Break Part 2

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Warning: Yandere Cyborg up ahead (Also, I worked a lot with the song in the media so if you want to play it. It set a good mood for me.)

You were in trouble. You were a sitting duck amid the masses of monsters prowling around the area. You had taken a few good hits but your leg had numbed out on you and you could barely move, let alone crawl.

So you were forced to wait there for the back-up that the Hero Association had called in. You were having a guessing game of who they would send to distract you from the impending danger when you saw one monster take notice of you.

You were lying against the side of a car trying to blend in as much as you could but it definitely caught sight of you. It was sauntering toward you with a sickly smile as you tried to get away from there on your hands.

Right when you felt it looming over you, you shut your eyes braced for its attack.

However, it never came. Instead, a deafening boom was heard blasting passed you. Whatever it was, it was so hot that it stung the back of your legs.

But as quick as it had come it was gone. You blinked and turned around to see what the hell had happened. To your surprise, a few feet away Genos stood with his arms raised. Smoke poured out of his weaponized arms as he marched forward.

At first, it didn't seem like he had seen you. You thought he would walk right passed you and go see if he had finished off the beast. But he halted directly in front of you before glancing over at you, his eyes glowing a strange golden color.

"Genos?" Your voice was barely above a whisper.

He said nothing as he slipped his hands beneath you and picked you up. He avoided eye contact with you as well, causing you to be hesitant to resting your head on his shoulder. You opened your mouth but were too afraid to speak.

You waited until he had taken you home to try talking to him again. "Genos?"

The cyborg made no recognition that he had heard you. Once he had gotten both of you into the apartment, he took you to the kitchen. He sat you down on the counter as he searched the cabinets for a first aid kit.

"Genos, talk to me, please," You pleaded with concern.

Genos turned back to you as he rifled through the white box for bandages. He then proceeded to mummify your scratched arms with them.

You sighed and averted your attention to your leg. You still couldn't feel anything in it and you were starting to worry. "Genos, I think I need to go to the hospital," You said. "My leg's really numb."

He cast a glance to your leg, but then went back to sticking band-aids on your face. You furrowed your eyebrows, having enough if his attitude. "Genos, listen to me!"

Genos shot you a glare. "What?"

"Look, I know you're angry with me but please listen! We need to go to a doctor and get my leg checked out."

He stared at you for a second before shaking his head. "No, you're fine. But if it really is something serious, I'll figure something out."

You couldn't believe what you were hearing. "What? Genos, I need help—"

"You don't need anyone else!" He snapped. He then cupped your cheeks and stroked them gently. "You have me. And I'll protect you from everything," Genos said eerily.

He leaned in and kissed you despite the shock on your face. For a minute, you didn't respond, but once the cyborg pulled you closer to him, you carefully edged into it.

Robotic Heart (Genos x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now