New Home

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Well it's another update, hope you fans enjoy :3


{Your P.O.V} 

 I slowly walked over to where he had dropped my things. Why wasn't I terrified of him? I mean yeah, I was scared. Very scared. He's a killer, he could do anything. I just can't believe this is really happening. Creepypasta is supposed to be fake, entertaining, overrated. I guess not. I guess my baby had been telling the truth. (Brother).

 Jeff: Go upstairs. Very back, to the left. That's where you'll stay.

You: ... 

 I picked up my suitcase and quickly ran up. It was a very small room, with a slanted ceiling. Smelled faint of wood, but the good kind of wood. The kind you'd fall asleep to on a cold winter night. The kind you could just cuddle with your boyfriend and rest together to. There was a fireplace to the right on the wall. Over to the left was my bed. It was neatly made, like it'd never been used. Directly in front of the bed was my closet, double doors, very big... I opened it to see that I had complete space to walk through, I could fit a single bed in here! Beside the bed, directly in front of the door was a big window, I walked over to it and had the most beautiful view. Just think about these woods in the winter. Nice and cozy and warm in the house, and chilly and windy outside. I set my things down beside the bed, and left the room. Still wondering. 

 {Jeff's P.O.V}

 She walked back down the stairs, so innocent looking. Slowly but surely she made it to the couch, where I was standing above where she wouldn't be facing. She confidently trotted over to her new seat, and sat right below me. She looked up intensely at me, with her deep eyes. A luscious, deep, blue.  Such beautiful hair as well. It was like every inch of her body was glowing, shining, glimmering. I wish I could just keep her. But we all know why I've brought her here.

 Just as she was about to make conversation, I left. I couldn't bare looking at her. I couldn't wait to kill her.

 {Your P.O.V}

 He had that look in his eyes. The look I read about. The one that you should be scared of, no, not scared, terrified. My indescribable fate was coming soon, I could tell. Every single time he glanced over his shoulder at me, he looked bloodthirsty.

You: Umm..... I... Am I going to be.. *gulpy* st-staying here?

Jeff: *silence*

You: * silence*

Jeff: *silence*

You: *silence*

Jeff: *silence*

You: * silence*

Jeff: Why are you looking at me?

You: I asked you a question...

Jeff: If I don't answer the first time, I don't answer at all. Go sit at the table. It's getting late.

You: It's only eleven...

Jeff: *dat stare doe*

You: *shamefully walks to the table*

Jeff then quickly followed me, and pulled out my chair for me. Why was he being so polite? Is he actually one of those people with a heart of gold in reality? I suppose in here there was no reality. I know I may sound like a comlete moron, but I'm not.  I have common sense. I'm not completely stupid.

 I bent down and sat in the chai, which creaked  ever-so-slightly. Jeff pushed it back in for me as well. He walked over to the kitchen area of this cozy little abode, and quickly made a first thought meal. Now, I would've thought he could've been a bit more classy, but nOOoOoOoOoOO. That lil shit serves up some peanut butter sandwiches. Like seriously? 

 He sat down in the chair directly across from me, and placed down the two sandwiches. 

A Touch Of Insanity {Jeff The Killer x Reader fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now