Extraction and Departure

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Extraction And Departure

       “What’s up scary ass little boy.” Timothy said as I open the door to greet him.

“Man, I'm cautious. In that case, you can call every man that slows down for flashing yellow light scary.” I said as I hopped out the car.

“Yeah, don’t come up to me with that irrelevant rant. Don’t feed me that drivel jumble.” Timothy said then raises one eyebrow.

“Whatever Tim, you still aren’t smart than me because you substitute foolish for drivel.” I responded shaking my head.

“Yeah say anything to take a man shine away, where you going in The Jets.” {They call the project “Jets”, as an abbreviated terminology} Timothy asked being curious.

“Danny still work for you, I need to see if Travis came to get a reup from him.” I asked scratching my head and looking the other direction because I was embarrassed to hear those words come out my mouth.

“Yeah Dan The Man still works under me, I think he serving a lick now but we can walk to his place.” Timothy said emphasizing the Dan The Man in the process. {A lick is reference as someone doing drug}

       I started walking towards the building but I notice Timothy wasn’t following behind me. I turned around and look at Timothy; then I raised my shoulders and said “What.” Timothy didn’t say anything he simply cleared his throat. Then I instantly knew what he was waiting for.

“Here, I don’t know why you don’t do this for free because we family.” As I handed Timothy the $100, Timothy snatch the money and said. “Man, forget that cuzo. I already did my lifetime of free stuff for you. Everything has a fee for you for now on.” And he was right; he had all the right to be mad that I even questioned giving him money.

       Before I went to college, I was in the same profession that my cousin in now, street pharmacy. One day we were in the city of Lauderhill, making a few sells out there while we were on summer break. Timothy and I were going to sell this last pack and stop so we can focus on college. Timothy always had more customers than I did so he sold his faster then I did. I had one more sell to make and I was going to be finished too. I was thirsty and I went in the Wal-Mart that was open late but they check you on every exit. I didn’t want to get arrested from a security guard so I ask Timothy to hold my last pack until I made it back. So Timothy sat in the car outside of Wal-Mart parking lot while I went to get drinks. After I got check by the Toy Cop I notice police cars surrounding Timothy car. I instantly knew what was going on, and I felt bad that it wasn’t his. They found the pack on Timothy and all his dreams went out the window because he didn’t snitch.

       “Yeah cuzo he should be in the house, ask him when we get inside.” Timothy said as we walk down the sidewalk. The projects were worse than I remember. I saw residence walking around the apartment complex with their weapons visible. I know the constitution state we are able to bare arms. Conjunction to that, they seem to not hold the legal rights.

As we walked passed the passed every apartment, you could see boarded windows; eviction notices, even some place with no front door at all. When you think of places that you consider the ghetto, this is a prime specimen. We walked up to the front door, Timothy knocked on the door.

 ~Knock Knock Knock~ “Yo open the door its me, Shine.” Timothy yelled through the door. Seconds later a dude open the door. Timothy walks through the door and I went to follow after him. The mysterious guy put his right hand in the middle of my chest. “Nah, dawg I don’t know you. Yo Shine who this your probation officer or something?” The guy turned to Timothy and asked. “I should’ve off him?’ The door guy had very big bread, similar to the pharaohs in Egypt.

“Nah he cool, that’s my cousin Diddy.” Timothy moved his hand from the middle of my chest and let me walk in the door. The guy let me walk pass and shut the door after me, and stood at the door. The TV was on BET {Black Entertainment Network} and Timothy sat on the couch across from the TV. “Yo Handz, go get Dan The Man from out the back.” Timothy told the dude standing at the door. Handz nodded his hand and walk to the back but he stared at me the whole time while he exited the room.

       “Timothy what’s up with your boy?” I asked when he went around the corner so he can’t hear me.

“Oh he doesn’t like you.” Timothy said like it was ok to say. I rolled my eyes and said, “Why are you call me Diddy?”

“Because you let me take your charge and you didn’t say nothing. Just like Diddy did to Shine.” Timothy said to me like he was surprised that I even asked such a stupid question.

“The offer still reminds, if you want to get out the project and have a new honest profession like me I have a job for you. Just cut off the dreads and I’ll hire you tomorrow.” I reminded Timothy for the 100 times, knowing that he would turn down my offer.

“No thanks CEO, I'm not going to be a working man when I'm a CEO of my own company already. That’s like owning a Burger King to go work for McDonald’s. Look at your face, you know that’s stupid.” Timothy said trying to compare our professions together. I simply replied with “Okay” because this would be a daylong debate if I do start with him.

       Dan The Man walked around the corner with a sandwich in his hand.

“Looka what we got here, Puff Daddy.” Danny said trying to act like he knew what he was saying.

“The last time someone called him that, Biggie was alive.” I said trying not to get dissed by a white boy.

“Yeah yeah, what you want.” Danny said dismissing my last comment.

“Did you hear or seen my brother? Did Travis call you?” I asked with a concern look on my face.

“Yeah, he came earlier to pick up his favorite medicine. You just missed him too” Danny said pushing his glasses closer to his face.

“Damn.. This sandwich so good I want to smack my daddy.” Danny said looking at the sandwich.

“It’s smack yo momma fool!” Timothy corrected Danny.

“Well I don’t hit women, in plus I love my mother. I hate my dad why can’t I smack him?” Danny said with the most serious look on his face. We all started laughing; even Danny started laughing so he didn’t feel like he missed the joke. Although the joke was on him, everyone just left him with his thoughts.

       ~Ring… Ring… Ring…~ It was my phone, Candice was calling me, I answered it and heard the 5 special words. “Baby we found your brother!” (Thinking to myself that I hope its not too late to save him)

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