Time (10027)

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This thing kinda hits me when I was doing my laundry. I was like, wow, it'll works, and well, it really hits.

Anyway, sorry for the crappy intro. I also invited you to read my Marrying Trouble (Fairy Tail Edition)


Byakuran never really thought about love or any thing related to that. Well, aside for his love of marshmallow and his sadistic infatuation of Yuni, he is totally hopeless at any love thingy.

That is, until he meet Tsunayoshi of the present. Well, he remembers that stubborn brunet from his future self's memory, he still can't understand well why he'd go so far as killing the Decimo since he never really done anything that bad.

He will never really understand how his future self's mind works. All he know is Tsuna is the opposite definition of Byakuran, that's why it intrigues him. That's how the Operation 10027 (Bluebell kinda named it, sucks right?) aka: stalk the tuna started. Not exactly stalk. Just crashing at the Decimo's mansion at the middle of the night (and being threathened by almost pissed and sent to a heart attack guardians and occupants of the mansion) walk in at Tsuna's bathroom in only towels even if the said latter is still bathing himself, annoying the hell out of the guardians, and staying at the mansion for gods-know-how-long until Kikyo himself goes to the mansion to fetch him.

So that routine always repeat itself, until the occupants of the Vongola Mansion started to warm up at him, well, they still don't let him pass when he'd 'accidentally' walk at the bathroom in towels, but, he started to get cozy and comfortable at the Vongola.

Or that's what Bluebell try to tell him.

"Byakuran-saaaannnn," Bluebell whined, rubbing her hands at her face in an indignant pout. "Do I have to repeat myself again and again?!"

"Hahahahaha, you don't have to, Bluebell-chan! I get it really good!" He shoved marshmallows at his mouth and his expression turned serious again. "What are we talking about again?"

Bluebell made a sound at the back of her throat between a strangled cat and a dying whale as her forehead met the marble table with a loud 'thump!' "Ack, just go to Yuni-chan and ask her herself! She'll make you understand it much more clear!"
The sound of a whine made them look ahead the table as Kikyo slumped at his seat.

"Byakuran-sama, you don't need to go to Yuni-sama's place for something stupid like that! It's obvious! Maybe, they are working something magic or potion on you!"
Zakuro barked a laugh, howling with amusement while slamming his hands at the table. "Hahahaha, potion? Magic? You really are addicted with Harry Potty or something like that, idiot." He laughed harder, ignoring Kikyo's sharp cry of 'It's Harry Potter, you idiot!'

Byakuran smiled cheerfully, even though Kikyo launched himself at the laughing Zakuro, both of them engaged to another epic battle. Bluebell put a hand on her chin, lazily looking at Byakuran.

"I told you Byakuran-san, if you really didn't get it, just did this to Tsu-san." Then the blue-haired maiden leaned in and whisper something to the albino.


Byakuran flied around the mansion with his wings, looking for his target, until he'd caught sight of the familiar brunet.

"Tsunayoshi-kun~" he sang and lowered himself in front of the brunet.
"Ah, Byakuran. Where are you this days? Ms. Collins misses your requests for marshmallows." Noticing that the albino isn't listenig to him, Tsuna looked at Byakuran and nearly squeak out when he noticed their close space.

"B-byakuran?" He stuttered. The albino seemed to think about something for a while before grinning. "Ah, I hope that Reborn-kun and the others will forgive me about this." Byakuran declared to no one before slamming his hands at his fellow sky, pulling him, ducked his head low, letting his lips momentarily brush against the brunet's.

Gokudera's high pitch screech about 'marshmallow freak viruses' snap their contact as Byakuran shot to the air with a laugh, leaving a flabbergasted Tsuna below along with his screeching Storm.


Yeah, the title has no connection to the story. Hehe, I forgot to change it. Anyway, I really don't get it why in most stories I read, Byakuran is the enemy, the antagonist, blah blah blah, well, I don't care. Byaku-cchi is very cute and he isn't that mean for me.
:p bleh!

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