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Willow POV

All I could hear was the sound of water crashing against porcelain and running down the drain. I felt as I was just like the sound; hollow with no end. My breaths were shallow and my body was frozen. Warm water rushed down my naked body as time stood still with me. 

My mind kept drifting to the  moment in my life where I felt like I was dying. The one moment Dr. Sandra told me not to think about. I kept replaying the moment at random times in my mind, like when I would be making breakfast or watching TV. I would remember him and just the thought of that makes me want to puke.

I shook my head once and let my thoughts drift down with the water into the drain and pool at my feet. There, stay there

After a beat,

I gently got out of the shower waking up to reality. The fresh air give me some relief and I took a breath just for my mental state. 

I wrapped myself in a towel, tying it at the top making sure it was secure. As I was tying the knot, the doorbell rang. Hm, that should be Anais, I thought. I had invited my best friend over for dinner; it was a friday night and a tradition we started before are careers launched as models. 

I quickly walked out of the steamy bathroom, wincing when my feet touched the cold marble of my apartment. With just the towel on I walked to the door, very sure that it was An and opened it. 

When I opened it I was met with a guy wearing a hat, a long coat and a surgical mask. He also was lugging around  suitcase.

"Markeu, look I got some food and some toys for co!-" the mysterious guy paused as he finally looked up revealing spruce colored eyes, clear skin, and a smile so big that I could even see it through his mask. 

He looks handsome... I thought. I couldn't see his body figure that well, nor his face so I assumed he was a kpop idol. Wait, what is an idol doing at my doorstep?!

For a few seconds we just stood there in silence, studying each other before I broke it.

"Ahhh!" I screamed, remembering that I was just in a towel in front of this random guy who can  walk into my house right now. 

"AHHHHH!" he screamed in a much more louder voice than me. 

I immediately shut the door wondering why the masked guy was here. At least I wasn't the only one freaking out. 

"Sorry! Mianhe! I must have come to the wrong door. Anyo, sorry again!" 

I could hear hurried footsteps walking away from my door and let out a sigh of relief. Who was that guy? Was he just visiting his friend? Maybe he needs to stay at his friends for a few days?

I walked back to my bathroom to change, thinking about the doorbell guy, and making up predictions on what he's doing here, also wondering if my body figure was a little apparent. 

Not that I'm ashamed of my body; being a model comes with its benefits. I was just wondering if he... liked what he saw. 

I slipped into a yellow blue striped sweater, paired with comfortable jeans and hopped onto my expensive couch patiently waiting for An, all the while thinking about the masked guy.


Youngjae POV

I couldn't help staring. A man wouldn't be able to stop staring. Even a boy. When the girl had opened the door, I thought Mark had gone through some transformation or something. Then I realized I was actually face to face with a female. 

She was just wearing a towel loosely on her body, and I could easily see her S line figure. Peeking out from under the towel I could see her honey thighs, and her perfectly manicured toenails. 

Honestly my breath was caught in my throat. She must be a model... I thought as I stood there dumbfounded in awe. I really didn't know what to do in this situation and just stood there like a perv. She probably thinks I'm one now. 

My eyes traveled back up again hitting her lips, and it definitely was a sin looking at her that way. I realised it probably was the first time I ever looked at a girl like that. I mean as an idol I have seen many pretty girls but not a girl who made me not think straight. 

She gave me a weird look, and I could understand that since I was heavily covered up. It's hard being an idol. 

And then as if the clock had stopped for that one moment and then started ticking again, she screamed. 

Then I screamed, because she screamed and I was terrified. 

Then I bolted to a different door. 

And the right door was next to hers. 

I jabbed a thumb onto the bell ringer multiple times, and knocked a few times before Mark opened the door. 

I was welcomed with a gust of cologne and my member in GOT7, Mark Tuan. His hair gleamed in the lights of the hotel and his smile made me a feel a bit less embarrassed about what had just happened but nevertheless I bolted straight into his house. 

Now it would be our house. 

"Youngjae! Hey -" Mark stumbled back as I pushed past him into the apartment making my escape. Which wasn't really since I was next door. 

"Wow that was nice. Hey why are you all sweaty? Did something happen on your way here?" Mark asked with furrowed eyebrows already coming up with ideas of what might've happened. 

"You wouldn't believe..." I started as I rolled my luggage into the living room, took of my coat and collapsed on his couch. Our couch. Living with Mark will take some getting used to. 


"Why are you so afraid to be loved?

 I am right by your side what are you afraid of

Though our love is ordinary

The value is immeasurable you hear me?

It's like flying in the sky feeling that I might fall any minute"

Fly - GOT7

philophobia - choi youngjaeWhere stories live. Discover now