Did he find out?

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Sensei's pov

I woke up after a good night sleep. I haven't feel this good for a long time. Looking to my side, I could see my y/n still tied up and naked. She was sleeping with her head leaning forward. I could tell it was a struggle for her to fall asleep considering the the uncomfortable position she's in, the ropes hugged her waist too tight. So if she were to struggle more, it would rip through her skin.

I got up to untie y/n and lay her beside my side covering her with a blanket. I brush her hair aside and breath in her scent. My arms were wrapped around her in case someone takes her away. And I was enjoying the moment until Sin'ichi ruined.

" You are a disgusting pervert." Sin'ichi muttered judging my actions with his eyes. He had opened the door without my consent again but I could see why he's here. I look at the bag he's holding indicating that he has my things.
Ignoring his comment I said , "So you got the things I need?"

Sin'ichi placed the bag on nightstand.

" Please, as if you need them. You can always used force. I mean you always do." Sin'ichi a glare at him before seeing his " father "dug into the bag. The things he shamefully bought were more handcuffs, syringes, ropes, condoms, dildos and some other sex toys. ( Yeah I really don't like Hitsuo-sensei even though I'm the one who created him -_-)

I could see that y/n stirring in her sleep and groaning. My body embraced hers rubbing her back in circles. After that, she started to relax and stop moving so much.

" Oh y/n, if only you give in soon~" I smile softly.

Suddenly a phone buzzed from y/n's bag catching my attention. Frustrated that it had to ruined my moment I order Sin'ichi to toss the phone to me. Sin'ichi was hesitant but then he threw it to me.

I turn her phone one to see that the new messages came from the annoying brat, Kobe and Yo

At 6:25 am

Kobe: Why didn't you come home last night? Are you still mad at me? You have the right to be mad. I understand. I was being unreasonable and after taking the time to think about it, there was no reason to push you to talk if you don't want to tell me. So if you're ready to come home, I promise I'll make it up to you~ btw Yo-senpai cane here today! SO LUCKY! AW~ BUT HE ONLY CAME TO SAY HI! Noooooooo senpai don't leave me! OH! He also ask me about you so I told him you went to Hitsuo-sensei's house and then he ran. What's that all about? Are you close with Yo-senpai?

At 6:27 am

Yo: Hey y/n-chan, are you still in that creep's house? Be careful. Don't let him touch you I'm going there now.

Oh shit.....are serious?

I look out the window to see Yo running this way looking frustrated.

"Sin'ichi put some powder to cover her skin and then change her. I have to get myself ready to welcome some unwanted guest." I said

Sin'ichi sigh as he took some powder and look away before touching y/n's body


Yo's pov

Why is y/n with Hitsuo-sensei? I had a bad feeling about this ever since Kobe told me this. And Kobe didn't act like he's worried at all. He look happy as always when he sees me. Now that I think about it, his eyes sparkles whenever I'm in sight. Its as if he only he has only eyes for me. But that's impossible right? I mean he's popular with the ladies and there's no way he's gay. I mean he's always with y/n so that means he likes her too.....they even live together. I sigh at the thought.

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