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I got closerto the position of the male figure and I can her the sob. (This is not going tobe a comfortable talk) My mind was wondering and I closed those thoughts out. Ihad to be strong for my brother and I know he wouldn't be in great humor. At this point I'm close enough to hear softwhispers, (Hold it together man, Hold it together) "Hey big little man!" Icalled Travis that all the time so he knew it was me approaching. Travisquickly whipped his face, and stood up to his feet as if he was hidingsomething. Travis started walking towards me in an irregular fast pace, Travisgreeted me with a big manly hug. "I came to come get you out the hospitalTravis like we planned, why you leave?" I asked Travis while we was hugging.Travis immediately release from the hug and took a step back. "Dwayne I'm not alittle boy, I don't need you to pick me up." Travis responded with aggression.I frowned but I kept my cool because I knew he was emotional. "Yeah your rightTravis, if you asked me I would've brought you here." I expressed, lettingTravis have his words with no penalty. "Well there are some things you must doalone. And this was my thing and I didn't need you or nobody tagging alone."Travis explained with all the hand gestures included. I took a step back, "I'msorry, am I out of line for coming to check on my brother." I answered with myhands up as if I was being held up. "See now you putting word in my mouth."Travis lashed back. "Then what is it?" I broke my cool. " You know what, yeahgo home Dwayne." Travis released as if he was feeling attacked by my words. "Surething just let me say hello and good-bye to Mary Lou." I expressed as I went towalk pass Travis. Travis held his arm out, trying to prevent me from passinghim. I looked up at Travis and he had a nervous look on his face. "Move out myway!" I demanded Travis. But Travisrefuses to move his arm. I pushed his arm downward and continue to walk towardthe tombstone. I turned around and Travis head dropped into his chest as if helet someone down. I walked in front of the tombstone and Travis yelled out. "Ican explain, it's not what you think." I kneeled down to the tombstone and grabthe bottle that was laid in front of the tombstone. "WHY IN THE HELL YOU GOTTHESE PILL, I'M TAKING YOUR ASS BACK TO REHAB." I yelled as I held up thebottle of Cubicin. Travis look up at me, and his face immediately dropped backin his chest    

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