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Brick laid on the couch, snoring as his brothers sneaked passed him, knowing he was going to have a long day today so they was letting him sleep. Boomer grabbed an apple and some water and sat it on the table then the two brothers rushed out of the house.

The hybrid girl laid on the bed, opening her pink eyes. She sat up, looking around, her pink eyes landed on the picture then she let her fingers slipped past against the glass. A small smile crept on her face, remembering her and her friends, the ones who was close as family.

Her small frame stood off the bed, the clothes hanged from her small frame, as she walked towards the door, but ended up falling in the process. She gasped and tears clouded her eyes as her tiny fist hit the hardwood floor. She looked around, with tears in her eyes, and she tried to hold back the whimper since she had some bad past.

She flipped over on her back, and tried to calm down since she didn't want to shift into her kitten form. She closed her eyes and felt the clothes getting bigger, she looked around and saw she had her tail. A frown crossed her face as she trotted out of the clothes.

Her small paws walked into the living room, seeing Brick laying on the couch, she walked inside the kitchen climbing on the chairs, since she wanted to get inside her box. Her small paws clawed at the box, then climbing inside, letting out a small sneeze whenever a feather fell against her nose.

Brick turned on his side, which made him fall off the couch. He gasped as his face hit the cold floor. He jumped up, looking around the house and saw his brothers door was opened, he ran inside and saw they was gone. Which caused a sigh of relief came from his mouth.

His red eyes looked around, thinking of why he overslept but he needed to take a shower, so he walked inside the bathroom, stripping down and jumped inside the shower. Allowing the dirt and sweat, from yesterday, wash off of him. He hummed slightly to some tune as he turned off the water, walking towards his bedroom, not seeing the clothes on the floor.

His hands grabbed him a pair of black skinny jeans, his red work shirt, and a clean pair of boxers. He slipped his clothes on, then brushing his hair, then he grabbed his towel and coat then walking out towards the kitchen, seeing his brothers left him some water and an apple.

He chuckled as he walked inside the kitchen, eating the apple, he sighed as he opened the fridge, looking for something, but he ended up closing it. He tossed his apple core in the trash then he walked his way towards the door, slipping on his boots. He rabbed him a coat then wrapped it around his body, then he shut off all the lights, then walking out of the house, locking it.

Forgetting all about the small hybrid in his house.

Blossom small kitten head peeked up, she trotted out of the box, falling on her back. Her pink eyes looked around the dark home, then she yelped as if someone was going to help her. She stood up on her four paws then she made her way off the table, which was jumping on chairs.

Her orange kitten body moved around the dark room, she walked towards the couch and jumped on it. Her pink eyes looked around, laying on the small pillow, which caused the tv to turn on. She yelped and jumped back as she looked towards the tv, seeing some girl singing. She snuggled on the couch, and her pink eyes watched the dancing women.


Brick sighed as he rubbed his tired red eyes then he packed the woman's bag and thanked her and she walked off as Brick sighed and placed the money in the register then he sat his head on his palm and he yawned as he rubbed his eyes then he closed them for a second.

"Brick! You can go home now," His boss said as Brick smiled and nodded as he grabbed his coat then slipped it over his shoulders then he sighed as he walked towards the door. "Also this Friday, come in about two hours later, because I won't open shop till then." He said as Brick nodded as he looked back towards his boss then he walked out.

His boots hit the cold sidewalk, and he tensed as the cold breeze went past his ears, making him shiver. He made his way home, and heard someone singing. His eyes widened as he unlocked his door and saw the tv was on, which made him raise his eyebrow, he looked and saw Blossom was sitting on the couch, wearing the clothes he gave her yesterday.

"Shit," Brick muttered as he closed the door then he looked back at the tv, seeing Sleeping Beauty playing, he made his way towards her then he sat down on the bed, listening to someone sing. "Do you like it?" Brick asked as she nodded and giggled as she pointed towards the screen.

"P-pretty." She let out as Brick smiled and nodded but he looked towards her, seeing that she needed clothes that atleast fitted her, and some girl undergarments, so she could be at least comfortable in her clothes.

He stood up and he made his way towards his room, and grabbed his pillow then he pulle dout his emergency wallet and he saw he had about two hundred dollars, he sighed as he grabbed him a fifty-dollar bill then he walked out and saw she was closer to the screen, and he saw that Aurora was dancing with some prince.

"Uh Blossom," Brick said as she turned towards him with a bright smile she held onto to Boomer's boots, as he sighed. "We need to get you clothes, so you can have more clothes." Brick said as she nodded and he smiled as he pulled out the boots towards her, which made her looked at them with a strange look.

Brick sighed as he slightly grabbed her feet, and she chewed her bottom lip as he slipped the boots over her small feet, and he sighed as he lifted her up, and he walked over grabbing his beanie and slipping it over her ears, making her flinch. He pouted then he grabbed her hand, making her turn a bright red, he shut off the tv then he led her outside.

He walked towards the thrift shop, since he knew that he could find lots of clothes for cheap price, and he didn't want to her get her anything over the top since he wasn't planning to take her anywhere a lot. He lead her towards the girls section and let her pick out some clothes, which a lot dealt with Sleeping Beauty and pink. He smiled as he picked out some jeans for her, then he rabbed a woman's winter coat along with two pair of shoes and a pair of boots and he lead her towards the front.

"Hello Brick," Mr. Willard said as Brick smiled and laid out the clothes on the counter. "No clothes for your brothers today?" He asked as he started to add up the prices.

"Naw, I was planning for them next Friday." Brick answered as Mr. Willard nodded with a smile.

"Who's your friend?" He asked as Brick looked back and saw she was looking over at the toys then back towards Mr. Willard.

"Her name is Blossom," Brick said as he cleared his throat. "How much?" Brick asked as Mr. Willard opened his mouth but BLossom tugged at Brick's wrist and he turned and his red eyes met some stuffed doll of Aurora, her pink dress and her golden crown. Blossom's pink eyes was pleading for it, but Brick chewed his bottom lip.

"I don't think I'll have enough money for it," Brick whispered as Blossom pouted with her pink eyes clouded as Brick sighed and Mr. Willard cooled and bagged up the items.

"Just keep it," Mr. Willard said as Brick widened his eyes then looked back towards the old male. "You've been a wonderful costumer Brick, so just keep the doll for dress, she seems to like that Disney princess a lot." He said as he motioned towards the clothes as Brick chuckled and nodded as he handed him the money and hugged the older male as he waved and walked off, holding Blossom's hand and he sighed as he lead her back to the house and she was humming to some song.

Brick unlocked the door and Blossom ran into finish the movie as he sighed and walked back to his room setting the clothes down on his bed then he took off his boots and rubbed his eyes. He heard his brothers walked in, but he didn't want to see them.

Since he went to bed, not caring if they was telling Blossom embarrassing things about him. 

Heyyo My Cocoians!!!!!

What we thinks??? Brick?? Blossom??? Also yes, Blossom is and will have an obession with Sleeping Beauty in this story, so deal with it! Lol, wells your thoughts??? Also a picture of Blossom's new doll above/side!!!!

Wells Byes Loves Y'alls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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