Chapter 6

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Note: This chapter is in Jerick's point of view.

I laid in my bed listening to Taylor Swift's album (you know when her music was actually good.) while thinking about most of life's problems, I sometimes wish that I can put life on pause and just take a break from the world. I decided to get up from my bed and walked to my desk and opened a drawer where I keep my journal of my written thoughts, flipped to a blank page and grabbed a cool pen and began to write.

Dear journal,

I can't stop thinking about her the girl that slips herself into my thoughts when I'm awake and into my dreams when I'm sleeping. Ever since Allison started working with us, I don't know I've been feeling not the same as usual like she's all I think about and everyone at work is already starting to notice that I'm being distracted by something. Since I gave them my "I'm through with relationships" speech, they're not suspecting that Allison is my distraction and I just can't help but think about her because she's so beautiful.

I stopped writing and zoned out for a minute because she came across my mind again and she just wouldn't leave, I'm guessing that she's meant to stay in my head and fantasies. I snapped out of it and got up and walked back to my bed and laid back down again and began to listen to more of Taylor Swift's Fearless album.

I threw a pillow onto my face and screamed, if I could just rip out my heart and throw it somewhere so I could never feel anything ever again I would.

"Why must I catch feelings when I don't want them? If only emotions had a receipt so I can return them." I said to myself.

I heard a knocking on my bedroom door, I sat up in my bed and shouted:

"Come in"

My door slowly opened and my little sixteen year old sister Jem walked in, I invited her inside and she closed the door behind herself. She walked slowly to my bed and sat down besides me.

"Jerick are you okay?"

"Yeah why?"

"I heard you screaming into your pillow and you only do that when something is wrong."

I felt like telling her about Allison is the best way to get some of the feelings of bottling them up is better than to keep all of them.

"Jem I'm going to tell you something that I never confessed to anyone at work lately, so can do you me this solid and keep this secret can you do that for me?"

"Yeah of course what is?"

I inhaled deeply and gathered up all of my words.

"Ever since Allison the new barista started working with me, I don't know I've been feeling like she's....not just a barista and it's been distracting me so much and I don't know what to do."

Jem sat there in silence and began thinking.

"Well Jerick if she makes you feel this way then why don't you just hang out with her?"

"What is that is going to do?"

"If you hang out with her for a few hours look at how you feel at the end of it all and if you still feel the way you do then ask her if she feels the same way you do and if she does then just go for her because, this is all sounding like you feel a romantic connection between you two."

"No I don't feel romantic feelings for her."

"Yes you do all you're doing right now is lying to yourself, just tell yourself that you do have feelings for her. You'll feel better instantly once you come clean about it all."

I inhaled and said:

"I have feelings for Allison."

Jem smiled and whispered:

"Finally now keep telling yourself that and eventually, you'll find it in your heart to accept it and her feelings if she has any for you."

"What are we even going to do for a few hours?"

"You can go to San Francisco and go to Twin Peaks and gaze at the stars and the view of the city's lights."

My eyes lit up and a sudden rush of excitement from what I'm hearing, I loved what I'm hearing and I never knew that I was going to get dating advice from my little sister. I always thought that it was going to be the other way around one day, I got up from the bed and hugged her as sweetly as I was able to and she did the same thing.

"Thank you Jem I love you,your advice and your ideas so much.I'll ask her tomorrow if she wants to go."

"You're welcome I love you too Jerick."

I laid back down in my bed and played Mine by Taylor Swift, Jem laid down next to me and snuggled with my big plush Totoro. We both comfortably listened to the music and that's what I want with Allison,to listen to Taylor Swift together, Cuddle  and suddenly pass out.

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