Part Seven - Ignored

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Waking up to the feeling of sand in every nook and cranny and my hair feeling like straw was not the nicest feeling in the world. Luckily Michael was still fast asleep so I quickly had a shower to get rid of this awful feeling. For some reason, I could not get the thought of Ashton out of my head. It was really unusual for me and him to get along, but the even stranger thing was that I kind of liked it.

Maybe, everything from here might change.

"Good morning sleepy head." I said to Michael who was still lying in bed, scrolling through his phone.

"Someone's in a good mood." He smirked at my reaction. 

I'll admit today I did feel much happier. Mainly because for once I didn't dread the thought of having to cope with Ashton all day. Instead I was really looking forward to it.

"I guess that break yesterday just cheered me up." I lied. I knew full well that the reason why I was in such a good mood was because of, you guessed, Ashton.

"Hmm of course it was that." Michael said as he got up from his bed and headed towards the bathroom. Before letting me respond, he smirked and shut the door behind him.

I grabbed the hair dryer out of the drawer and dried my hair. I then applied some foundation, powder and some mascara. Today was the last day before we fly out to England, so it means a few last minute interviews and one last concert later tonight.

I waited for Michael to get out of the shower and get dressed which didn't take too long. We both then headed downstairs to meet with the other guys.

"Good timing! Our ride has just got here." Calum spoke and we quickly ran outside and into the ride. This time, we all were able to fit into one car.

I got out my camera and took pictures of the boys playing a game of 'spot the coloured car'. Lucky for me I managed to fit facing Ashton. He wasn't joining in with the boys but rather sat scrolling through his phone.

For some strange reason he looked different today. He didn't seem like the usual Ashton who would purposely try to irritate me. That could just be because I didn't have the usual feeling of hatred for him. I finally snapped out of my thoughts to see Ashton looking staring back at me with a confused expression on his face.

Oh my god, I've just been staring at Ashton for a full five minutes. I suddenly felt me cheeks start to burn up and smiled slightly at him before quickly turning my head to look out of the window. Trust me to make a complete fool out of myself. After a few minutes the car turned into a McDonald's and parked on the car park.

"Do you guys want anything?" Michael said looking at me and Ashton.

"Nah man." Ashton responded and Michael then turned his head fully towards my direction.

"One hash-brown please." He nodded and him, Luke and Calum got out of the car.

Silence quickly filled the car and my palms started to sweat. Why was I suddenly getting so nervous around him? No matter how nervous I felt, this silence was unbearable.

"You looking forward tonight's show?" I asked him. He blanked me while continuing to scroll through his phone.

"Ashton?" I spoke again, to which he ignored me. The more he ignored me the more angry I felt rather than nervous.

"Why are you ignoring me?" I spoke again raising my tone of voice slightly.

"What?" He responded bluntly, not even looking up to make eye contact.

"I said why-" 

"No Harte, what do you want?" He interrupted me, not sounding very pleased.

"I'm just trying to make conversation Ashton." At this point I had mixed emotions. I didn't know why he was acting like this but it felt like a knife being pushed into my chest.

"Well don't. Just because we got along yesterday doesn't mean anything has changed. I was messing with you Harte to see if you'd actually suck up to me and guess what? It worked." His tone of voice was sharp, nasty and it just made me feel even worse.

"Are you actually kidding me? I should've known you wouldn't change!" I screamed at him. I could feel my eyes welling up with tears from feeling so frustrated and hurt.

Why did I think he was any different?

The car door swung open and I quickly wiped the tears that had fallen down my face.

"We're ba-" Michael started to say before seeing my face "Brooke what's up?" His facial expression now looked very concerned.

"Nothing Michael I'm fine." The one thing I hated was when people ask you what's wrong when you're upset because it just makes you even more upset.

Michael's expression quickly turned from concerned to angry, and he looked straight towards Ashton.

"What have you done now!" he shouted at Ashton.

"It's not my problem your little friend get's upset over nothing." Ashton spat back at him.

"Are you seriously being a dick after what you told me yesterday?" Michael was now straight in Ashton's face. "I have had enough of your crap and I have had enough of you making my best friend feel like shit!"

At this point Luke and Calum were trying to pull Michael and Ashton apart. 

"Guys please stop!" I shouted over the argument. I hated seeing Michael like this and it made me feel even more upset.

"Maybe she shouldn't be so boring then she might actually get some attention from me!" Ashton smirked spread across his face once again.

The next few minutes happened so fast. Michael's fist swung towards Ashton's face and smashed against his jaw. Ashton then jumped for Michael and the rest of the crew from other cars came over to split the boys up. After Ashton's face had been wiped from the blood, he stormed off from everybody else.

"Ashton's walked off, probably back to the hotel." Luke said once he came back over to the car me, Michael and Calum were in. 

"What's happening now then?"I asked while being cuddled up to Michael. Apart from the injuries on his knuckles, he was fine.

"They've cancelled the interviews and the show. Everyone thinks it's best if we all get rest and calm down in the hotel."

Luke got into the car and we all went back to the hotel. After this mornings events we are in a pretty rubbish mood.

"I'll meet you in the room, I have to get my knuckles checked." Michael said once we stepped out of the car and kissed me on the forehead.

I finally walked back to the room, opened the door and turned the light on to find a familiar face sat on my bed.


Things aren't looking the best for everyone right now. 

I hope you enjoyed this part! I'm not sure when I'm next going to do an update. It might have to be around summer.

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