Love Me Like You Do

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Baekhyun entered her room. Walking slowly towards her.

14 year old Taeyeon was sick that day.

Baekhyun put his hand on her forhead.

Taeyeon slowly opened her eyes as he felt a weight on his forhead.

"Is it still worsening?" She asked weakly.

Baekhyun only smiled."You'll get better, it just mean you need to rest more"

Taeyeon pouted and closed her eyes. "Or maybe because you aren't by my side anymore"

Baekhyun shooked his head, "I'm working Taeyeon"

"And what work is it?" Baekhyun could feel Taeyeon was a little bit sensitive today.

"You will know someday, princess" He carressed her hand.

"Stop calling me that when i'm actually mad at you" Taeyeon glared at him.

"How can I when you look so cute getting mad at me?" Baekhyun tried to joke around.

"Should we do this more often then?" Taeyeon rolled back her eyes.

"And I thought someone said she wants me by her side" He wriggled his eyebrows making Taeyeon smiled a little.

Then she pouted.

"Oh no, don't pout at me like that, you know what you're getting into" Baekhyun warned her coming close to her face.

"If you kiss me then, you will get sick too stupid" Taeyeon turned her face to other side looking away from Baekhyun.

Suddenly Taeyeon felt a heavy weight sitting on her bed, to be exactly sitting on her.

"BAEK..." Baekhyun quickly pecked her lips.

"YAH!" Again another peck.

"GET OFF FROM ME OR I'LL..." Again another peck that turned out as a chasty kiss.

Taeyeon finally gave in. She likes the warmth from his lips on hers.

After a while, Baekhyun pulled back, panting out of breath.

He smiled seeing Taeyeon defeated state.

"Firstly, I don't mind getting sick with you. Secondly, so I don't have to work for a while so I can be with you. Thirdly, if you screamed and they saw us in this kind of state. Forthly, you won't want to know what happen and last we're back to the first"

Baekhyun got of from Taeyeon, when he felt her temperature rising again.

"God, you're hot" Baekhyun eyed her.

"YAH!" Taeyeon threw a pillow towards him and he laughed.

"Literally" He still couldn't stop laughing.

Seeing Baekhyun's funny face when laughing, Taeyeon also laughed.

They both stop laughing when her room door opened.

"Is everythng fine?" A woman in her elders came in.

"Mom, Oppa was playing me" Taeyeon whined and Baekhyun continued to laugh.

The woman had a small smile on her face. She was sad but seeing both of them happy, it breaks her heart.

"I thought you like playing with Baekhyun" Mother acted like nothing happen before she came.

"No this is literaĺly, you know what, I gave up, you win" Taeyeon said to Baekhyun and sanked in deeper into her bed covering her face with another pillow.

"That's enough kids, Baekhyun let Taeyeon continue to rest okay, I want to meet you now to discuss something important" Mother called out from Baekhyun.

He was still smiling happily, the mother couldn't take it, she needs to do something for both of them.

For both of them to be forever happy, she needs to let go of them.

Even sacrifice her own life for them.

The Doll & The Devil (Baekhyun X Taeyeon)Where stories live. Discover now