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I looked around the unfamiliar place. It was very bright for a big place and it was also really crowded.

We were already at the airport waiting for our departure.

I glanced secretly at Baekhyun, he was in his own world thinking something.

Today was the day. That will change everything.

I tried finding something hurriedly in my handbag. Scrambling all my things to fall on the chair.

Baekhyun stoped his train of thoughts and looked at me worriedly. "What's wrong?"

I panicked. "Where did I put my passport? I had hold it just now" I continued checking my stuff eventhought I know it wasn't there.

"Like seriously, Taeyeon" he scoffed and helped me rummaged my stuff.

"It is not here" I said defeated and sadly. "How are we going to go now?" I frowned.

Baekhyun thought a while as he examined my messy stuff. "Or maybe you left it at the cafe, just now" he gave an idea and I quickly shrieked excited.

"Let me check it" I stood and ran off not forgeting to step on my heels making me fall hard on the smooth marble floor.

"Taeyeon!" his voice shouted from a far while I hold my ankle. Curses i'm wearing a skirt.

Then I felt he crouched next to me as I massaged my not hurt ankle. "You okay?" He asked making me feel guilty in doing this.

But this is for him.

"Just it hurts a little bit. Can you take my flats in the luggage, this heels are bothering my life" I tried to stand up but acted to fail.

"I think you got a sprained here, come on" Suddenly I felt I was lifted from the ground.

I shrieked again as I hugged his neck rather strongly. He coughed a little "Taeyeon, you're killing me before we even go to Paris" he said chockingly.

I was actually dazed as he carried me back to our seats. It was short but it was thrilling. It was maybe the last time.

He placed me gently on the seats and massaged my ankle a little, I squirmed under his touch. He sighed seeing my state.

"You are really somethimg" he said as he unzipped my luggage and found my blue flats.

"Stay here and don't do anything that you think it's stupid, i'll go get your passport and some bandage or medics for the sprain." And he went off as his back faced me.


He turned and glanced back at for a while.

Sorry and thank you. I tried to smile sincerely holding the threatening tears.

He smiled back not suspecting anything and continued his way.

I watched him for a while until he disappears from my view.

Now it's my cue.


I watched from a far as she got up and walk of from her seat. I had a smirk plastered on my face.

Knew there was something she was hiding.

But my smirk then turned into a frown when a thought hit me that she may not want to go Paris with me.

Where is she going anyway?

I unnoticingly followed her from behind.

She was hiding something from me ever since the day she was drunk. She struggled hard to not think about it so I can't read her thoughts. Even after I asked that does she has any problem she will only lied saying she's okay.

But she is literally a terrible liar.

I saw her hop in a taxi and saying the directions to the driver, I quickly amd easily hop on my motorbike and followed the taxi.

What is the thing that she is so secretive about that she cannot tell me?

That question rewind on my mind until the taxi parked in front of a building. Seeing that, I also parked my motorbike in a hidden place.

I looked at the building. A hospital?

Is she visiting someone? But then does she has anyone?

I watched her pay the driver and quickly went into the white building.

You cannot hide anything from me Taeyeon.


I walked into the hospital as hurriedly as I can, knowing in mind Baekhyun is following.

It is getting smoothly Taeyeon, I chanted to myself as I glanced towards the counter.

It was a different person now, but I still believe mother is close.

I went my way towards the room and stop in front of it.

I could feel Baekhyun's precence somewhere in the hall, watching over me closely.

I held in my breath as I stare at the name labelled in front of the door and hold the knob.

It's now or never.

I opened the door and the same cold temperature greeted me. Good thing I was wearing warm clothes.

It was the same. Nothing changed. The furniture was like it had never been touch also witout a single dust. The temperature was same. Even the person laying on bed was still the same like he had never even moved an inch just like he was already dead.

No. No he hasn't die yet. I can change that.

As my focus was on the person laying peacefully on bed, I almost didn't hear the door opened signalling a person had came in also.

None other then Byun Baekhyun.

The Doll & The Devil (Baekhyun X Taeyeon)Where stories live. Discover now