Chapter 3

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I walked up into work with a big smile on my face for the fact that Steven isn't working today and this is literally the highlight of my week and also for the fact that I work with Jose and Adrian.When I arrived they were standing around and talking to each other and listening to the music that was playing in the background.

"Hey Jerick." They both said in harmony.

"What is this song that is playing?"

"I don't know Adrian started playing it."

I darted my eyes at him quickly.

"Adrian you're supposed to play customer friendly music."

"This is customer friendly."

"Hello darkness my old friend isn't customer friendly, that's murder time music."

"Ugh fine I'll go change it."

After he walked off to the back I slipped my apron on and messed around with Jose.

"So Jerick I heard that you were showing the new barista around."

"Yeah and her name is Allison."

"I know that already remember I swung by here and hung out in the back for an hour."

"Oh yeah that's right I forgot."

"Before I came did she ever mention that she has a boyfriend?"


"Okay follow up question, did she ever mention that she wanted me to be her boyfriend?"

"No and she doesn't even know your name, remember she kept calling you Jesus?"

"That's my middle name."

"You don't have a middle name, what happened to the two girls that you're dating?"

"I found out that they were dating each other, they only used me so I can give them free rides everywhere."

"I think Jerick should go for Allison, you two would make a cute couple." Adrian suggested as he walked back out.

I looked down at the floor after Adrian's suggestion, little did he know that I gave up on relationships along time ago.I may have had bad experiences with relationships in the past and from those times, I just gave up on them completely and figured that maybe love doesn't exist.

"That's never going to happen."

"Why not?"

"Love is the most overused word in the English language it's not real, love is the word we use when we want something."

"So you're saying that you don't want to be in a relationship with Allison because you don't believe in love?" Adrian asked.

I nodded my head yes.

"Well Jerick don't you at least want to try again one last time?" Jose asked.

I shook my head no.

"I don't want a relationship, Allison is just a transfer and possibly my friend and nothing more than that."

Adrian walked closer to me and placed his hands gently on my shoulders and looked me dead in the eyes.

"Jerick if you're avoiding the word and feeling the feeling love because, of some mistakes that you made in the past. You can always use those mistakes as a compass that helps guide you through future relationships so you don't lose sense of direction of-"

Jose got sick of the "Love" topic that, he pulled Adrian off of me and said:

"Alright alright that's enough with the lovey dovey stuff."

"I can't agree more."

We started to wipe down counters and tables, we even mopped the floors and got everything looking nice. A few minutes later we saw Annabelle walking through the door, we all turned around and shouted:

"Hi Annabelle!"

"Hi everybody."

"Why are you here it's your day off?" I asked.

"I'm here to ask you about how Allison did yesterday?"

"Oh she did a really good job."

"That's good to hear, you know you should go out with her Jerick."


"Why not?"

I sighed heavily and feeling very aggravated by everyone around me right now.

"Why can't y'all just see that I'm happier being alone?"

The entire place went silent and all you could hear was the voices of everyone's thoughts.

"Alright Jerick we're sorry, we we're just thinking that you two would be happy together."

"Thanks for thinking about my happiness but I'm through with relationships."

From then on everyone was silent and the only thing that we we're able to hear, was the terrible pop music that Adrian played in the background.

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