer space with formless colors which were resolved into starry black than a dark ethereal purple Lex felt her mind turn blank witnessing something on the screen glowing she saw a twisting boiling cloud of energy it look like it was trying to form itself, it was something she'd never seen before. It was huge "but why" she thought to herself "Something is growing" Lex muttered out her voice sounded like a mix of fear but with interest in between.

Frank, Leo, and Maria turned their heads at Lex "what Sergeant?" Frank's voice emerged "what is it Lex" Leo asked showing concern for his sister Leo went up to her a inch away from her personal space he placed his hands on her shoulders shaking her out of her zone Lex blinked her blank gaze turned surprised "what did you see Lexie" Leo asked her. She stared at the deep space "something is coming it's moving like a storm" she said "she's right" Hansen said sounding impressed and not a little frightened Vasich nodded.

"That's what it is. An electro magnetic storm,"

"That's what's causing the blackouts on Earth" Leo added. Maria watched the thing grow, "It's beautiful" she sighed Vasich gave her a look that might have been scornful or disapproved. "So is the sun, if you get too close."

"This is weird," Hansen interrupted, "I'm picking up some frequency patterns" Vasich looked over his shoulder "Tune them in" he ordered, the flickered computer that was turned off all of a sudden turned back on, the screen twitched and resolved into a flicker of series of momentary images like somebody channel surfing at warp speed the process was so rapid Lex and Leo couldn't catch everything very quick succession Lex made out some quick broadcast scenes a quick Glimpse of Western Bonanza American Bandstand a short video of Adolf Hitler, the reassuring Gandhi addressing his people then a somewhat vanished Tom and Jerry cartoon then a presentation of of John F Kennedy a short bit of Britney Spears, Chinese troops with a smiling Mao Zedong waving Cheerful what made this experience even more surreal is that it sounded desperate.

Lexie stared at the screen "It's sucking up satellite relays, phone conversations, T.v. broadcasts, every piece of technology from Earth... from all time." Lex spoke feeling shock about what was happening.

Hansen felt a little shock and awe at Lexies notion "well, why not? It was fun also a little weird"

"Of course asshole won't shut up" She thought.

The readouts on the screen paused then stopped and suddenly something felt unatural the Oberon shuddered as if something giant had smacked it.

"Our technology is sensitive, this thing can't witheld the storm" she thought.

Commander Vasich didn't look any happier with his own thoughts than her and her brother's own as well.

Vasich seemed to have his mind and looked directly at the Davidson twins and spoke "let's get to work we'll start with a pass to the Core. Take initial radiation and gamma ray readings" Lex raised her head before she could open her mouth to speak Vasich cut her off. "You and your brother better get your monkey ready," he said.

Leo wanted to tell him that the order sounded like a tagline to a dirty joke, but decided that probably wouldn't help his case any more instead he said "sir this is a waste of time."

Vasich eyed Leo brother coldly. "We have standard procedures." Lex interrupted him "And by the time you go through all them it could be gone so no we are not sending Pericle's in so just let us do our damn jobs" she stated coldy "No manned flights!" Vasich said shaking his head "first we sent out an ape, then if it's safe we send a pilot in that order!"

"No you need somebody out there who can think why don't you allow us to do our jobs" Leo replied heatedly. "He's the canary, thats the coal mine."

Vasich gestured at the screen "Alpha pod deploys at sixteen hundred hours" he stated ending the conversation. Lex shook her head in anger and started walking through the exit "fuck this" Lex growled the sentence while pushing Mark out her way he hit the wall and fell on the floor again.

Leo looked back at the exit Lex disappeared to he chuckled seeing her push Mark out of her but there was one thing he and her know wether they liked it or not as matter fact they didn't like it at all but they had to follow orders.

The oberon pod launch platform was a busy place Colonel Alexander and her crew scurried about providing back-up and support to the Pod that Lex was working on to make sure that Pericles was secured in the Alpha pod despite it all Leo was having a hard time to conceal his emotions as Lex knew for a fact that Pericles was already feeling nervous the chimps large brown eyes darted to her and then to Leo that Pericles was picking up their own bad vibes Lex gave pericles's flight suit one last careful inspection hoping the extra attention would reassure the chimp and calming him down Lex went up to cup her hands in his furry cheeks and raised her head up to kiss Pericles on his forehead "good luck Pericles don't get hurt okay trust me you'll come back you mean so much to me" she said feeling her voice breaking up, the chimp reached down and hugged Lexie's head as he was comfortly well in his seat.

"Just follow the sequence and then come home Leo urged the chimp. He lean closer looked deep into the Ape's eyes with subdue like his sister did with him a few times at practice flights, you understand home" Leo stated, the twins finished up and pulled back from the pod Pericles looked at the twins and let out a plaintive sound giving them a thumbs up restoring the twins mood that he could do this he was ready to come home soon. " good luck you poor son of a bitch, good luck" Leo thought. "Remember home Pericles, home" Lex thought as Alpha pod was ready to start launching.

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