Moving in with a yandere

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Y/n 's pov
"Tell me why we're doing this again."

Me and my friends were carrying some really heavy boxes. Kobe and me had to carry this one  box overfill with anime dvds.
" Well remind me why you even want to keep this stuff. I told you we're only packing the stuff you need, y/n-chan!" Kobe bark at my remark.

" I do need my anime dvds. They are what fuels my body for the day." I answered back. Kobe's eyes twitches.

"Y/n, half of them aren't even good. And why did you carry a copy of Free! Iwatobi swim club?"

" Haru is my waifu. He the only one who gets me." I said in a monotone voice.

" ......that explains a lot. The only difference is he strips  when he's near water."

"Your body is 75% water. I can strip for you if you like." I said with a visible smile on the corner of my mouth. That was only to tease him but his face darkened a bit but still blushed from embarrassment. He lean closer to my face as we arrive at the truck and drop the box. He got closer to my ear and whisper, " Oh y-chan, if you actually mean that, I would slit you throat~" he said in a teasing manner. But I stayed calm and unbuttoned my shirt. " Shut up and let me be naked." Making Kobe panic. " Stop it! D-don't make me kill you!" He tries to stop me from unbuttoning more but since he panicked he accidentally slam his hands and unbuttoned the whole top. I realize this is a bad idea so I started buttoning my shirt. " "Quick, hurry! Someone is coming!" He said in a hush voice. He tried to get me around the boxes to hide this embarrassing moment. But he suddenly trip on a pebble and fell on top of me. What's worse is how lewd it looks since one of his hand was on my chest.

"Hey, you guys need help?" Yo stick his head in the truck with a close eye smile only to caught us at this position once his eyes are open.
"......" Yo's stared at us for a long time. Kobe eyes widened as if he was caught doing something he shouldn't. I looked at Kobe who still have his eyes on Yo sweat. Yo who seem to recover broke the silence. " Take your time, you guys. Sorry for intruding." He turn away and exit. Before we could move, Aya then came in after Yo exit. " Hey guys hows it-" She look at us and slowly took out her camera. Snap. Snap.

"Take anymore pictures, and I'll cut your face open!" Kobe snaps as I can feel him squeeze harder. Aya ran out laughing"Ow. Ow...ow...stop it. Let go please"
He glare at me. "This why I want you to stop. We invite senpai , remember?"

" I don't get it. He sees you flirt with other girls before. He thinks you're straight. What's the point?"

" The point isn't that he sees me flirting with girls. I don't wanna ruin my reputation yet. The point is him thinking I'm assaulting you! " he got off me as I buttoned up my shirt and got up pulling him with me " I'm not gonna tell him I also like boys just yet. I want to get closer to him and confess when it's right. Oh well, I'll forgive you for now. Its not like he'll be able to escape me anyway. And......besides you really have nice buns~" he said as he groped me from behind I yelp before slapping his hands away making him giggle.

You guys are probably wondering what we're doing and what happened after Dai die. After the incident with Dai's death, I had to help Kobe hide the body. I recommended dumping her in the fire in his secret basement which actually contains a lot of creepy stuff. The door was well hidden since place a shelf in front of it. I actually never been down there because Kobe never lets me but now that I saw it, I know why. The place is decorated with Yo's pictures everywhere. This include when he sleeps , showers, or any pictures with his back turn. The place also have cells with make it look more like a jail. I didn't ask him about the purpose, but he avoided the question saying it that its a surprise. He had tons of weapons hanging in display. It goes from your typical light weapons likes knives, hammers, and pistols. To saws, bats, crowbars, and then katanas, rifles, shotguns, etc. He even has his own torture chamber but I'm not gonna go into details. Its way to creepy to think about the victims he invited in there. Especially when the room still has blood stains. I did ask him about how he could afford this stuff, he told me his great grandpa kept the room during WWII and he passed this from generation to generation. God no wonder why Kobe is messed up. I remember he used to live with his parents when he was little. He always came crying to my arms for comfort when his mommy and daddy took him to the 'room' He would show me these scars which starts from her neck and travels down to his legs. I didn't really understand much because I was little. Now I know what happened to him. As for his parents, they both died in a car accident leaving him alone when he was 13. He did live with his uncle since then but he actually died last year due to an illness. Kobe told me he didn't need anyone too take care of him.

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