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Hello for my fellas out there. This is dedicated to our fellow reader Tempesta-Di-Cielo for commenting first. Ahaha, don't worry. You are free to comment your favorite couples. I'm just listing your couples based on who comments. Ciao~

PS: The messages are a product of mine and reading it makes me giggle madly.


Roses are red
Violets are blue
My heart is missing
Because of you

Gokudera Hayato felt his mouth drop at the single piece of sticky note pressed at his table. He shakily pulled it and re-read the letter, and hell, he could feel his blood rushing to his cheeks.

A laugh from behind him make the hair at the back of his neck stood. "Ahahaha, is that a love letter, Hayato?" Face turning red deeper, he glared (tried) at the rain-guardian. "Shut up, Yakyuu-baka!"

Still, he couldn't even stop a smile tugging at his lips. Brown eyes blinked at his smile before the person smiled too.


The next week, a new sticky note was pressed inside the drawer of his desk, but with a small pen with a bow and arrow keychain.

Roses are red
  Violets are blue
Are you a disguised cupid?
Cause you just struck my heart, stupid

He felt a laugh bubbling at his chest but he immediately blocked his mouth with his hands to stop giggling like a high school teenager. He immediately stuffed the pen at his bag, determined to never use it (even though when he nearly tore Takeshi's head for using it without his consent) The brown eyes gazed at him from afar, a pen with a heart keychain on it's desk.


The cycle of the sticky note continued, and the next Monday, the silver-haired bomber was more enthusiastic to go to school. And arriving there, a piece of sticky note is pressed again, this time, with a silver necklace with a half-heart.

                  Roses are red
                Violets are blue
                This is for you
                   I like you

Hayato nearly fell over in shock, he was very sure that his face resembled a tomato right now, he could hear Takeshi commenting about it but the bomber is still frozen in place, before a soft smile appeared at his lips.

Brown eyes blinked in shock before it softened, playing with a necklace with the other half of the heart.


The next weeks, Hayato was a little disappointed when he didn't seen the sticky notes at his desk. He was a little depressed and just shrugged off the pang at his chest. He felt regret that he sometimes left his Jyuudaime for the sticky note, and decided to just forget everything.

After three weeks then, valentines is near, when he found the clue on who is his secret admirer.


Hayato put his bag at his chair and opened the drawer, only to be greeted by a big red card that was folded elegantly. He felt the familiar tug at his chest and he giddily smiled, opening it.

How could A person like You exist? Do you know how hArd it is for me To stop my feelings for yOu? I can't say it directLy but, I liKE you, just the waY yOu are. AishiterU.

He felt himself blushing and stammering at the letter and noticed the weird pattern, and took put some words. Funny, because the hidden message sent some weird feelings to him than the letter.

He craned his neck to look at his Jyuudaime, only to noticed that he isn't there. He asked Takeshi, who shrugged and told him that Tsuna didn't go to school today.

He felt weird about that, looking at the paper, before dashing out of the room.


"Jyuudaime?" Hayato took a peek inside his boss' room only to deflated a bit when he didn't see any brunet. He was about to leave when he noticed something pressed at the window glass. He inhaled sharply. It's the sticky note!

He felt something raised at his stomach when he took it shakily, biting his lips to prevent crying out as a theory poked at his chest like hot metal.

                   Roses are red
                Violets are blue
                Today is special
                   So did you

He looked behind him to see Nana smiling at him. "Go on, Hayato-kun." She coo-ed. "You know where he is right?"

Hayato nodded before tripping at te stairs, racing outside. He reached his destination, seeing the familiar brown hair at the swing. He pants, putting his hands at his pocket in search for the other sticky notes, before listing it one-by-one.

"Roses are red, violets are blue. Your heart isn't missing. I give mine to you." He slowly took a step forward, taking out the next sticky note and the pen, he smiled seeing the heart keychain at the pen the brunet is holding.

"Roses are red, violets are blue. I'm no cupid, but I can struck you, stupid." He felt the brunet snicker that give him confidence. He took another step forward.

"Roses are red, violets are blue. You already have mine, I like you too." The brunet turned, smiling at him as Hayato clasped Tsuna's hand and took out the silver necklace, completing the split heart. He leaned his forehead at the brunet's forehead before whispering.

"Roses are red, violets are blue. I like you too." Tsuna blinked at him smiling, before he tip-toed to kiss him. Hayato immediately returned the kiss, before leaning just a few inches away, smiling widely.

"And Roses are red, violets are blue.
Today is very special, when i'm with you." Tsuna grinned at him before capturing his lips again.



"Hah, finally. I never thought that Dame-Tsuna can be that romantic." Reborn shook his head, while his partner-in-crime Takeshi captured some pictures of the two lovebirds.

"Haha, even I was shocked seeing that sticky notes." He hummed to himself. "Nana-san would be happy with this!" Takeshi's smile turned serious. "But I wonder about Iemitsu-san."

Reborn was silent for a while. "Give me a few of that. We'll give that Baka-Iemitsu a good valentines gift."

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