Chapter 14

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I was sleepy and tired at work today because I stayed up all night looking for Allison and I have no idea where she could've gone. All I'm able to do at this point is just to blame myself for this mess, if I didn't leave her by herself at Starbucks this wouldn't be happening. I was just overhearing Annabelle's conversation with Steven.

"Annabelle I've came to the conclusion that I look like Shaggy from Scooby Doo." Steven shouted from the back room.

"What? No you don't but you do however resemble Nick Carter." Annabelle shouted from the front.


"You know before you cut your hair?"

I then started to wonder about Steven's behavior because he's being friendly and is actually smiling for once.

Why is that strange?

Because he's never been that chatty with anyone and he's smiling and I've never seen him smile ever since I started working here so why would he pick now?

I became very suspicious of his actions I got up from the windowsill and went to the back room because I gots some questions for his tacky ass.

"Hey Steven." I said with a fake smile.

"Hi Jerick what's up?" He said with a genuine smile.

I knew something was up with him because he gave me a smile that seemed real and sincere so there's something weird going on with him.(At least something weirder than usual.)

"I haven't seen Allison and she was scheduled to work today, do you know where she is by any chance?"

Steven shook his head no.

"Maybe she's home sick in bed."

"She isn't I checked her apartment and she wasn't there."

"Had a family emergency?"

"Well she's not answering her phone and if she had a family emergency she would've asked me to look after Bear."

"Whose Bear?"

"Her fluffy grey cat."

I sighed long and hard and leaned up against the wall behind me.

"Well I have no idea where she is but I do know that it's time for my ten minute break."

Steven dropped what he was doing and grabbed his skateboard and ran out the door as quickly as he could. He threw down his board and skated off into the distance as fast as he could, I then decided that it's also time for my ten minute break so I threw off my apron and ran out the door as fast as I could.

"Don't worry Allison I'm still looking for you."

I ran out behind him and tried to follow him while also trying to keep my distance away from him but at the same time I tried my hardest not to lose him. I ran up the street that he was leading me to and he turned into a light blue house and jumped off of his board, I jumped into the neighbor's bushes in case if he decided to check his surroundings

(Which was a good thing that I did because he looked all around him.)

He whistled as walked up the staircase to the door and he went inside and I sat in the bushes thinking that I have to go in there, something was telling me that I just have to get into that house and I will once he leaves.

I sat in the bushes for about fifteen minutes and once I saw him leaving I knew that this was my chance to try and find something. I ran out the bushes and ducked trying to stay low but also so no one thinks of me as suspicious, I went into the backyard and tried to find an open window or even a cracked door and I was luck enough to find a window that was opened a crack.

I lifted it up and climbed right inside and closed the window back to the way it was and looked around. Steven's house was very clean and didn't look suspicious or anything out of the ordinary, I searched through kitchen cabinets and cupboards and again nothing didn't seem out of the ordinary. I walked upstairs and let myself into his bedroom and started to look around but all I was finding were skateboards and parts of a board, I looked into his closet that didn't have anything that seemed suspicious. As I was going to close the closet door I saw something in the back of it that caught my attention, I pushed aside the clothes that were hanging and saw a door that was unlocked.

"This door better lead to Narnia." I whispered to myself.

I quickly opened it and saw that I was able to step inside of it and when I did the sight of what I saw was horrifying. I saw a small girl on the bed that was tied down to it and I slowly walked over to her, her face was covered by her black hair that looked messy and tangled. I brushed away the hair and saw her face, it was Allison but she didn't look the same way that I last saw her. This time she had bruises on her face that wasn't there and I shook her trying to wake her up.

"Allison....Allison....wake up."

I stopped and saw her eyes slowly opening and once she was wide awake she began to cry, I'm no psychiatrist but what I was able to tell was that she was so glad that I was there to save her from this. I pulled off the tape that was covering her mouth and she immediately began to beg for my help.

"Jerick....please help me before he comes back.....I don't want him to hurt me anymore."

"Calm down babe calm down and I'll cut the ropes with my my pocket knife."

I reached into my pocket and grabbed my knife and began cutting her loose carefully without cutting her. Once her ropes were off I held her in my arms and helped her towards the door and once we were about to open it, the door flung open and in came Steven and from that moment I realized that we were screwed.

"I told you to stay away from her Jerick." Steven monotonously said.

"I told you that I love her and when you love someone there's no reason in the world that can make you stay away."

I held Allison close to myself and Steven closed the door behind himself.

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