All27 Tribute

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This really pains me to the core of writing this one fellas since this is a big part of mine since the beginning of Mirabella2772's career as a writer. Thanks for following me to my journey as a writer and finishing my first story here on wattpad.

Ehem, sorry for being emotional. Hehe, anyway, this is my last (still thinking about this one) one-shot story of All27 Compilation.


Tsuna folded his clothes neatly, pressing the ruffles and brushing away the imaginary dust in it. Sitting at the edge of his bed, he traced the neat carved-like pattern at the folded blankets he used to wrap around him. He smiled, remembering the way Chrome and Lambo knocked at his door, asking him if they could sleep with him for a while. Used to, before Chrome decided that it is rude, and Lambo thought that it's too childish.

If I could read your mind
I would of thought we're doing fine
With no one better beside me
No no
So baby baby where did you go?

He stood and look at the glass window where Hibari used to perch in, watching him like a hawk, memorizing his movements and sometimes, Tsuna used to imagine that the skylark know Morse code, and with that tonfa of his, tapped through the glass from the other side about simple message like 'How are you?'

If you could read my mind
I've been talking to my pillow every night
Cuz I've been waiting for something more then
The way that we've been going
So baby now I'm going

Opening his huge door, he thought about how Gokudera and Yamamoto wait for many hours and minutes as Tsuna hurried to get dress whenever he forgot about their boys night again because of his paperworks. Ah, that paperworks too. Not that he admit it, but he will really miss that bane of his existance.

Baby baby where'd you go?
I-I've been waiting for you
Maybe maybe you should know
That I look back but you never look back
And maybe we can talk it through
Cuz' I'm still living my life for you
Baby baby
Where did we go?
Oh oh

He walked silently at the carpeted floor, pulling his bag, the sound of the wheels echoing at the used to be loud and noisy hallway whenever Ryohei used the walls as drums, banging his fists at the walls while leaving dents and screaming an off-key 'Extreme!' At the air.

Well I don't see what's wrong (you were so so right)
I never did and now it's gone
But if it's not me it's not you
Tell me how we got you
The way that we've been going
So baby now I'm going

As he walked down at the stairs, he remembered how Mukuro used to wait for him at the bottom of the stairs, smirking at him, soft music played as the illusionist dressed him in various humiliating girly dresses, and they will dance at the beat of the song as Mukuro remarks some lines like 'How are you my lady?'

Baby baby where'd you go?
I-I've been waiting for you
Maybe maybe you should know
That I look back but you never look back
And maybe we can talk it through
Cuz' I'm still living my life for you
Baby baby
Where did we go?
Oh oh

He headed first at the kitchen, where it used to be bustling with the kitchen stuffs, preparing their breakfast, their dinner or their lunch. He missed the way Enma, Dino, Byakuran, even Xanxus and the arcobalenos crashed at his kitchen just to taste his home-made desserts.

I never saw the sign
Open up your eyes and recognize me
Would you recognize me?
It's harder to define
What it is inside
That's what that guides me
What is it that guides me from you?

Where did you go?
If I could read your mind

He opened the big door that used to remind him when he opened his old door in Namimori and greeted by his tutor Reborn, that taught him about everything, and introduce him to the new level of fun, new level of adventures and meeting new friends.

Baby baby where'd you go?
I-I've been waiting for you
Maybe maybe you should know
That I look back but you never look back
And maybe we can talk it through
Cuz' I'm still living my life for you

"Took you many time for that, Dame-Tsuna. Do you want me to shape you back in time again?" Reborn asked him, the adult one this time, not the baby from hell in suit. Behind him, his guardians are waiting, or in Gokudera and Lambo's case, wailing.

"Guys," Tsuna softly hushed. "I'm just going to a vacation."

"Juudaime! We will surely welcome you back after your vacation. Though I can't promise that we wouldn't follow you to Japan..."
Tsuna smiled and laughed softly, patting Lambo at the head. "I'm just taking a break guys. I'll come back. I assure you."

Baby baby where'd you go? (where did go)
I-I've been waiting for you
Where did we go?
I-I've been waiting for you
Where did we go?
I-I've been waiting for you
Baby baby
Where did we go?
Oh oh

Tsuna smiled and waved at them, ignoring Ryohei's shout of 'Souvenir!' 
Adelfo, his personal driver smiled at him before opening the car's door. Tsuna nodded thankfully at him before turning again to wave for the last time before entering the car.

He never said goodbye. Never will. Since even if they didn't see each other for months because of his sudden vacation, they'll still see each other. They always see each other.

He smiled and leaned at his seat, before Lambo's loud wail made him turn and groan. After making the car stop, Tsuna step out of the car, as Lambo charged at him and hugged him tight, Gokudera's angered scold following.


This is Mirabella2772, signing out in peace. Don't worry fellas, maybe, I'll make my 27 Revolution exciting. I'll miss you guys!

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