Chapter 1

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Everyone has their own favorite kind of job out there in the world, whether it's being a doctor or a lawyer or even a ditch digger. My favorite kind of job in the world is being a barista, well it's not my one and only favorite thing in the world but it certainly is the best job I've ever had. It took me three days of medical school to figure out that wasn't really my calling but neither is refilling the napkin dispenser at Starbucks. I know it's not the best job in the world but I'm at least around the best people in the world

I just started my shift and I'm already wondering when is my ten minute break. I quickly slip on my green apron that is embroidered with my name

"JERICK" on the top left of it and tied it around myself and listened to the music that was playing in the background.

"Hi Jerick." Annabelle greeted me with a sweet smile.

"Hey what's up?"

"Nothing really I don't have anything going on in my life right now, what about you?"

I spent a minute thinking to myself

"I just have a latte on my mind right now and it's been hard for me to espresso myself lately and I blend feeling a bit under the weather."

Annabelle laughed softly to herself and which revealed her pearly white teeth.

"Damn Jerick back at it again with the funny puns."

As were laughing together I saw our co worker Steven coming out from the back and began to wipe down the countertops. I just tried to ignore him because I don't know what I did but he hates me and I have no clue why.

"Steven is behind us isn't he?" Annabelle softly asked.

I nodded my head yes.

She turned around and looked at Steven then she looked back at me again.

"Jerick why don't you ever talk to him like you talk to everyone else?"

"I would like to but he's hated my existence ever since I started working here."

"You never know, maybe all of this rudeness might mean he likes you."

"Oh then he must really like me, remember when he tried to burn my apron?"

"Yeah well you two need to settle your differences before Steven possibly tries to set your apron on fire again but this time while you're still wearing it."

I look up and saw Steven throw his counter cleaning rag onto the floor near a table.

"Jerick could you please grab my rag from the floor over there?"

"What's wrong with your two hands and legs? I saw you throwing it over there anyway."

"Can you just please hand me the rag on the floor?"

I felt skeptical about it at first but then I also thought:

"What could this kid do than trying to burn my apron?"

I took off my apron and walked over to the floor and picked up the rag and when I was about to get up from the floor, a cup of ice water was quickly thrown in my face. I felt paralyzed for a second and I was able to open my eyes that were closed tightly, I opened my eyes and saw Steven smiling and holding a tall plastic cup that had nothing in it. When he noticed that I was looking right at him, he dropped the cup on the floor and beamed his eyes straight at me and all he said was:

"You missed a spot Jerick."

(Remember when I said everyone has their own favorite job in the world?

Well Steven's favorite job in the world is being a bitch towards me every fucking day.)

I couldn't believe what I just heard from this kid's mouth, I wiped the floor dry and went into the bathroom. I felt mad but I tried to not hold on to my rage, no matter how much I wanted to smack the blonde out of Steven's hair or punch him in the eyes until the blue turns purple. I can't let him get in the way of what I like to do, I grabbed paper towels and dried myself off parshley and tried to put on a smile for everyone else.

I head back to the counter to put my apron back on and Annabelle gave me a warm hug despite the fact that I was damp and cold.

"Are you alright?" she whispered

"Yeah well this isn't something surprising to see Steven do, just glad it was ice water and not burning hot coffee."

A moment after, a customer walked through the door and was ready to order.

"We got to start working." I whispered.

I noticed that Steven was staring sharply at me as Annabelle and I were talking, I don't know what that means but whatever that is that he's doing I don't like it at all.

Once it was finally 8:30 P.M which was also known as closing time I felt so relieved that the day was finally over. I mopped the floor, Annabelle wiped down countertops and Steven stacked the chairs. I was just about ready to lock up and go home and sleep until it's my shift but, Annabelle grabbed me by my wrist just right when I was going to walk out the door.

"Alright I'll see y'all tomorrow." Steven announced.

"See you tomorrow and don't die while skateboarding home." Annabelle shouted.

"Don't worry, I'll try my hardest to break every bone in my body."

Annabelle laughed softly as Steven finally left I was alone in the store with Annabelle and I just wanted to know why she stopped me from leaving.

"Jerick there's something you need to know and it's kind of last minute."

"What is it?"

"We're getting a new barista working here."

"That's cool when?"

Annabelle paused and finally said:


"Why am I just now getting notified of this?"

"I kept telling Steven to tell you-"

"That explains why." I interrupted.

"Annabelle as much as I would like to train a new person, we get way too busy on weekdays and there's just not enough time."

"She's a transfer from another Starbucks and she knows how to make every drink in the book, all you need to do is show her where everything is. Can you do that for me?"

"Alright I'll do it."

Annabelle smiled and gave me a warm hug, I wrapped my arms around her for a really good second and released her from my grip. She walked away and I eventually walked out the door, I walked home and let the thought of having a new barista around process. It would be cool to have a new face around work, then again if she's anything like Steven then I'll transfer her right back to the place she came from.

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