his lust pt 2

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I apologize for the delayed of the chapter. I've been soooo busy with school and a lot things in my personal life that I didn't have time. Plus I don't like writing lemons. They're too hard write and don't you all rather read one than write one?

But thanks to my special friend who I did a story collab with for this chapter. She was the one who did the lemon for me XD and if it were for her, the chapters would be delayed again. There is a "author's "note in the end revealing who she is. Please thank her and check out her stories. She deserves it XD

And for apology for being late, I made sure the chapter is extra long

Kobe's pov

"Come one, y/n-chan. Hurry up!" I said as I saw y/n struggling to carry some of the dead bodies in the bags.

"It's too....heavy!" She grumbled as she nearly trip over nothing walking a little faster.
"Whoa...! Phew...close"
I sigh at her clumsiness
" walk a little slower"
She look at me annoyed as I said that.

" What? You told me to hurry!"
" Not if you're going to trip every second. Then you'll slow me down even more."
"......." -_-

" Kobe-kun, where are we taking the bodies? I don't think I can make it to your house" looking at Y/n, I could see bruises from various places. I feel pity for her as she must've feel really tired after getting ambushed by those sluts....but she she really kill them? I know I trained her to kill before but...this doesn't look like the work of a girl like her.

After I saw the pictures, I couldn't believe my eyes how gruesome they died. With limps torn apart and and head beheaded. It makes it easier to put in bags, but it rather similar to how I killed people. But I'm pretty sure,y/n prefer not to kill and even if she did, I don't think she make the girls so grotesque. IS SHE lying to me?

" No we are not going to my house. I have a better idea~"

We stop in front of a white car that look old. I took out the keys to open the door then the trunk.

" Since do you own a car?"

" Never, its not mine~" I smiled at her sweatdrop expression. " I actually found this guy sleep in his car drunk so I killed him and dumped his body in his trunk. We can use this car to hide the bodies too. Isn't that great?" I smile widely admiring my work.
Y/n look unamused as always but I could see her eyes twitch a little.
" Kobe-kun....why the hell did you kill this man? "

" I was bored and I knew you needed help."

" Somehow I don't believe that's the whole truth...."

" Fine, I saw him talking to Yo-senpai about something and got irritated. No one gets to talk to Yo without my permission~! Except maybe you." He giggle a little. " You're no threat since you're my slave."

" Accomplice! Don't make it sound like that!"
Under her breath I heard her muttered " but I really do feel like one..."

I ignore it though hoping she wasn't serious. 'After we're friends, she's supposed to be happy about my decisions, right?'

We load the bodies in the trunk closing it afterwards. I decided to take the wheel with Y/n sitting beside me. We buckled up seatbelts and drove

" Are we heading home?" She ask.
" No, its not necessary. I know a better place"
I drove into the woods. Trees pass by. Their silhouettes emerging from the distance as we travel further. It does look creepy but I don't mind at all.

I can tell y/ n feels a little uneasy.
" ....why the woods?"

" Theres a lake nearby. I thought we can drown them for a change~ burning the bodies getting a bit old."

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