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This chapter is mostly about Yo's perspective

Kobe's pov

After I said my good byes to y/n-chan, I waited for that bitch at her locker. When she arrived, her face was mixed with pure shock and flustered. I was giving her my bad boy grin. The one I've been saving for senpai but that can wait later when I see him. I was annoyed that I have to waste my smile on her but it'll be worth a while when this is all over.
"How's it going, beautiful?" I lean my back on her locker crossing my arms.

"K-k-kobe-kun. W-what are you doing here?"

I shrug. "I don't know. I was hoping you wanna hangout at my house today."

" um.....Yo-kun was supposed to walk me home today. I'm not sure if today is great."

She seem indecisive so I had to step up my game. And it sickens me to do this

" Come on, babe~ I'm sure pretty boy here wouldn't mind you and me walking together for one day." I made sure that I was leaning over her making her blush even more. You stupid whore. You women are not worthy of Yo-senpai at all.
She look away shyly and then took her phone to text Ko-senpai. I lean over to see that she texted that she is walking home with a friend. I chuckle inside knowing that I'm far from a friend. I'm her worst nightmare~

I walked her to my house. Everything is fine so far. Nothing out of place yet. Dai keeps clinging to me like a puppy ,it's annoying. I refrained myself from killing her now. It might be too suspicious since the neighbor next store happens to have sensitive ears. The old lady would probably be in a panic she hears a scream so I must be cautious. I took her inside and have her sit in my couch. I also ask if she wants any beverages. She replied with (whatever drink).
So I went to the kitchen to make it and open the drawer that contains some pills that will make her voice hoarse  and sleepy. This will do nicely. Dai Fujita, you are going you die tonight.

Yo's pov

Class sessions were finally over. I stretched my arms as I took things I needed  and start packing. After that I walked to my car and I saw Dai with some boy. To not stand out, I hid behind the bushes .As I took a closer look. I realize it was Kobe Miyamoto, the weird guy who always hangs out with y/n-chan. He was flirting with my girlfriend and she just stand there blushing.

I saw her taking out her phone and texted something. My phone was in vibrate with people chatting and walking around so I didn't get caught. Dai's text reads that she's walking home with a friend so I would have to go home alone. I rolled my eyes at the text.
" Friend huh? Doesn't look that way."

I didn't feel like dealing with this now so I'll confront her tomorrow.

I drove to the cafe across the streets because I was starving. It was call Kamui Cafe. It was a favorite of mine since the coffee was fresh and the food there was amazing. I arrived at a seat as a waiter arrives at my table.

" What will it be, sir?" I gave her a smile before giving my answer.

" I'll have a salmon salad and some coffee, please?" She nodded and walked away.

After 15 minutes waiting, she arrived with my salad and coffee. I took a sip while looking up some things on Facebook. I wonder if Y/n has an account.
I search it up and there she was. She mostly post anime things and pictures of her and her friends. There was a cute picture of her wearing a cosplay of ( anime character) I took a screen shot. To be honest, this feels weird and creepy but hey ,people do weird things when they have crushes.
Speaking of y/n, I saw her friends sitting 3 seats away from me. I scanned the table for y/n but she wasn't there. I decided to approach them to talk.

" Hey guys, I didn't know you go to this cafe. "

Mayu and Aya look up with excitement practically hollering " hi", while Hikaru nodded with me with a "sup?"

I ended up talking to them for like 15 minutes talking about random topics simply because I was bored. Then there came out the question I wanted to ask the most. " Where is y/n?"

Aya shrugs before saying " She went home alone because she had a lot of HW to do."
I didn't show it but I can feel myself sweating a little. Because as I recall, the Kobe guy is always the one taking her home and now he's probably still with my girlfriend. That means y/n is alone...
Who knows what danger lurks in the streets at night, especially for a girl. I suddenly felt uneasy and got up.

" How could you guys leave her alone?" I tried to keep my voice as calm as possible but I think Mayu has notice the shaking in my voice  and look away.

" Sorry,  we didn't know. We assume she be home by now..." I glared at Hikaru who I know has a crush on y/n.( its really obvious almost everyone knows)

  " And you. Don't you like y/n?"

"Of course I do. But if she wants to go home alone, she can. Plus I walk her home sometimes and there's nothing dangerous about that street!"
I can tell he's annoyed at me.I gave them a smile.

" You know what? How about I do you all a favor. To make sure, she's safe, I'll go to her house to see if she's safe." Aya and mayu nodded. Aya said, " Great idea , I send you her addr-"
"NOOO!" Hikaru snaps. I looked at him confused
" First of all, stop acting like you're her boyfriend cuz you're not! And second of all just call her like a normal person."
" He has a point. " Aya stated. I watch patiently as Mayu dial her phone and waited.

But the voice that came out was not Y/n's but her voice message. She tried again but it was the same result. She gulps.
" Please give me the address now." Hikaru looks defeated.

" Fine, its (address) "

I thanked them , paid the bill, and got into my car. I drove.

How I ended up finding y/n was a fluke because I actually knock on door and it was silence. I asked neighbors if they see her enter the house. In which they all respond with a no. Worried, I drove around nearby streets searching. I happen to caught something in an alley. I found y/n
but she wasn't alone.....

Some hooded figures were surrounding her. She was getting molested! Crap. Who hell are theses guys? I got out of my car and shout at them.
"Shit its Yo!" one of  them yelled. The voice sounded familiar. Bastards probably ran away because they know me. Are they from school? I can get them in trouble when I know their faces. I have tons of people who would do anything for me and this includes teachers

I brushed the thought because y/n is my top priority now. I rush to her side embracing her tightly. I felt her hugged me back slowly. That made me happy but when I pull back I can see what shape she's truly in. Her top was exposed to me with some bite marks decorated on her neck. Her lips were bruised and wet and I could see tears from the corner of her eyes.I saw precum dripping from her private parts I felt my cheeks red. What is wrong with me?
I took her to my car and told her that I'm taking her home.

" N-no.......take me to Kobe's house. O wanna see him!" It annoys me how she can still think about him in times like this. I caught that guy flirting with Dai. And I can tell Kobe is not the guy you should fall for. I tried to insist her going home but she was too stubborn. So finally with a sigh I started the engine and started driving. Thank you was what I heard from her before she passed out

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