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Brick sat in the police room, holding on to his stomach. He felt like he was going to be sick, he had no idea if he was going to jail or not. Since he basically did overkill on Sedusa, but he thought maybe they would let him pass since he done it out of self defense or maybe they would have thought he was crazy and needed some help/

Which he wouldn't mind the latter, because then he would just have to deal with pills and get to go home with his siblings and his now new girlfriend. Brick blushed at the thought, since it's been about a week since the whole incident, and he finally got Blossom back but he still remember whenever he asked her to be his.

Brick sat in the bed, it was around noon on a Tuesday, so his brothers should be in school. Brick felt lonely in the hospital, since his boss allowed him to have as much time he needed and he even helping around the house. Which made him feel self conscious, since his house was tiny and only having two bedrooms and one bathroom, then having the small kitchen and living attach only made it worst.

He sighed as he clicked through the channels and found some monster truck thing, and he just stuck to that. Since he was upset that Spongebob wasn't on, since 1) it was his favorite show, 2) Blossom loved to watch that show with him. So it made him feel all better about watching it.

Brick chewed on his bottom lip and laid back, grabbing the book that his brothers left for him. Which was the first manga volume of Fullmetal Alchemist, and he already read it around fifty times since being here, but he loved the show and manga so he didn't really care.

He was on the second chapter when he heard a familiar giggle. He looked over the boko and saw Blossom was standing there, in a pink dress with Brick's winter coat over it, that was too huge for the small hybrid but she looked cute in it so he didn't say anything. Brick Sighed as Blossom skipped over and saw on the chair next to his bed and smild towards Brick.

"Read to Blossom, please?" She asked.

"I don't know, I already read this to you around forty times. Aren't you tired of it?" Brick asked as Blossom shook her head.

"No! Brick is reading to Blossom," Blossom said as she blushed. "Blossom loves to hear Brick's voice." Blossom said as Brick blushed and turned around.

Blossom was getting better at talking, since she no longer stutters and already knows most of the dictionary thanks to him, since she begged him to read it to her. But she still talks in third person, which Brick was fine with. Since it was still her, the one part that he loved about her. Brick sighed and looked back to Blossom and smiled.

"Are you sure? Because I think that you would like another book, because as much it pains me to say this. Manga isn't the best way to learn new words, since it's basically an older person's picture book." Brick said as Blossom giggled and shrugged her shoulders.

"Blossom don't mind," She replied as Brick sighed and opened the volume. "But Blossom wants to thank you. For coming back and saving her, Blossom didn't think that you would come. Since blossom felt like she wasn't right for Brick." Blossom said as Brick raised his eyebrow towards her.

"Why you say that?" He asked.

"Sedusa said that Blossom needed to change, she said that was only way you wanted her." Blossom said as Brick hands tighten on the book.

"Well she was wrong! You don't need to change for me, that's not right or even the smartest idea ever! I thought you was perfect, and when Sedusa took you it was like my whole world go crushed. So seeing you in her clutches and getting you, but hearing you talk in first person only made me want to die right there." Brick said as he grabbed at his heart, and Blossom cocked her head to the side, seeing Brick was crying. "I hated her for it, so I guess me killing her wasn't so bad. But I also felt like if your were the one who got shot, then I wouldn't have forgiven myself. Your life is to important to throw away, it's not right and I never want to lose you Blossom. Never." Brick said as Blossom blushed and smiled.

She hugged him and Brick hugged her back. He buried his head in her hair, and Blossom giggled as she smiled.

"Blossom loves Brick." Blossom said as Brick blushed and hugged the hybrid tighter.

"I love you too," Brick whispered as he closed his eyes. "I love you too." He said.

Brick blushed as he covered his cheeks with his hands and cleared his throat. Brick saw the door opened and he straighten his back, which made his crutches fell down to the ground. Brick groaned as he picked them up and the police officer stood in front of him, holding a pen and paper, as Brick gripped onto his crutches.

"So we're just going to ask you a few questions, then you can leave." The man said as Brick nodded.

So that went on, he asked Brick some questions and he answered. He told him about how Sedusa stole Blossom, and how he got her back, told him how he sorta lost himself whenever he shot her. Brick finally felt like his chest was raw whenever he told everything to him, Brick felt like he was going to go jail but the policeman stood up and handed him a piece of paper.

Brick raised his eyebrow but shrugged his shoulders. He stood up, shoving the paper in his backpocket, then getting on his crutches he walked out. He saw Blossom as there with Boomer. Boomer walked towards him, with Blossom behind him. Brick smiled as Blossom hugged him, and Boomer smiled as he helped his older brother out to the car.

They rode home in silence, mostly because Brick passed out in the car. Boomer carried Brick inside, laying him down in his bed. Blossom sat by his side, reading Blue Exorcist manga as she looked down towards Brick. She giggled as she smiled and kissed his forehead.

"Blossom loves you." The hybrid whispered as Brick smiled in his sleep. 

Heyyo Cocos!!!!!!

What we thinks???? Brick??? Blossom??? Blossick???? And I'm sorries to say, but this going to be the last chapter, but there will be an epilouge!!!! So tell me your thoughts!!!!!! 

Wells Byes Loves Y'alls!!!!!!!!!!!

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