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And here I am again, standing in front of you...asking you to review her story...

Anyways, this is a continuation of my AngstyCaravan. Feel free to post any suggestions of any plot and I'll be the one to take care of it. Ciao~


Accidents happen, because no one can prevent it from happening. But if you are the one that initiated that accident, it will make you think that you have a very loyal friend beside you once, but you'll just realize his importance once his gone.

That's what the Arcobaleno or simply, the seven strongest felt.

Tsunayoshi Sawada is Luche's niece, the only remembrance to her deceased sister Nana and her husband, Iemitsu.
The young brunet is very close to the current Sky Arcobaleno and the others too, but when they find out that he weilds the Sky Flames, things changed and the other Arcobaleno despised him.

But the brunet is stubborn, and he is determined to how them his worth.

And everything was shattered like a mirror at the last Arcobaleno meeting.
The last meeting they held together before Luche lose her sky purity and gained a much more sinister personality.

Tsuna was scolded by Skull when the brunet crashed at his motorbike accidentally, spilling Reborn's cappucino making the hitman's anger at him increased.

"Gomen!" Tsuna apologized, stammering as he wiped the spilled coffee from Skull's motor, as he eavesdropped at the other's talk.

"Psh, such a Dame. Are you sure that he is your relative Luche?"

"What a waste of time."

"Finish that brat and stop your clumsiness!"

Tsuna bowed his head a bit to hide his pain and hurt but he forced a smile and looked up at them, smiling sheepishly. "Ah! Do you want some drinks?"

Anger momentarily forgotten, Reborn leaned at his seat. "Tss, the usual."
The others followed his example too, giving their choices. Tsuna grinned and raced outside, running for the nearest cafe at the other side of the road.

The other Arcobalenos was so focused at their discussion that they didn't noticed a loud honking and the sound of a small body crashing at a speeding truck. Only they did realize what happened when Luche staggered, face-pale and her face twisted in a silent scream.

She raced outside too, and could only cried out when she'd notice the only one that reminds her of her sister and entrusted to her to take care of.

"TSUNA!!!!!" Luche screamed with fear, as she raced for her fallen niece, racking his lifeless body close to her while crying.

The other Arcobalenos was terrified themselves, because the bond that was slowly created between them and the brunet snapped like a piece of string. That their supposed to be new boss died, not even tasting the fun or the joy of being a boss.

Luche's scream and cry echoed at the deserted road, before a blazing Sky Flame burst through her, thus, leading to the birth of her much more darker flame.

And inside the Vongola Ring, Giotto Di Vongola could only closed his eyes sadly, that the only most worthy to changed the Vongola, the supposed to be only living hope was gone. Forever.


Sorry, I have to sneak this in as a hurried form. I told you, I am an active updater-slash-reader-slash-gamer because hey! Even though I work three stories at the same time, I am still a 14 years old that lacks in game you know?

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