Pork 'N' Bean Projects

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I thank all you guys for reading my book.  I appreciate you guys too. To give me more confidence and let me know I'm going in the right direction. Can you please comment for direction and vote is you loved it. Thanks again I love you guys

Pork ‘N’ Bean Projects

       I walked out the Rehabilitation Center; the sun was shining the same. The bird wasn’t singing, it was make a obnoxious chirping sound. My body was full of worry, thinking that my brother wasn’t ever going to recover. I felt like I could’ve done more to prevent this from happening. Thinking in retrospect is not going to undo the problem at hand. At this point, the only thing I could do is convincing him to go back. I got to my car and immediately call Travis phone to see if I can get a hold of him.

~Ring … Ring … Ring~ “You have reached Travis…” ~Click~ it went to voicemail, now I’m starting to get nervous. After promising my mother I would take care of my brother, I feel like I fail both of them. I told my mother I would help Travis kick this addiction, and get passed this. He’s my younger brother; I'm supposed to take care of him. I wish things were simpler than this.

       “Baby, did Travis come by the house” I asked my wife; in case he checked out and went to my house.

       “Wait… so why are you asking me about someone your picking up?” Candice asked being a smart ass.

       “Hmmm Candice, he signed himself out of rehab.” I said ignoring her smart comment.

       “Oh no, now that’s stupid. How they let a drug addict sign himself out of rehab.” Candice responded.

       “I asked the same question, Wwwale obliviously that was a self admitting facility and they have complete control.” I answered being a smart ass mimicking the clerk.

       “You know what you have to do Dwayne, baby go give Dan a visit.” Candice replied with the lost of hope in her voice.

       “I just hate going to that side of town, you remember he was mad when he found out Travis was going to rehab.” I responded knowing this isn’t a start of a good day now.

       “Baby you promise Ms. Jenkins that you would take care of Travis and I wont let you break that promise. Besides Danny didn’t grow that much since High School, how much he weight now 105? If Danny got on boots and a cowboy hat, he can hit his max at 110!” Candice said to lighten the mood.

       We both busted out in laughter, because we both knew that Danny was the class in boxing under Mini Flyweight.

       “Baby call your cousin if you feel like you would have a problem or something.” Candice said to give me an escape route in case this get bad. Which more times then not, they actually did.

       The city of Miami, tourist comes to this city every year for many events. And they don’t know the True Hollywood Story; First 48 etc. crimes shows that host this city on countless accounts. And the project that is victorious for having this beautiful city have a huge crime rate is Pork’N’Bean projects. Just give me shivers seeing the name in text, every time I see pork and beans the product. I want to shed a tear for all the shed blood that was release in this circle of terror. Spending one night in Pork’N’Bean projects should be listed in one of the events on the show Fear Factor. No one would be the winner in that episode. I promise myself, if I make it out those projects back when I finished High School, I would never return. 10 years later, I'm going to break my promise to myself just so I don’t break my promise to my mother. Being in the center of this project, is equivalent to being in the belly of the beast in all seriousness. Do you remember that movie Training day starring Denzel Washington, well like that neighborhood but in real life! If you don’t believe me, just Google it and apologize when you get back.

“Tim, what’s up cousin?”

“Nothing, chilling in the trap, what good?”

“Did you see my brother today? He was release from rehab today.”

“Man I can’t call it, I been getting this money all day. But I’ll let you know if I do.”

       “Wait… I’m coming up there and you know I can’t be alone there, you got me?”

“I got you cuzo, I can’t let my one successful cousin get knocked in my hood. Auntie would go h.a.m {Hard As A Motherf***er} on me.”

       “Okay… Thanks I’ll let you know when I'm close.”


       Timothy doesn’t do anything for free, well at least not for me since he knows I'm a man with means. So I drove to the ATM to compensate him for his time chaperoning me through Pork ‘N’ Bean projects. I pulled out a $100, to show him I appreciate his company. I went to an ATM a few streets down so I don’t in come across any of the residence of the projects. As I pulled out of the local convenient store I made my way to 15th avenue and I called my cousin.

       “Tim, I’m on 15th avenue and I'm heading to the front meet me outside,”

“Okay… scary ass little boy”


       Timothy was my cousin who refuses to go on the right path. There’s one in every family so everyone can relate. He was every stereotype that white people paints in their head when they see a black male. He was tall like 6’1, with dreadlocks that went down his back. Not the single neat dreads, if you seen the movie Shottas. Well my cousin had dreads like slim, huge combine dreads that look similar to roots on a tree. In addition to that Timothy often us offensive language, sold drugs, had felonies and had no respect for the law. But one thing Timothy lacks that white people pigeonhole black male. Timothy was extreme smart but he didn’t have the chance to display it because of the favor he gave me.

       Timothy was waving me down to park at the parking space that was available next to him. (Well Dwayne here goes nothing, at the end of the day everything is everything? Travis can get readmitted if necessary.) I was coaching myself to prepare for the worse, so I wont shed a tear in front of people. 

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