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b'coz he is a darling brother <3

pic at the side is Jake Gyllenhaal as - Ryan Warren----------------------->

Chapter 2:


“No, you don’t get it to do you? You can’t possibly make me do that. We don’t know who she is. This is not happening John. Tell him I’m not ready for this. We should just kill her may be.”  That caused John to go ballistic at the other end of the phone.  Sighing Ryan just let it go for a while and responded with a not-so-convincing fine’ and ended the call.

                Ryan looked over the unconscious girl rested on his bed, he was waiting for her to get up so that he could question her about who she was and kill her may be for  making everyone  grind up in a situation  that no one wished for. God knows what is going to happen now that the Carter’s know that they are being tracked down and killed.

               He’s been working on this project for months now. He did everything to take their man down secretly and in a way they would never suspect about it. They were so close to completing this mission and moving on with the others but one little mistake and the things had complicated ten folds. Ryan still didn’t understand how everything turned out this way, according to the information and place there should have been hardly any people there on the lane at that time of night except only thugs would go on those places but looking at the girl – thug  was far from it.

               He would have thought she was a spy but a spy wouldn’t react the way she did. He did feel a presence behind him last night but he ignored that by convincing himself that he should rather not look back and draw attention and that would possibly be some drunk or druggies. He didn’t expect it to be someone like such a petite looking girl, who looked to be in her twenties.The attack from her last night was unexpected for him but he still had managed to shot the man, he was trained well to go through situations like that.  Ryan could have just given her a hard blow looking at how weak she looked just by getting accidentally hit by his jaw but when he had laid his eyes on her yesterday – he could tell she must be nothing more than a commoner who could be unaware of his situation.

               Yes, he thought that yesterday but now that he is specifically asked to stay with her and protect her due to the terror she has brought herself to, he wanted nothing but to get rid of her.

“Ow wha-? What the hell? Where am I?”  The bewildered looking brunette finally woke up and looked all around herself.

“What do you think you were doing there last night?” Ryan growled immediately, now that she was up he could take out his built up frustration at her.


"Answer me, first."

“What the hell? Who are you? Why am I here? And don’t you dare talk to me like that.” Ryan didn't wanted to hurt her but her words only provoked him to force the answers out of her. He pinned her back to the bed she sat on. He bind her wrists to the bed on either side with his hands and glared at her menacingly.

“Ow- let go. You are hurting me, crap that hurts. Shit..."She whimpered.

“Watch your mouth. You don’t wanna get hurt worse than this, do you?  Now you are going to be a good girl and tell me all about which gang you belong to? What was your plan? And what is your name?” he asked her spitefully, letting her know whom she is dealing with here.

“Err….crap crap…get off get off now. Idiot that’s hurting real bad.”

“ Just stop screaming.” He let go immediately, he almost forgot she was shot, her arm must hurt with the position he was holding it in. She sat back up wincing and caressing her arm and now her wrist which was had not got a red rim due to the tight grip he was holding it in. But the girl was again back to scowling at him, like just now whatever he did- didn't happen.

“Listen, I do know no shit about this gang thing. I was freaking walking on the same lane as yours. Nothing more. If anything you should be telling me what is going on here?  Damn my luck, I had to take that horrid looking lane to reach the dorm. Why couldn’t I just once be out of trouble? I knew I suck and make a mess easily but what the fudge was I thinking, getting myself shot? And you! You idiot you were there in front of me and my arm still got shot?  Why there’s not even a scratch on your frigging body but my body feels sore all over. What was I thinking? God damn Mrs. Stanton...” 

               Ryan wanted to pull at his hair when she finally got to speaking. She started of answering him but ended talking to herself. He doubted he could somehow get to know everything without getting that big mouth of her start. The only thing good he was now sure of was that she actually sounded honest. It could have really been that case of 'wrong place - wrong time'.

“Hey snap out of it, don’t get the whole distant look going. Answer me, you kidnapped me right? Listen I won’t tell no soul about you being a killer or anything. I just don’t give two shit about even morals now. That’s what got me here at the first place- if only I would have minded my own business and not cared enough that you were going to kill someone …”

“Exactly my point.” He snapped at her angrily.

“You didn’t answer me. Tell me now- where am I? Anyhow just let me go.” She huffed.

                For the first time, Ryan noticed something they both should have screamed about right away. The dumb chick was sitting there with only her camisole and jeans on. Well he knew why she was like that- after last night, he had to patch her first because of the bullet-shot and all. He reluctantly had to take her shirt off of her in order to treat her arm. The amusing part was the anger and confusion had consumed her so much that she didn’t realize she was sitting there half naked. He wanted to wait and see when she would get enlightened about her being exposed but he was too much of a gentleman (sometimes) to actually go through that thought.

“Get ready. Wear your shirt. We can talk later.” He grumbled and turned to leave the room.

            As soon as he reached the door he had to abruptly stop and turn around as a loud screech pierced through his eardrum. He cursed under his breathe but was shocked to see the sight in front of him. The girl was fuming with her face going all red he should have been taken aback by all anger he saw in her eyes but instead he was bemused. She was struggling to get the damn shirt on and in her other hand was his gun she was holding and poorly aiming at him. Though if she even shot with that angle- he was sure the bullet would hit somewhere far left to him.

“You creep, rapist. What the hell were you thinking? Why was my shirt off?  I was shot and you force yourself on me when I was unconscious. What the hell….”

"Stop screaming. God, get over yourself. Don’t you get it your clothes are still on? I just had to remove your darn shirt to fix the wound on your arm. And put the bloody gun down. You are not even aiming it right.”


" just put the gun down."

“You would like to think twice before you speak now. The gun is here in my hand and you are unarmed. You are going to let me leave this place right at this instant.” She growled, saying the lines-he was sure were from some movie and all Ryan wanted to do was snort at her.

               He casually leaned at the door frame with his arms crossed and smirked at her antics. She looked confused at first but her face dropped in disappointment like she just had a terrible realization and much to his amusement tossed the gun at him. He was alarmed and caught it in his left hand immediately.  Ryan couldn't register why the sudden change of plan and also he had no idea if he should call the girl crazy or plain dumb. Maybe both.

“It was empty wasn’t it? Err….that happens in all the movies. The killer gets all entertained and smirking whenever a gun is pointed at him.” She grimaced and just buttoned up her shirt. Right there and then Ryan knew – he was going to have to deal with an dumb character. He let her have her own moment of sadness and resentment before looking her in the eyes with a mischievous glint in his own and taunting expressions he said –

“The gun is actually loaded. It must really suck being you.”

With that he left the room and the brown haired Blonde stunned and dumbfounded.

Copyright © 2011 SanSmercy28

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