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Hello to my fellas out there. This is a dedication to all, well not really, but anyways, if you can't understand these will, just unleash your imagination and imagine that you are Claire, m'kay?


Tsuna already know from the start that his life is already reached the limit of normal in a person's life. Ever since his baby tutor in hell now turned adult Reborn came to his life, his life turned 180 degrees.

Escaping death, playing with fire, fighting villains, and amassing a dangerous allies and guardians that will help him change the Vongola.

Now, in his 20 years old glory, he finally inherit the mantle to the Vongola, as Nono kissed goodbye the paperworks (the less said about those evil munchkins, the better) the heir to the throne could feel the lack of love.

Ah, no. Not that way. Love, from a certain person.

Well, it's been a long time already when he finally felt that Kyoko is merely a part of his life, a puppy love or infatuation is what he felt for her, Haru has a better relationship with Hayato, even though they act like cats and dogs to each other, and Chrome....
He shuddered at the thought and immediately remember a certain pineapple.

Anyway, he just felt like he need to find himself someone that he could shower with love or something, because he know that his guardians have already someone they can rely on.

And that lead him to this situation.


Tsuna openly gaped at the woman in front of him.

Wild raven hair was held back by a blond bandana, illuminating her clear blue eyes that was filled with determination (he wondered of that's what his eyes looks like once he fought) Her hands are clenched at her blouse that was covered in holes like she spent her free hour poking it with a fork, completed with jeans. But...

The girl huffed. "Tsk, I said, I don't want to repeat myself, but I want to warn you." She smiled sending some flutters at his stomach. Maybe he is hungry? "I want to be your fangirl." Hayato tensed beside him and boy, Tsuna could feel him hissing, but thankfully, Takeshi immediately asked the question at his head. "Why?"

"Oh, I didn't tell you why, didn't I?" The woman, she looks like she's just nineteen, pouted. "My friends are a fangirls of you Vongola. And they might get suspicious that i'm not fangirling or shit anyone of you, that's why i'm here." She paused for a while and pointed at Tsuna. "I want to be your fangirl, Sawada Tsunayoshi!"

Never in his life, did Tsuna felt that his face is very hot.


Claire Arcadia, is one of the siblings of the boss of a minor famiglia. Seems like the friends that she's been talking about is her sisters that is a member of the Vongola Girls (Fangirls) and she's a little angry that her sister is forcing her to join her that's why she had to end ot by becoming the 10th Vongola Boss, Tsuna.

Hah, that's not his problem.

But after along teasing and many whacks in the head from Reborn, Tsuna finally agreed with the raven's request. Because his intuition is telling him that Claire is one of a kind.


"Claire, do you know that Hibari-san has a cute bird?"

"Oh no! Mukuro-san has the cutest owl!"

"Oh please, Takeshi's sparrow is the best."

Claire sighed at her sister's childish argument. She walked away from them, he brother noticing her.

"Hey lil' sis. Where are you going?" Uh oh, her sister's attention is on her again. She smiled nervously as their eyes narrowed.

"I'm going to find my way to Tsuna's heart."

Ah, the joy of being the youngest to overprotective lunatics.


Valentine's Day.

Claire is helping Tsuna's mother make some chocolates for the others (she was introduced to the Sawada matriarch that was filled with glee and a never ending teasing to the young teens), cutting them into heart shapes, topping them with chocolate sprinkles and cocoa powder when she requested the matriarch on how to make cookies.

The brunette immediately attacked her with teasing ("Ohhh, how cute! Are you going to bake for Tsu-kun?") but eventually taught her how to bake them. And both of them are attacked again by teasings when she'd dropped by to give him her homemade cookies (filled with love, as Reborn says)

She never thought that she will open their mansion door greeted by hundreds of flowers and a box of cookies from him. Much to her sister's delight and his brother's dismay.


And when a ball was held at the Vongola Mansion, Tsuna didn't need his guardian or Reborn to persuade him to dance Claire, heck, he asked her himself! Thankfully, her brother is an ally of the Vongola and a good friend
of him.

But when he seen her walking down their stairs with that red Victorian ballgown, he was stunned by a revelation he just conclude once he got over of his stupidness.

She was beautiful. How could he miss that?

And when he was finally dancing her at front of the others, Tsuna finally managed to talk to her.

"I just want to warn you." Claire's blue eyes are locked at him filled with curiousity as Tsuna smiled at her. And he knows that he was already lost in her eyes the moment she announced that she will become his fangirl. And now, he felt like he already found the perfect person that he could lean on. "Hmm?"

"I want to be your fanboy."

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