Part One - Photo Shoot

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This is quite short since I found it difficult to try and find ways to start this story off. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this:) 

If a few people are interested in the story, I will be happy to post chapters whenever I can!



From the day I met Ashton Irwin, I soon realized he wasn't who he seemed he was in front of cameras. At first I thought he was just in a bad mood that day, but after a week of starting my job I realized that his personality was completely different to what everybody else sees. He was rude, ignorant,  and irresponsible. The only people I've seen him be nice to is the band, his family and his fans. To him, everybody else doesn't matter.

"Hurry up Ashton." Calum says facing the curtain that Ashton is getting changed behind. We were currently at a photo shoot for a magazine company which I can't remember the name of. "You were late already and now you are taking forever to get changed. Just saying bro but this is making us all look unprofessional."

The boys were going to be on the front cover and this was exciting news for not only the boys, but the whole team. I, for one, was extremely excited as three of the four boys (take one guess who was the guy who decided differently) requested me to take the photos. Being best friends with Michael Clifford was a big advantage of getting this job as the band had a very big part in the decision and Michael helped me out a lot. Also, he wanted me to tour with him and the band since we have been inseparable from a young age.

"I'm going as quick as I can." He snapped sharply. It was obvious his mood was even worse than usual since he was being rude to Calum too.

Finally, after another five minutes he walked from behind the curtain in the required outfit. After only a few seconds he was surrounded by two people who started applying makeup to his face and styling his hair.

"Brooke! Come here" Michael called me over to were him where Luke and Calum were sat down on beanbags. I grabbed my camera bag and headed over. My camera bag is my life, only I can touch it since it holds my most valuable possessions; my camera and all the needed equipment for it.  

"What's up?" I ask as I sit down.

"You just seemed bored over there so I thought you should join us." Luke explains and moves his bean bag so he is sitting closer to the group. Over the past couple of months of being on tour with everyone, I have started to become good friends with Calum and Luke. Although nothing can replace the friendship I have with Michael

"I'm just sick of waiting." I said truthfully. "And this heat isn't helping at all, I feel like I'm in an oven." Luke laughed slightly at my comment.

"He'll be done in a minute and then you can get to taking your photos." He said before taking a sip out of a can of pop.

A few minutes passed before Ashton walked over. Even the way he walked irritated. I could honestly say that I hate his guts. The only time I tried to be nice with him is in the first week of my job and had it thrown back in my face. From that day forward, I've tried to avoid him as much as I can. Everyday after that I have seen more and more of what he is really like and more reasons are added to a long list of why I hate his guts.

"Brooke we didn't hire you to sit around all day doing nothing you know." He said as soon as he was at a decent distance to all of us. I groaned, stood up, grabbed my camera bag next to me and walked over to where all the equipment was set up for the shoot. I could tell Ashton was pulling one of his signature smirks and to be honest it made me more annoyed. I hated the smirk that spread across his face. He knew for a fact I couldn't argue back in front of his manager or anybody who could easily fire me, so he always used it to his advantage.

A few hours later, the shoot had finally finished and the boys were nearly finished getting changed. I grabbed my equipment and placed it in my camera bag. I then put the bag behind my back and put the straps on my shoulders. I drank the remainder of my can and threw it in the bin just as Ashton walked towards me.

"You know..." He started to speak before he was anywhere close to me "... I saw the photos you took today and they are honestly the most awful photographs I've seen in my life." He smirked at his comment, obviously knowing that it would offend me.

I quickly scanned the room to make sure nobody was close enough to hear me before replying to him. Don't get me wrong, I would love to just scream in this boy's face at times but I would rather keep my job.

"Oh that's strange, because I'm pretty sure you guys hired me." I replied and gritted my teeth. One thing Ashton learnt about me is how to easily wind me up.

"It's quite hilarious how you think I would want to hire somebody like you. I voted against you sweetie." The smirk was still plastered on his face. Oh how I wished I could rip that smirk right off his face.

"Well looks like you are in bother because, oh would you look at that... I'm here and you've got to deal with that asshole."

"I could easily get you fired Harte. I've just got to push all your buttons until you completely lose it." His smirk grew bigger before walking away and not giving me the chance to reply.

I hated that asshole so much.

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