Chapter 22

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Harry's P.O.V.

I dropped Elayna at her house and went to mine.

"Hey." I entered in Gemma's room.

"Hellooo." She said and I sat on the bed.

"So you liked Elayna?" I asked her.

"Liked? I love her already! She is so sweet. I can consider her my little sister."She exclaimed.

"Wow.That's great." I smiled.

We sat there for sometime talking about her college and different stuff.

"I am really sleepy now.Good night." I yawned.

"Good night." She replied and I went to my room.

I laid on my bed and couldn't stop myself from thinking of Elayna.She was looking so damn pretty today.She looks pretty everyday but today she was looking something extraordinary and with that i drifted to sleep.


Elayna's P.O.V.

I woke up and replied to Harry's Good morning text.I got ready,finished my breakfast and Harry came and we went to school

We straight way went to cafeteria and sat where our group was sitting.We were talking and Morgan cut us.

"Look who is back?" He said with sour expression.

"Who? Me and Harry said in unison and saw behind us where Morgan was looking.

"Who is he?" I asked.

"He is Micheal the bad boy of the school." Harry replied.

"I haven't seen him before." I turned my face to the group.

"Obviously! He left the school two years ago we all were really happy about it. Stay away from him he is man whore." He said in a warning tone.

"Ohh seriously I was planning to throw myself on him." I said sarcastically.

"Sure you do.To whom are you kidding babe? I know you wont do that." He smiled.

"You know me so well." I chuckled.

"Yeah." He smiled.

We stopped talking when someone sat besides me.I turned my face and saw Micheal.

"Hello Styles." He said smiling.

"Hi." He replied with no emotions.

"Long time no see." He said.

"Yes because you left town and we all were happy." Harry said with a smirk.

"Its nice to hear you missed me too." He smiled.

"Yeah right." Harry rolled his eyes.

"And Hello to you." He said turning his attention towards me.

"Hi." I replied looking past him.

"So what's your name babe?" He asked with a smirk and I saw Harry tensed up beside me.

I got pissed who the hell gave him the right to call me Babe? Harry is the only one who can call me babe.

"1st I am not your babe and 2nd I dont wanna tell you whats my name."I snapped.

"Well you will be soon." He smirked.

"In your dreams mister." I rolled my eyes.

"Fiesty I like you already." He again smirked and I took everything inside me not to slap him to take remove that stupid smirk off of his face.

"Well my name is Micheal.You don't need to remember it because you will be screaming it soon." He grinned.

"Fuck off" I replied.

"Dude behave." Harry said in a warning tone.

"I am not doing anything Harry chill." He raised his hands in defeat.

"So you two are together?" He asked.

"What is it with you if we are?" I asked before Harry could say anything.

"Nothing. I am just curious." He replied.

"So what happened to Malissa?" He asked to Harry.

"How do you know about Malissa? I met her last summer and you weren't here." He asked.

"What you think Harry I didn't know what you all were up to? I exactly knew what was happening when I wasn't here."He replied.

"Sure you do.Btw its none of your business." He spat.

"Offcourse its my business. You're my best mate after all." He smiled and Harry rolled his eyes.Just then bell rang to dismiss our misery.

I grabbed my bag and walked out of the cafeteria with Harry.

"He is such an asshole." Harry said to me.

"Yeah I know." i replied and we entered in the class.

Harry's P.O.V.

I couldn't believe he is back again.I thought he would never come back but no he had to.I am having a bad feeling about him.I have to keep Elayna away from him as far as possible .He is a really bad guy and Elayna is really innocent.He is interested in her and I can easily tell that.

I wanted to punch him right in the face when he called Elayna "Babe".That's my thing! No one can call her Babe except me.But I was happy when Elayna corrected him.

We went to our class and half of the day went normal.Thank God we didn't have any class with Micheal.It was the break time.Me and Elayna went to cafeteria and saw a bunch of girls sitting on a table and with them Micheal was there.Its his 1st day and he already started flirting.

"Hello guys." He said smiling when we walked passed him and I saw Elayna rolling her eyes.

I was Happy that he didn't join us in the break.Now me and Elayna have separate classes so we headed in different directions.

Elayna's P.O.V

The day was finally over! Harry told me to meet at the gate in the off time.So I met Harry and we started walking towards my house.

"Umm Elayna I wanted to ask you something."Harry said when we reached my house.

"Yeah?" I asked him.

"Will you go to bonfire with me?" He asked.

"But you loose the bet remember? So why would I go with you?" I teased.

"Yeah I remember that.But the bet is over now and I really want you to come with me.So please." He begged.

"Umm Hmm. I need to think about it." I said and bought my hand under my chin acting like I am thinking.

"C'mon don't over think it and stop teasing me." He said.

"Ok I will come." I smiled but inside I was dancing.He asked me! He finally asked.

"Finally." He laughed and I joined him.

"Bye . I will see you tomorrow."He waved.

"Bye." I waved back.

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