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"ELIZABETH I TOLD YOU FOR THE VERY LAST TIME TO STOP BABYING THAT LAB RAT!" The man of the houses voice echoes throughout the house and he steps forward with a gun. "Jack no please! I promise I won-" her words are cut off with a bang and she falls to the floor with tears in her eyes. "Eddward...." Are her last words.
"Now that she's gone we can finally experiment with no interruptions." The man says with a devilish grin stepping forward with a long tray filled with needles.

Double D wakes up screaming and Kevin is there right away. "come on man you've been doing this every night for nearly 6 months now....I'm guessing therapy isn't working?" The redhead says as he hugs the boy and he finally calms down. "I'm so sorry Kevin I'm nothing but a bother to you..." He begins to cry and the redhead wipes away his tears. "It's cool dork. I'm used to it by now anyway."  He gives a smile to double D and heads back to his own room. "Now I'm even having dreams about stuff that never even happened." Double D says with a frown and attempts to go back to sleep.

Double D wakes up and yawns as he still feels tired from his restless night of sleep. He has been "double D" for 6 months now and is finally getting the hang of socializing and the real world. Kevin's mother walks in with a plate of pancakes. "Here you go honey! Also, you have a session with Dr. Schultz today." She says while placing the plate on next to his bed on the nightstand. "Thank you for breakfast!" The boy says with a big smile.

Double D arrives at the therapist and enters the room. "Hello Eddward how are you today?" The Therapist asks with a soft smile. "I'm okay...I had another dream last night and in this one I saw my mother get shot by my father...." The boy says with a frown. "Well Eddward I have to admit these terrors going on so much are a concern. It must have been tragic for you to lose both your parents in an accidental fire but these dreams are always of only your mother only dying." The doctor says with a frown and jotting some notes down. "tell me Eddward what calms you down most in this world?" Dr. Shultz asks. "K-ke..." He stops himself with a blush after almost admitting his feelings. "Well if you're not ready to tell me it's okay but I want you to think about what calms you down before bed."

Double D gets home and Kevin is in the living room trying to study. "Hey dork. Do you think you can help me? I have a huge test tomorrow and am completely lost..." The readhead says grabbing the back of his head with a small smile. "Of course Kevin!" The boy says with a gap toothed smile. "So how was therapy?" The ginger asks with a caring tone. "It was okay, thanks for asking." Double D says while jotting down notes in Kevin's notebook. Kevin looks over at double D and stares at him while thinking about how scared he was when he first came back and how he screams every single still night from terrors he wants to help him even if it means making a fool of himself. "Hey double D?" Kevin says while still looking at the boy next to him jotting down notes. "Yes Kevin?" The boy says while now looking over at the ginger. "W-would...Uhm...shit...well how about we have a sleepover in the living room know to see if it helps with your dreams..." The redhead feels his face getting hot and has no idea why. Double D's face lights up and he attacks the redhead with a hug. "I would love that Kevin!" He says with a huge smile and the redhead hugs back with a smile. "C-Choice." He says and mocks himself in his own mind for sounding like a dweeb. That night double D sleeps on the couch and Kevin sleeps in a sleeping bag on the floor in front of him and both of them completely sleep through the night. No nightmares. No screams.

Eddward finally pulled himself off the old Lab's floor he then limps his way to the base of the stairs and crawls up them with his good arm. He eventually finds his way outside and then collapses on the front lawn, blacking out again.


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