Chapter seventeen

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Darius' PoV

At the sound of the lock of the front door being turned at four am that night I know somethings wrong. I get up quickly but quietly to see which of the boys has come to our house so late at night. I hear the person enter the kitchen and I hear faint sobs so I know whoever it is is very upset because the boys don't come here ever. I enter the kitchen and before I know it I see a flash of white hair and I have a body wrapped around me. Rick fucked up. I know he did because every one of the boys know that if they need to get away from each other that my house is always available to them. Each one has a key and the only one who's ever used theirs is Lor because their house gets too manic for him at times.

I hug Theo back and wait for his sobs to die down, "hey, are you ok. Do you want to tell me what got you this upset?" I ask. He draws back and tries to give me a smile it's more wobbly than normal but he's trying to put a good spin on things. "It's ok Theo, you don't need to pretend your ok. The fact that your here at all tells me Rick-" I'm cut off by him bursting into tears at the mere mention of his lovers name, now I'm really worried. What the fuck did Rick do to him! I hear noise from upstairs and it's not long before Ben joins us and to be honest I'm glad he's here. I don't know what happened but it's got to be bad and I appreciate the back up.

"Wha- hey Theo what's up?" He asks once he notices the white haired beauty so upset. Theo rushes for Ben and hugs him tight "Rick... He.. He cheated!" He exclaims and Ben and I are shocked. I know this can't be true, I've never seen a man that loves someone the way Rick loves his snow angel. "What happened Theo. I need you to explain because I know Rick loves you too much to do that" I am instantly sorry I spoke because he turns on me "oh you do, do you. Well I've got evidence" he barks at me. He pulls his phone from his pocket and taps away until he finds what he needs. Then he trusts the phone in my face and I take it from him. I'm not mad at his behaviour toward me, he's upset and hurt so it's to be expected.

I look at the phone and see a picture of Rick and another man in what looks like a heated embrace. From the angle it looks like a couple of lovers kissing and I'm shocked. "There! Believe me now!" Theo spits out but I'm still not convinced. I know my best friend, I know I presumed he fucked up but no way in hell would he do this. I know his loyalty to the people he loves and he loves nobody more than this man in front of me. "This is a misunderstanding Theo. What did Rick say about this picture?" He looks away and I get it immediately "what the fuck Theo! You didn't even show this to him did you?" He looks ashamed but angry. "Why should I Dar, look it's right there how would you react to seeing Ben like this... Exactly" he must have read my expression. I would not be happy.

I grab my phone and as Theo tries to stop me Ben intervenes and stops him"no, Rick needs to know what's happening. Don't you trust him enough to hear his side of the story?" He asks him. Defeated Theo simply sits at the island and cries quietly. Rick answers immediately and he's more than panicked "Jesus Dar please tell me Theo is with you. I woke up five minutes ago and I was just about to ring you because I can't find him anywhere. Is he there, what the fuck is going on?" He rants and I answer him quickly to ease his worries " he's here. Get here now" and I hang up. Just because I know it's not true that he cheated, I need to keep my opinion guarded just Incase I'm wrong.

I make hot chocolate for the boys and we wait, not ten minutes pass and a half dressed, frantic looking Rick runs through the door "snow angel where are you?" He shouts as soon as the door opens and bangs shut. He runs straight for Theo and hauls him into his large arms only to be pushed away as soon as he does it. "Don't you snow angel me Rick Wallace. Who is he huh? Who's the whoore you cheated on me with. I hope he was worth it. Your tearing our family apart and for-" he is cut off by a roar "what the fuck are you talking about. I never cheated once, I would never cheat on you. Is this some sick joke because I would rather chop my own god dame arm off than leave you. You better start explaining right now!" He is furious but so is Theo.

"You fucking liar, look, tell me Rick how did this come to be if you love me so much and your so fucking loyal huh?" He literally throws the phone at Rick. Although stunned Rick eventually looks at the phone and pales slightly before he explodes again. "I don't know how you got this picture but I can tell you now Mr that is not me. I know it looks like me but it's not and if you bothered to look closely enough and examined the picture clearly enough you'd clearly see it's not me. It's nice to know you trust me Theo. I love you but I'm going home now" as he turns to leave I can see the full extent of the hurt he's feeling etched on his face and I feel for him.

Theo takes the phone from the counter where Rick laid it and stares at it "Ben look it's him isn't it?" He sounds so unsure and broken that it tugs at my heart. I hate seeing these two fight, it's not something that happens often but when it does it hurts everyone around them. They are so in love and they are like the parents of this little group we call a family that when they hurt we do too. Then I see it, he looked, I mean really looked at the picture and he looks like he's ready to pass out "fuck.. No.. No, I've made a mistake.. Fuck Ben, no"  he babbles and just as he falls to the ground ben grabs his waist to keep him steady.

I quickly leave the house as Ben brings him to the couch because if I know Rick... Yep he's exactly where I expect find him. He's sitting in his car right outside the front door "he's realised he's wrong and he fainted- no Ben's got him. We need to talk, someone tried to frame you bro, any ideas of who it is?" I say ask pull his arm to stop him leaving the car to care for his love. He sits looking straight ahead and I see the conflict in his eyes. I know he's itching to go and care for Theo but I know he's hurt by his lack of trust too. I stay quiet giving him time to think. After a few minutes he says "I have no clue but I will find out and they will pay for hurting him. Fuck Dar how do I get passed this, he just believed I would do that to him" he looks toward me and I hate the hurt look on his face.

I shrug and answer "would you believe it if it was sent to you, would you have blind faith against such a picture. I don't know who did this but they mean business going after you like this. What proved it wasn't you because if I'm being honest it's pretty dame good enough to believe. I didn't believe it was true but I can't say I blame Theo for his reaction either. It's like your twin was there on that bench kissing that other man dude" he nods and it seems as if my words helped ease his inner conflict. "Your right, I can't blame him either but it hurts ya know?" I nod and he continues "can we take your guest room tonight. I can't leave him. I don't know how long he was awake looking at that photo but I know he wouldn't have just seen it and left. My guess is he got it a while ago and had some serious thinking to do if he finally decided to come here and got so upset he fainted. My poor boy. I will crucify whoever did this to us" I don't doubt him because It's not my relationship and I want to hurt the bastard that did this.

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