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Brick smiled towards the kitten girl then stood up as he walked towards the kitchen and grabbed his phone. He looked at the time and saw that his brothers was going to be home in hour, and Brick knew that he had make up for the work he missed today, so he called his boss and told him that he was going to work Saturday, which his boss was iffy about but he needed to make up for the time.

"Blossom," Brick called out as he saw Blossom was playing with her doll and Brick smiled as he walked towards his room and grabbed her undergarments and a pair of black shorts and her disney tank top and walked out of his room. "Can you take a bath? And we can go to the park." Brick said as Blossom perked up at the word park, which made her orange ears poking out of her hair, she nodded as she rushed towards the bathroom, stumbling a bit and Brick sighed.

He placed her clothes on the toilet seat and turned on the water and made sure that it was warm and he smiled towards her as she sat in the bathtub and began to hum to herself as Brick walked out, hoping that she knew how to do things for herself.

Brick walked to his room and changed into a pair of black ripped skinny jeans and slipped on a black tank top as he grabbed his red flannel and slipped it over. He brushed his hair and slipped it in a ponytail then he placed his cap over his hair. He put some degree on nad saw Blossom walked out, with her wet hair placed down on her back.

Brick pointed towards his bed as she walked and sat down as he grabbed his brush and began to brush her hair and hummed to himself as she played with her stuffed doll and Brick noticed that it was wet, so he made a mental list of getting things for her and water toys was definitely one of them. He braided her hair and brushed her hand out, letting them air dry. He walked over to grab her a pair of socks and and a pair of hightops, he put them on and then walked over to grab a light pink sweatshirt for her and handed to her.

He walked out to grab his phone texting his brothers for them to met them in the park with Bubbles and Buttercup, which caused them to question him but he said if they wanted their phone on for next month then do it. Brick chuckled to himself as Butch sent him an angry face, then he saw Blossom skipped out and he saw that she was singing 'Once Upon A Dream' and she was dancing with the doll as he smiled and leaned against the counter.

"Ready for the park?" He asked as she nodded with her pink eyes full of excitement and he chuckled as he grabbed their house keys and opened the door for her as she walked out and clutched onto the doll as Brick closed the door and locked the door.

He flashed a smile towards Blossom as they made their way out of the small home and walked towards the park. Blossom asked him questions about certain things, like what the building are or what are some things called, lie what a child would do. Brick chuckled as she wrapped her arm with his and he shoved his hands inside his pocket and listened to Blossom talk about what her, Bubbles, and Buttercup would do whenever they would get scared.

Brick chewed on his bottom lip thinking about how Blossom would react, because this was a big thing. He was scared that she might shift in front of everyone, or she will happy and stay human. Questions ran through his mind as they saw the park was in view.

He saw that there was other hybrids playing here, puppy, kittens, bunnies, and even tiger hybrids was here. They was playing around in their animal form, which made Blossom giggle as Brick led her towards the bench and looked at his phone for the time and heard his brother, Butch, arguing with Buttercup about who was the real best soccer player.

"Brick, why did you want us to come he-." Boomer was cut off by Bubbles and Buttercup yelling at the same time.

"Blossom!" The two girls yelled as they rushed over and hugged Blossom who giggled and hugged them back. The girls began to get in a deep conversation, but was using code words, which made Brick scared that Blossom was going to run away from him.

Brick stayed on the bench as his brothers sat next to him, in complete shock. The brothers didn't say anything, they just watched the girls sitting on the grass talking in code about things, but Brick snapped out of his trance when he heard Blossom giggling.

He found himself smiling slightly as he looked towards the kitten. She was happy, you could see it in her eyes. She was laughing, smiling and even talking more, without a stutter. She was showing them her doll and shirt which made the girls giggle and listened to her. Then hit Brick.

They missed her as much Blossom missed them.

"Brick," Boomer said as Brick looked towards his younger brother who was smiling towards him. "Thanks." Was all he said as Butch nodded and Brick smiled as he stood up.

"Let's go get something to eat for them," Brick said as the brothers nodded and Butch told Buttercup who nodded then went back talking to her friends as they walked out of the park and walked towards the store, grabbing some subs. "Did they ever tell you that they was friends with Blossom?" Brick asked as he grabbed a sub for Blossom as Boomer shook his head.

"No," Boomer said as he grabbed a salad for Bubbles and looked towards his older brother. "She only mentioned a friend that they left behind, never gave me a name." Boomer replied as Brick glared towards the sandwich, wondering why they left her.

"It's not what you think Brick," Butch said as he placed his hand on his shoulder and Brick rolled his eyes. "You need to know the whole story before you judge, and sadly we don't know the full story yet." Butch stated as Brick sighed and let go of the sub and nodded as he smiled towards his brothers.

"Drinks?" He asked, trying to change the mood, and they walked towards the machine to grabbed the drinks then Brick payed, with the rest of his money, and he sighed as he rubbed his temples then they made their way back to the park and saw they was still in the same spot but this time they was looking over Bubbles' phone and laughing at the video, which made Boomer turned bright red as they heard Boomer singing to himself.

"What the fuck?" Butch asked as Boomer looked down at his shoes.

"I was making some food during school, and I sang a random song, which she recorded and now she can't stop laughing at me." Boomer replied as they gave the girls their food, and Brick caught Blossom smiling at him. She handed him her jacket as Brick smiled and grabbed it and the brothers walked towards the bench and Butch snorted.

"You're so whipped," Butch retorted as Brick looked at him with wide eyes and shook his head wildly.

"No I'm not!" Brick exclaimed as Boomer chuckled and ate his sandwich as he looked towards his older brother.

"Sorry bro, but you kinda are," Boomer replied as Brick glared towards them.

"Since when do y'all agree on anything," Brick mumbled as his brothers nodded. "Just go back at each other's throats." He said with a sigh as his brothers began to tease him more as he turned red and caught himself staring at Blossom more than usual.

Maybe he is whipped?

Heyyo My Cocoians!!!!

What we thinks???? Blossom??? Brick???? And before you come to kill me for not updating, I was had a little writers block, so I was updating my other books so I can get refresh for this book. So I'm super sorries for that!!! Anyways your thoughtS????

Wells Byes Loves Y'alls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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