We Meet Again

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I thank all you guys for reading my book. An I noticed, most of you aren't my actually followers. I appreciate you guys too. Can you please comment for direction and vote is you loved it. Thanks again I love you guys

We Meet Again

    “How is this baby?” I said silently hoping I didn’t wake Aryanna. As I took a step in Aryanna’s room, while Candice was trying to put her asleep. My wardrobe consists of a faded pair of long blue jeans. With the blue jeans, I had on a Melvin Garçon Button up dress shirt. And to top it all off, I was wearing new Garcon Loafers. Melvin Garçon was an upcoming designer that I was fortunate enough to make a portfolio. Melvin Garcon and I are good friends and Melvin Garçon sends me some of his exclusive designs.

    “Hmmm, well its better than a suit but relax honey, everything will be okay.” Candice said as she gave me a prep talk to calm me down. Candice was walking around the crib, in slow circles. Aryanna love the attention that her mother gives her. Candice is a professional, when it comes to putting Aryanna to sleep. I still need more practices, lets just say. When Candice let me put Aryanna to sleep no one didn’t get any sleep that night.

I nodded and exited the room; I know how dramatic Aryanna can get when she hears my voice. When I call her name, Aryanna little ears hops up. Aryanna start to look around for me. When Aryanna see me, starts hopping on her butt smiles and talking. I don’t understand her but I know what she’s saying, “I love you daddy.”

    I remember walking into the hospital; it took me a while because I had to drive from my office. I still remember the call like it was yesterday.

“Oh s**t another contraction… Dwayne bring your ass to the hospital it’s coming out… Click!”

    It was pretty much a one sided conversation but I was so excited that the time has finally came. I walk in the delivery room and I seen my wife. It was a classic Kodak moment; Candice was sitting there exhaling hard with two different doctors next to her bedside. Candice face was stuck in position of indefinite agony. Candice had a river of tears going from her eyes to the bed sheets. Her hand was clutched to the sheets, with the grip that reassemble an eagle. And her hair, -Oh My Gosh- her hair. Let just say, Candice hair was an amalgam of Megan Fox and Don King. I'm going to leave it there because she would be pretty upset if I get in to detail. Contrary to what I describe, that was the sexiest I’ve ever seen Candice.

    “Congratulations; Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins you have a baby girl.” The doctor said and then started cleaning Aryanna up. Aryanna eyes were closed and her little hand was balled up in a fist. The complexion of Aryanna skin tone was caramel with a pitch of nutmeg thanks to me. Also Aryanna was blessed with a head full of hair that already looks better than Justin Bieber. I’ve been waiting my whole life to start living and seeing Aryanna gave me that sensation.

    The head doctor gave Aryanna a little spank on the butt. Aryanna let out a loud scream that would break a glass cup if there were any close enough. With that followed the crocodile tears, the tears was the size of a half of a dollar. I grew defensive, and the doctor notice that I grew curious of the following action.

“Mr. Jenkins, I did that to check her nerves. To make sure Aryanna is feeling pain.” The doctor said, and I gave him the hand gesture to continue to his produces. The doctor turns back toward Aryanna and gave her a lollipop. (I'm just joking laughing out loud)

She was 9 lb. and 6 oz, and was a very healthy baby. Aryanna had all her finger and toes; all her internal organs were functioning properly. Candice and I were blessed to have a healthy pregnancy, since it wasn’t common in her family but we are lucky. 

    “Wish me luck Candice I'm on my way,” I said as I headed out the door. I took my first step outside and I was swallowed by the sunbeams.  The wind was blowing slightly making my hair blow in my face. Yeah I have a buzz cut but if I did it would be in my face. The birds were chirping, singing that song from on of the fairy tales I read about in book. What can possibly go wrong when the day start off likes this? As I walked over to my car, I leaned down and pick up a dandelion. I brought it up to eye level, that’s when I remember when I use to make wishes with dandelions. I closed my eyes and make a wish, immediately push the dandelion. The feathers from the dandelion, made an aura around my car.  “Whoa, that has to be a good sign” I said as I walked over to my car.

    I looked to see if my wife was watching through the windows. Candice wasn’t sighted, that’s when I dashed across the grass. I pulled out my kiss as I made it to the driver seat of the car. My car of choice happens to be a 2008 Voiture Camano. It’s a European brand, from Pair, France.  The paint job on -Ole Beast- (That’s what I named her) was pure silver with a V6. I love V6 engine because it supplies the speed with a modern penalty of gas economy. The interior is fully detailed, and loaded with all the latest gadgets and gismos. Like the full screen navigation name Rachael, she suggest where I should go. It’s a little love affair but don’t tell Candice, she suspects it but she didn’t put two and two together just yet.

    I hopped in the driver seat; I mashed down on the brake petal and hit the push to start. Rachael slid out the dashboard and greeted me.

“Hello, Mr. Jenkins. Where are you going to day?”

“Mind your business women, Stop nagging and let me watch the game.” 

“I don’t know where that is, please try again.”

“Leave me alone women”


    Rachael slides back into the dashboard. I like to have fun and say things like that because I can’t say it to my wife. Hey, don’t judge me okay; it’s my life and my fun. I had my favorite CD in the CD driver, so I pressed play. The CD was made by my sister Asia that resides in Philadelphia. Asia has such a prodigious voice, and it’s a familiar voice, which make it all the more pleasurable. I put the car in drive and pulled out my driveway.

     I was going to get my brother, he has been away for a year and I was panicky about our first in corner. I worried many days about his health, hoping he was taking care of himself. Of course I always came and visit him but I couldn’t really tell if he was health or not. I want my brother to stay out this time, that’s what I prayed for when I had the dandelion. I don’t want to loose my brother again; we haven’t been separate for this long since we were youngsters. This particular separation took a toll on me; he’s like my best friend. As I drove through the entrance and now everything seems surreal, I wish somebody were near me so I could ask him or her to pitch me. As I parked my car I felt a rush of adrenaline go through my body making me want to run to the front door. (Calm down Dwayne, you got to keep a professional demeanor and fight the anticipation. Well at least till we get to the car). “Game time baby” I said to myself as I got out the car and begin to walk towards the front door.

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