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When Mukuro came in at the dining table with a black eye and an even blacker mood, the others figured it was better not to mention it. At least most of them did.

"Bwahaha," Hayato chortled loudly, "that's some shiner you got there pineapple."

"Yes, did one of Your Highness's subjects finally revolt?" Lambo joined in gleefully.

Mukuro's lips thinned and he gave his sniggering fellow guardians a withering glare.

Takeshi pounded him on the back. "Ah don't be like that, Mukuro. Seriously though," the baseball fanatic leaned in conspiratorially, "did you get into an argument with a door and lose?" And then, of course, he was off laughing riotously at his own joke.

"Hayato, Lambo, Takeshi." Ryohei hissed somewhat desperately as Mukuro's face pinched tight into a dark mask of seething fury, even though he had to restrain his laughter. "you guys should extremely cut it out."

"Kufufufufu, I got into a fight with a wild monkey." Mukuro finally spoke in a deceptively quiet voice that didn't fool anyone.

Tsuna's sudden, angry "Hey!" had half the occupants, even their visitors, shaking their heads and the other half sighing. So it had been Tsuna that had given Mukuro the black eye. They should have known. Those two was strangely in a silent war this days.

Mukuro turned toward Tsuna and the look that passed between them was practically crackling. Huh, even Reborn is impressed by the tuna's nerve to glare down the mist guardian.

But even though, Reborn wearily rubbed his forehead. These problem student of his and his guardians were going to be the death of him some day.

"Look, Dame-Tsuna, Mukuro, I don't know why you were fighting this time but—

"It was Mukuro's fault!" Tsuna cried out.

"Look, I said I was sorry, dammit!" Mukuro took a step forward, fists clenched at his side. The two of them ignored Reborn that developed a dark look, his hands twitching at the urge to smacked both of them at the head and shower them with his love (aka: his bullets)

"And as if I want that to happen anyway!" Instead of biting back another insult, Tsuna blushed uncharacteristically (whoa, is that a word?) "It's my first time anyway! Give me a break!"

Mukuro made a sound at the back of his throat. "As if you are the only one. You shouldn't kick me at my face. Tsk, Tsunayoshi-kun. It's my first time too."

The others fell silent, freezing as the full meaning behind their words sank.
Lambo was scooted at his chair, hands at his ears while Chrome had her hands at her mouth, trying to stifle her laughter. Hibari's face was emotionless, but the corner of his lips quirked as he leaned back at his seat, one of his hands automatically going around Chrome's shaking shoulder from her attempt to stop herself from laughing. Ryohei's mouth opened and closed, his face paling as he buried his face at his hands.

Hayato on the other hand, felt his eyes rolled at his skull and fainted. Takeshi, even though he is shock himself, managed to caught the bomber, his mind reeling. Reborn smirked.

Mukuro finally, finally managed to caught on about where their arguments is heading. However, Tsuna is still on his ramblings.

"You complain sooo much. What if you tried to be on the bottom so you could—Owww! What the heck!"
He cried, rubbing the sore part where Mukuro hit him.

"That's," Ryohei cleared his throat and smiled weakly, "that's fine. As long as you extremely understand."

However, if Mukuro thought that would be the end of it, he was miserably mistaken.

"If both of you stop flirting, we are busy in our jobs." Reborn smirked at them an hour in their normal basis when Mukuro grabbed Tsuna's hair for being particularly clumsy.

The next day after the big revelation, a widely smiling Ryohei clapped Tsuna on the back. "I don't really extremely get it but it seems you and Mukuro announced you were a couple to everyone. Good for you, Tsuna."

Mukuro had patiently, well patiently for him at least as he explained to Tsuna that thanks to their argument the guardians not only knew they were together but also knew that they'd tried to have sex. So, Ryohei's admiring compliment predictably resulted in Tsuna exploding into color and missing every bullets Reborn shooted at him for slacking in his paperworks.

Then, on Wednesday, Takeshi cornered
Mukuro in his room.

"Here," he thrust a brown paper bag in Mukuro's direction, appearing equal parts pleased and happy, "I buy this for you and Tsuna. Good luck."

"What is it?" Tsuna came up behind him, grabbing his hips and standing on tiptoes in order to look over his shoulder.

Mukiro was pretty sure he did not want to open that bag, but Tsuna was practically vibrating with excitement against his back, which at any other time would be very interesting but not right then. Swallowing hard, he cautiously unfolded the flap. Staring up at him was a box of condoms—Ribbed for Her Pleasure the bright red sticker proudly proclaimed—and a bottle of strawberry flavored personal lubricant.

"Oh," Tsuna puffed softly against the back of his neck. "That's um for..."

His voice trailed off and he buried his head between Mukuro's shoulder blades in embarassment. Mukuro wished he could hide, too, but his unwillingly fascinated gaze was fixed firmly to the bag's contents. He felt his whole body warm, and knew it wasn't just the mortification from having the innocent rain guardian give him rubbers and lube. He should return the stuff to Takeshi, that was his first thought. But Takeshi's grin at them immediately retracted his thought back.

"Uhhh...thanks, I guess?" Mukuro is positively sure that his voice raised a little octave than before as Takeshi laughed.

"Oh don't worry!" He leaned forward. "Haya-kun is a little shy but he really wanted to give it to Tsuna by himself. In fact, he wanted to give you our collection of toys, but—" Mukuro's mind immediately shut down to block off what the rain guardian spoke next.

He is aware of Tsuna's horrified mumblings behind him, including 'Haya-chan', 'Toys?' and weakly let out a grunt. Takeshi grinned at them before leaving, whistling innocently.

Mukuro immediately slammed the door close, stuffing the generous gift at his drawer, vowing to never touch them again. Tsuna was quiet as a mouse behind him, and the mist guardian could symphatize, that they couldn't look at the storm and rain guardian the same way again.


Umm...yeah, that's it... *blush brightly and look at the floor in embarassment* I'm sure that you've gotten it...

A-anyway, comment you choice of couples...I guess?

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