Stuck with a Stuck-up.

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Chapter 3:


                   What do you do when your worst nightmare is coming true? Well frankly you may run, seek or whatever one's sane mind suggests but Scarlett just learned that when your nightmare is- being abducted by a possible terrorist ,you DO NOT  talk back to him or piss him off. This was the reason why she had been locked up in his bedroom since the afternoon after they arrived from wherever he took him to investigate about whether or not she belonged to someone’s gang or was some kind of threat to them, how ironic is that? Imagine a criminal investigating a commoner for probable threats.

                     Ryan had made sure-she didn't notice which part of town they were in and had blindfolded her until they reached the office.Scarlett had to answer a series of nuisance inquiry thrown her way before they were pleased that she in fact couldn’t harm a bug even if asked to. She didn’t back down without giving them hell too, almost all the questions were answered back with sarcasm or snorts and her trademark- ‘what the hell look’.

                    She had to co- operate when his royal assholeness – Ryan, the guy who was responsible for all this and whose name was told to her by a cute blonde who was interviewing her before. Ryan didn’t go easy on her, he just projected her a deathly glare all the time and made her answer every damn question again and did actually go through his threat of locking her down if she gave him a hard time.

                     Scarlett knew her fate has not just got her in yet another trouble but some real mess which would keep her in this hellhole for longer than necessary. Sure they believed she wasn’t any harm to them but they told her briefly that she was in danger and wouldn’t be able to escape them sooner. When they said ‘them’ it look like they were not referring to themselves but Scarlett didn’t care enough, all that she could care about was when they said- she would be Ryan’s responsibility and has to listen and stay with him all the time. Scarlett was terrorized because he was the only person here who gave her the meanest looks, looks which screamed that he would want to kill her but was holding back. She was bracing herself for when the restraint would finally come down.

                     All her time here was gone sulking and fuming but now sitting in some stranger’s room and looking down at her hands the blow of getting stuck in such a dangerous situation hit her. Sure she figured it all much earlier but before she was too angry to get upset on this. But now the feeling took over and she felt many emotions coming over, she cried. She was upset, sad, lonely, angry, and the worst part of it all was that she was scared.

                    Walls of the room seemed like they were closing in on her, she cried harder now. Her heart was pounding in her rib cage, when she admitted to herself how scary the whole situation was and a series of possible mishaps occurred in her mind which mostly included her dead. Her body lying in some dumped carcass, some slaughter house which seemed a little over imaginative but Ryan looked like he could carry it off well. All of her fears had him chocking her down to death. Speaking of whom- the devil walked inside the room himself.

“You don’t think that glaring would somehow make this any better, do you? He asked sarcastically. And she was too ticked off to answer his sarcasm with her own.

“J….just shut up.” May be it was her red eyes from crying so hard or her quivering and unresponsive voice but that got him to not say anything and look at her with pity in his eyes but even before Scarlett could get shocked on how this man could also show emotions he was back to his stern self.

“Let’s have dinner and then you can go to bed.” He spoke like he was handling some kid.

“I’m not hungry.”

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