Chapter fourteen

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Bens PoV

I'm fucking furious but not with Dar, oh no, I'm mad at her "I know you got emotional Sophia but I warned you on the phone countless of times not to get overbearing with him. You were lucky he even agreed to see you but I told you he was a flight risk if you pushed him too far. This has been just as hard for him as it was eight years ago, your digging up the past he tries to bury and he hates talking about. Did you not believe me when I told you I know him better than he knows himself? I've watched every emotion, every mood and every reaction he's had to things since I was twelve. Some would call me weird or a stalker, I just say it was pure love. If I couldn't have him I wanted to know him at the very least and now I do. You just needed to listen and we might have gotten, no, we would have gotten a better reaction. Now if you'll excuse me I need to go find him".

I don't give them a chance to answer before I'm out the door as quickly as the love of my life left. I know Rick will sort out the others because I planned ahead for this situation. I know Dar will think Lor did and I'll let him believe that but it was really me. Knowing him the way I do, I knew that if they came on too strong and didn't give him a chance to process things he'd bolt. I've only seen it once before and sadly it was because of me. I was a stupid fifteen year old and it was a week before birthday, I pestered him for two days straight about my present. You see I wanted him to "do me a favour" I wanted him to give me my first kiss. Now I look back I realise for all I knew about my beloved Darius, I didn't know the one thing that would have meant the most to know. He loved me.

This resulted in me acting like a spoilt brat not realising it was killing him not to be able to give into my request. I know now that I went too far when I tried to forcefully plant my lips on his, only resulting in him shoving me away and bolting. I cried that night and many after because he rejected me. He wasn't seen or heard from for two days and he then turned up at my party with the first of the bimbo patrol. I blamed myself and thought I'd ruined my chances forever. He made his choice then that he had to separate himself from me. I know why now but that's not saying it didn't hurt like a bitch and I hated him for that.

I pull up at the beach I told Lor to take him too because he loves to sit and watch the water when he's stressed. They are sitting on the low rising wall that has sand about forty meters from the ocean beneath it. They are not talking just staring and holding hands. I tap Lor on the shoulder and he looks up. He reaches over and lightly kisses Dar on the temple, letting him know he loves him and is there for him. I love that we are all so close so there will never be any jealous feelings toward any of my family for such acts. Lor leaves us alone and as I sit I can hear the engine of the bike come to life.

The beach is quiet because it's a private one that's attached to property Rick's friend owns. I place the light coat I brought around his shoulders and he gives me a dazed smile too caught up in his thoughts to react. He sighs and puts his head on my shoulder. We sit. No words are expected and none are exchanged. I give him his due time to come to terms with the new information that his family made a huge fuck up and the really do love him. It's a huge piece of information to swallow. He rises and I follow, we stroll that beach for two hours. I'll stay here all night, fuck,all week if he needs it. We reach the cave that's at the end of the beach and stop.

Then it happens he lets out a frustrated roar and falls to his knees. It's sunk in. Anyone else might think, oh your being dramatic or grow up and face your problems but I don't because he's never like this. He is one of the strongest people I know and not much fazes him except family and love. I've been to board meetings where he takes on any challenge with a proud smile, he takes on the rumour mill that surrounds all self made millionaires with confidence. But when it comes to his family he breaks and that's ok.

"What the fuck do I do now Ben? How can they come here and expect to tell me all that stuff and then want a fucking hug like 'oh now you know, let's forget it happened. Let's just fucking hug it out'. What the actual fuck Ben. I'm so confused. And my father, Jesus, my father and his broken heart. What? Am I supposed to feel sorry for him. I ate out of dumpsters because of his beliefs and now I'm supposed to say 'ah it's ok don't be sad old man I'm back'. Fuck sake. Ben I'm cracking up, what do I do love?" He cries. It's heartbreaking to see him in so much pain.

"Dar you need time to think, nobody expects any of that from you. It took you three days to process the fact they are here so don't rush yourself. What happened was all kinds of fucked up and you were the only one not at fault. You ran, of course you did. You were so young and you believed your family hated you for such a stupid reason. So stop thinking what if because I know you are. Your thinking what if I hung around town for a day or two, would they have found me and would we be happy now? No you wouldn't because the hurt would've still been there. I'm sorry this happened but it has and its fucked up but it lead you to us and I'll never be sorry for that" I see tears in his eyes as he says.

"Ben, I love you more than anything in the world. Can I make love to you right here, right now".

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