Part Four - Hotel Room

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After the day had ended I decided to go for a walk across a small beach across near the hotel to try and relax. I always loved being out when the sun was setting as the world looked even more beautiful than usual. I slipped my flip flops off and let my feet sink into the sand with every step I took.

After today's argument with Ashton all my energy had gone and I found it difficult to support the guys, but they didn't seem to notice. Michael seemed concerned about me at first, but I acted fine so I wouldn't ruin the day.

Once I walked down the beach and back I lay down on the sand and looked up at the sky. Eventually, I found my eyelids becoming heavy, and every started to go quiet.


I tried to open my eyes as I felt somebody pick me up and started carrying me somewhere. After a few seconds I realized I must of been outside since the air was now cold.

"Michael?" I mumbled as I tried to recognize the figure carrying me.

"It's not Michael." He whispered "Just go back to sleep I'm taking you  to bed." The figure spoke quietly so I couldn't quite recognize his voice.

"Am I being kidnapped?" I asked the figure and then I felt him vibrate as he chuckled. I didn't recognize this laugh.

"No Brooke just go back to sleep. I'm crossing the street to the hotel now." He said and moved me in his arms so that I wouldn't fall out of them.

I blinked a few times so that my eye sight wasn't blurry  and when I looked up to the figure holding me I saw Ashton. His curly hair was bouncing slightly as he walked and his eyes were facing the direction of we were going.

"What the hell?" I said once I realized that Ashton, the jerk who hours ago grabbed my jaw and shouted in my face, was carrying me from the beach back to the hotel. I instantly shot up from where I was and got out of his arms.

"Calm down, I was only trying to help." He said as he held up his hands in defence. His face expression seemed neutral. There was no cocky smirk for once.

"I don't need or want help from you." I turned around walking into the hotel and he followed behind.

"Wait Brooke!" His tone was louder than a few moments ago.

"What do you want Ashton?" I spun around on my heel to face him. He was much closer to me then I expected.

"I lost the key for my hotel room." He said.

"And that concerns me because?" I was quickly becoming impatient and frustrated.

"Well Brooke, as you can there is no one else in sight. It's just us and that is why I need to sleep in your room tonight."

"No chance. It's your own fault that you lost your key." I said before turning around and starting to walk to my room.

"Well you'll be the one locked out because I have your key." He said. I turned around again to see him dangling my key in the air with a big smirk plastered on his face once again.

I hate him so much.

"Give me it back Ashton, I'm not in the mood for this." I moved back towards him and tried to reach the key, but he lifted the key up as far as he could and it made it impossible for me to reach it.He laughed at my attempts of jumping up to grab it.  In frustration, I gave up jumping and sighed.

"Fine Ashton, you win. However there are going to be some rules." I stated and waited for him agree by a nod of the head. "Number one, you are to sleep on Michael's side of the room and on the floor. Number two, as soon as you wake up you are to get ready and go and find your key no excuses. Alright?"

"Fine by me sweetie." I rolled my eyes and took the keys off him.

Once we reached the room,I unlocked the door and walked inside with him following behind. I flicked on the lights only to see that Michael's bed was empty. I saw a note on his bed which read:

"Hey Brooke, I got talking to a girl at the hotel and decided to stay in her room for the night. Enjoy the room to yourself! Love Mike X"

"Great." I muttered to myself. Not only do I have to sleep in the same room as Ashton, but now it was only me and him. Could this day get any worse?

"Well at least I can sleep in his bed now." Ashton said as he sat on the bed.

I rolled my eyes and walked towards my suitcase where I got out one of my over-sized t-shirts. Without even caring that Ashton was in the same room as me, I quickly took off my clothes and put the t-shirt on.

"Nice underwear." Ashton said as I turned around and got into bed.He was doing his usual smirk.

God how I wanted to rip that smirk off of his face.

"Shut up Ashton." I was way too tired to even try to shout at him.

I turned off the lights not even caring that Ashton was still fully clothed. I heard him sigh slightly as I slowly drifted off to sleep.


So we are starting to see a nicer side to Ashton? What do you guys think?

Hope you enjoyed and I appreciate the reads this story is getting so thank you:)

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