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Blossom stretched her back and moved her paws around the fabric of Brick's shirt. She looked at the red fabric and began to claw her claws at the dragon design. Blossom let out a small meow as the shirt got tangled all over her, making her fall off the bed, she glared as she shifted and let her hair cover over her body and sighed as she crossed her arms over her chest.

She stood up and walked towards the dresser and pulled out a tanktop and a pair of undergarments, she slipped them on, since Brick showed her, and she fell on the bed. Blossom moved around, but groaned since she was in her human form and the bed was twin sized. It was about three am and she couldn't sleep, but she knew that she had too since everyone else was sleeping.

Brick sighed as he heard his bed moving again, and he looked down the hallway as he held onto his cup. He took a sip before walking in the kitchen and put everything away and wiping down the counters and humming to himself. His brothers snores filled the small house as he heard his bed moving around, he glared down the hallway before he shut the light and opened his door.

He saw the hybrid girl moving around as she was trying to get comfortable. Brick glared and sighed as he rubbed his eyes and stood at the door, crossing his arms over his chest. Brick licked his lips and saw Blossom looking towards him, her pink eyes staring into his begging for him to do something. He pushed his hair from his face and sighed as he walked in the room and sat on the floor next to the bed and Blossom inched her face closer to his.

"Can't sleep?" Brick asked as she nodded. "Is too hot in here, or you don't like the blankets?" He asked as he saw his shirt on the ground and he picked it up and looked towards the hybrid.

"I-it fine," Blossom replied as Brick raised his eyebrow.

"Then what's the problem?" Brick asked as she looked around the room and pointed towards the bed, as she felt her face turn red.

"Not comfortable for your human form?" Brick asked as she nodded, Brick sighed as he pushed back his hair and placed it in a bun before looked towards her.

"Slide over," He said as she tilted her head, but slide over.

The larger male slide in and patted the spot next to him, Blossom looked towards the spot but laid down. He looked towards the hybrid before she snuggled near him. He keep his arm there as she grabbed his shirt and closed her eyes, Brick looked towards the wall as he tried to keep his breathing under control. Brick felt her snoring on his shirt as he sighed and tried to slide away but she grabbed onto his waist.

He widened his eyes as he gulped and looked down towards the hybrid. Brick tried pushing her away but stopped as she began to whine, he stood still and looked at the girl. He moved his eyes around the room trying to find something to replace him, but he couldn't move because of the grip. Brick finally sighed as he relaxed and just laid next to the smaller girl.

Brick finally closed his eyes and felt the sleep take him over. He heard his brothers snores and the smaller girl small breathes as he wrapped his arms around her. Letting the sleep forget the position he was in.


Brick opened his eyes and saw that he was in his room, he raised his eyebrow and sat up. Strands of his hair fell in front of red eyes. He rubbed his neck before he stood up, he cracked his back and heard the house was empty, he narrowed his eyes before he walked out of the room. He looked around the hallway and saw that no one was here, he shrugged his shoulders before he walked out of the hallway and yawned as he walked in the kitchen.

He poured him some more coffee and rubbed the sleep from his eyes as he leaned against the counter. Brick nodded his head to some beat in his head and poured the coffee in the cup. He grabbed him a piece of bread and ate it as he drunk the coffee, he turned and walked in the living room. Brick sat on the couch and turned on the tv as he flipped through the channels, drinking the coffee.

Brick sighed as he heard the cars zooming by, people screaming loud things, he just rolled his eyes as he watched the movie. He tapped his foot and herd the floor creaking, he glanced over and saw Blossom standing there, her face had lines from the pillow, and she was holding onto the edge of the shirt. He patted the spot next to him and she sat next to him, he drunk from the coffee and watched tv as Blossom stared at Brick.

He tried not to look back at her, but he felt his face turn red. Brick tapped on his coffee cup and finally moved his eyes to look at her. She was staring at him with her pink eyes and he looked back at the tv and cleared his throat. Blossom looked at his adams apple, and he just stayed still and kept his eyes on the crappy movie and finally turned towards the hybrid girl.

"Are you hungry?" Brick asked as she nodded, Brick stood up and walked towards the kitchen.

He grabbed a bottle of water and made her a peanut butter sandwich and he brought it to her. He sat down and watched the movie and listened to the hybrid chew on the food. Brick finally switched it to the cooking channel and looked towards the hybrid.

"I think after your done eating, you should take a shower. Because we can do something later," Brick said as Blossom nodded and stood up, she walked back in the hallway but stopped.

Blossom placed her hand on the wall, and looked down towards the living room. "B-brick?" She called as Brick hummed and she smiled.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"Do y-you love B-blossom?" She asked as Brick widened his eyes and felt his coffee fell out of his mouth.

Heyyo My Cocoians!!!!!!!

What we thinks???? Blossom asking Brick the question??? What is Brick gonna say??? Welps you tells me your thoughts!!! Also I have Vacation Bible School this week, so I don't know how fast the updates will be coming, but don't worry they'll be here!!!!!!! So your thoughtS??

Wells Byes Loves Y'alls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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