Chapter 2

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I arrived at work 15 minutes before we were supposed to actually open for business, as I was wiping down countertops I heard a knock on the door and saw a short young women standing there. She looked the age of 18 or maybe 20 years old, long black hair that laid gently on her shoulders and is in the chinese or japanese ethnic group. I walked over slowly and unlocked the door and opened it slowly.

"Can I help you miss?"

"Hi I'm Allison and I'm the transferred barista."

"Oh hi there, I'm Jerick and I'll be showing you around."

I opened the door wide enough for her to walk inside, Allison slowly walked in and striped her jacket off. She slipped her green apron on and tied it around herself.

"I'm going to go to the restroom real quick to wash my hands before we do anything." Allison announced.

"Alright you do you.Code is 3456 by the way."

"I know, all of the restrooms have the same codes." Allison said as she walked off.

When she went into the restroom Steven showed up riding on his old looking orange Penny Board. He walked in and gave me a dirty look, I didn't care what he was doing as long as it didn't bother me or anyone else in anyway. Steven noticed Allison's purse that was sitting on the counter and looked at it sharply.

"Whose purse is this?" He asked while pointing at it.

"It's Allison's bag."

Steven gave me a confused look because we never mentioned that name before for any reasons at all.

"Who in the world is Allison?"

"I'm Allison." She answered as she walked towards us.

Allison gave both of us a flash of her angel smile.

"I'm the new transfer."

Steven gave her a look that I didn't even know what he was thinking or feeling. He gave her a mix of expressions including confusion, anger and a little bit of I don't know.

"You look familiar to me, have we met before in life?" Steven asked.

"No I haven't met any of you guys until now and since we're on this topic, you might as well introduce yourself now."

"My name is Steven and I can swear that I've seen you somewhere before, I'm going to think long and hard about this because it's bothering me now."

Steven walked away to the back and I began to show Allison where every ingredient for whatever drink that it might be that she needs to make.

"So the whip is right there and the coffee maker is right here but be careful because it sometimes drips out more coffee than needed and it over fills, also it sometimes drips out boiling hot coffee at random times so don't put your hand underneath the spout of it. I learned that the hard way a few times in the past."

"Alright I'll remember that, anything else that I should know about?"

"Well there is one really important thing to know before you start working, that is to just simply have fun as you're doing it."

"How do you have fun while working, if it's always so crowded and hectic?"

I didn't really know how to explain how and while I was trying to find the most accurate answer to give her, Steven unstacked chairs and unlocked the doors. A teenager walked in and she looked about the age of 16 years old and I knew that this was the perfect time to show Allison a perfect example of what he was talking about.

"I'll show you an example of having fun on the job." I whispered

I went up to the register and had a bright idea of what to do.

"Good morning may I take your order?"

"Hi can I have a venti vanilla bean with caramel?"

"You want that with whip or nae nae?"

"I don't know what nae nae is in this case so I'll have whip."

Allison putting the top on the vanilla bean that ordered and that I completely forgotten about.

"Venti vanilla bean with caramel." Allison called out.

I went over to her as she slowly walked towards me and we met each other in the middle.

"Now that's how you have fun while working."

Steven walked out from the back and threw the full bag of trash at my stomach and said:

"Take it out."

I picked the bag up from the floor and walked over to the door, I was stopped by Allison who grabbed and held me back by my wrist. I turned around and she gave me a mad confused look.

"Jerick you're just going to listen to him and do what he tells you to do?"

"Well he's not going to do it then who will?"

"He will."

I didn't know what she was implying but she grabbed the bag and went into the back room.


"Yes Allison?"

"You take the trash out since you're capable of tying it and throwing it at Jerick."

"Okay fine then."

Allison walked back out to the front and reached into her back pocket and used her travel sized hand sanitizer and was able to pretend like nothing happened. That moment was the first time that a person (Other than Jose)

Stuck up for me when Steven performed his daily torment. I smiled and whispered into Allison's ear:

"Thank you."

She looked up at me with kind eyes and angel smile, Allison then said:

"Of course anytime."

I glanced back up and tried to take another customer's order, I could ignore the fact that Steven kept giving me glances that were filled with rage as he mopped the floors. Once he was done he went behind the counter to take orders, I feel like having a person like Allison around work is going to do wonders for me and everyone else since we actually have someone to keep Steven in line and that's a great relief off of our shoulders.

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