Love, That One Word

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I pulled the weight beside me now slowly as Baekyun can't help me carry Minseok to the end of the tunnel. I didn't mind, he was tired physically and mentally.

Luckily as we reached the end, Minseok stirred a little signalling he was going to wake up.

"Ugh" he grunted and slowly opened his eyes. He blinked a few times and I could see he was registering all the things that may had happened.

"How did I got unconscious?" He asked me.

I smiled genuinely. "I don't know, all I know I saw you on the floor, unconscious."

He stood up straight and stretched a little. " I didn't feel any soreness or hurt anywhere, how did I faint?"

"Like I said, I don't know, a good thing we already have arrived." Upon hearing noisiness and seeing the light at the end.

As we went out, Chanyeol came to me quickly and I felt a pang on my right chhek.

He slaped me.

"What was that for?" It wasn't me or Baekhyun said it. It was Minseok.

"You were selfish, how can you ask one of our officers to go down there alone, and you without thinking went there to worsen it not saving him for almost three hours. So please don't back up her, as looked who I had called for help to go searching around that fucking tunnel."

It went all too fast. I saw that they were many people, police, firemen, and some squad maybe and they were watching back at us. I don't know what to think or feel.

I am not angry or sad. Maybe just shocked as no one had laid his palm on my cheek.

but I know it hurted as I felt the increasing pulse of my cheek.

And then I saw Chanyeol fall down with much force. Did Minseok just hit him?

"Don't do anything without knowing the story, how many times do I have to tell you that" I have never seen Minseok this strict and angry before eventhough I know I just met him. But I know that he is not the type to get angry easily, his patients were like even taller then the tallest building in the world.

Chanyeol said nothing as he was also shocked by his team mates actions. I didn't felt glad seeing him on the ground but instead I felt sorry for him as his only friend punched him just for a stranger.

I am really a magnet of troubles.

Minseok ignored him and pulled me far from them out of my house compound to the street in front of my house. His head lowered all that time.

"I'm sorry for what happen, literally it was all my fault, I asked you to come here to help and I couldn't express how big my gratitude is for you to agree and even save me from that tunnel, literally i'm grateful." He bowed down and took time to stood up again properly.

"I'm also sorry, I can't send you home, I have to settle all this mess, there will be a cab passed by, please be home safe and sound okay?"

I nodded but didn't say anything. I was expressionless. Minseok was worried of me, but he is more worried of the back. He bowed again and turned back to my house compound silently.

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