Ice Cream:Part/18

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*Blake's POV*

Then as all the guys came in I noticed Jacob had been laying his eyes on Kate the whole time."Dude,are you okay?"I said nudging at Jacobs shoulder."Yea,its just I can't believe Kate would cheat on me..."he said looking down."I don't think she would I mean I've only know her for a whole day and she doesn't seem like that type of girl that would."I said trying to cheer him up."Well she did..."he said ending the convo.Then we all went for ice-cream.We went to Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream Shack.Me and Kate found out we both like cookie dough.Brandon got sherbert.Jacob got triple cookie dough.Hunter got mint and chip.And Ashton got snickers."Triple cookie dough was my favorite."Kate said."What about it though?"I said."It was me and his fave when we were dating,"she said sniffling,"I've got to go!"she said running out of the shop."Kate!WAIT!"I said running a bit after her."What was that all about?"Brandon asked."She's upset..she just needs time to herself."I said walking back in.


*Kate's POV*

"I--I just--I just can't believe he would...


hey cuties!❤
sorry for not updating sooner,I've been testing for my final grade.So yeah,after I get home from practice I'll try to update after Empire!😍MY SHOW!!!
kk bye babes!😙💘

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